The Law is an Ass, by Philip Ruddock
by budgie Friday, Sep 8 2006, 11:42am
national /
injustice/law /
The Attorney General of Australia, Philip Ruddock, announced today that broader ranges of people in the community (including non-Muslims) are to be targeted as “terrorists!” Ruddock also stated that persons who are not ‘terrorists’ need not be alarmed as his new wider classification should not concern ‘them’(?)
In view of today's announcement, Ruddock is now obliged by Law to define what he imagines constitutes a (non-Muslim) "terrorist". It is well known by legal advocates around the globe that a clear and comprehensive definition of "terrorism" would label the Bush, Blair, Olmert and Howard regimes as terrorist! The onus is now on that Nazi buffoon Ruddock, to account for the vagaries in his 'determinations'. The Attorney General risks being branded a paranoid and delusory idiot if he fails to clarify his previous statements. At present he remains the focus of scorn, ridicule and a source of public entertainment. Do your best Mr. Attorney (imbecile) General!
Paul Wolfowitz: pupil of Leo Strauss
Without adequate clarification Australian citizens are left to conclude that the determination of who exactly is a 'terrorist' has become an arbitrary prerogative of the Attorney General and his gang of Gestapo enforcers! Whatever happened to due process, innocent until PROVEN guilty? God help that journalist who stepped on Ruddock’s toe, he will be the first to go! It is not coincidental that the Bush regime also considers due process to be an inconvenience.
Ruddock’s logic and methods reek of neo-con ultra-right ideology, which is responsible for the illegalities of pre-emptive war and Guantanamo (Torture) Bay. Philip Ruddock is the means through which the criminal methodologies of the Bush regime are expressed in Australia – America's latest colonial acquisition.
For those who thought it could never happen here, we can only say, we told you so! Many commentators and analysts raised the alarm when “new sweeping terrorist laws” were rushed through Parliament. The scope for abuse was/is enormous, today’s statement by the Attorney General confirms previous analysis and forecasts.
It is now perfectly clear that the lackey Government of Australia follows the illegal course pursued by the USA, both John Howard and his Attorney General have reached new depths of subservience as they wait patiently for a pet on the head from their overlord, George Dubya Bush.
For those who remain ignorant of the policies of the new America, the following encapsulated quotes from the “Godfather” of neo-con ideology, Leo Strauss, may assist in comprehending the new reality of SLAVERY and TOTALITARIAN rule FOR ALL:
"Leo Strauss believed in the efficacy and usefulness of "noble lies" in politics to keep the uncomprehending masses in line; that the strong are fit to rule; the weak ought, in turn, to be ruled; that it is important and necessary for political entities to use force and fraud to prosper; and that "nationalism requires an external threat - and if one cannot be found, it must be manufactured."
Howzat? Penny dropped yet? No! Perhaps a quote from the source of this ideology may help”,
from Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf:
“The function of propaganda does not lie in the scientific training of the individual, but in calling the masses' attention to certain facts, processes, necessities, etc., whose significance is thus for the first time placed within their field of vision. The whole art consists in doing this so skilfully that everyone will be convinced that the fact is real, the process necessary, the necessity correct, etc. But since propaganda is not and cannot be the necessity in itself, since its function, like the poster, consists in attracting the attention of the crowd, and not in educating those who are already educated or who are striving after education and knowledge, its effect for the most part must be aimed at the emotions and only to a very limited degree at the so-called intellect...The more modest its intellectual ballast, the more exclusively it takes into consideration the emotions of the masses, the more effective it will be..."The art of propaganda lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses and finding, through a psychologically correct form, the way to the attention and thence to the heart of the broad masses. The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand [or believe].”
We have no illusions as to the real nature of Ruddock’s guilty by selection process; those of us who have opposed and exposed nefarious, criminal and deceitful governments, require silencing.
In defiance of all dictatorial and totalitarian rule we would take this opportunity to state plainly that the Bush, Blair and Howard governments are in breach of numerous international laws and conventions, which were originally instituted to protect humanity from despotic rule and crimes against humanity, including pre-emptive war (another form of ‘guilty by selection’).
This once great egalitarian nation has been sold for a penny, principally because its present leaders are the most disgusting cowards the human race could ever produce. While it is true that a nation deserves its leaders, it is also true that traditional Aussies will continue to fight the forces that would exploit, degrade and enslave. Let it be known today that this battle will never cease, come what may – we will fight you until we restore the principles that made this nation a paradise on earth, equality and fair play – those simple principles once made this nation the envy of the world. Today the enemies of Australia are plain to see, the traitors have taken government and now dictate without due process who or what is ‘undesirable’ or ‘terrorist’ – Zeig Heil to those methods.
We conclude with the famous words of an Australian hero and icon, Ned Kelly, who took a philosophical view of the end of his larrikin life; however, we would never have imagined that his words would apply to the entire nation: “and it has come to this..”
Today marks national tragedy day for Australia.
To those who would oppress,
We are not surprised nor are we unprepared, we actually thought it would occur sooner, we leave you with the knowledge that (transparent) cowards have nowhere to run (Dubya can’t help you!)
And finally, the famous words of Uncle Ho to the invading Americans, “YOU WILL NEVER SUCCEED”.
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