Communications Minister Conroy opts for Orwellian option
by jack Sunday, Dec 30 2007, 1:42pm
national /
social/political /
If nothing else Senator Conroy’s decision to take the matter out of the hands of users and filter internet content at provider (ISP) level confirms that both major political parties are subject to the same ruling interests. After vigorous opposition from the public the previous conservative government chose to offer filtering software for users to install at their discretion – the FREEDOM to CHOOSE is the crux of the matter!
Rudd Labor Government
Earlier articles (see links) warned that porn would be utilised as the excuse to implement Orwellian strategies to suppress the free flow of information. Today those fears have been realised. Australia joins the repressive Chinese communists and other repressive regimes in implementing firewalls beyond the reach of the average user – I would make the point that IT experts and enthusiasts are never constrained by these measures but it is the masses that governments wish to target.
As is evident in China, an information underground will soon develop for even average users; people are loath to be denied information and have a natural aversion to totalitarian measures.
Those naïve Australians who imagined the Labor government would be an improvement are having a very rude awakening. Immediately after gaining nationwide wide power, federally and at state level, Labor lifted bans on GM crops and began to withdraw from its previous position of taking action against corrupt senior public servants and previous members of government – didn’t we know it!
However, implementing information control against the people at this early stage surprised even seasoned analysts. We note that Transnationals continue to enjoy the freedom to pilfer our precious, finite (water) resources free of charge AND WITHOUT INTERFERENCE! Perhaps the Rudd government pursues the people as a form of compensation for failing to pursue the IMPORTANT issues affecting our world.
Why not just stick to the few promises you made during the election campaign, Kevin? You seem to have learnt a great deal from China during your many visits and dealings with Chinese officials – surely it should have been the Chinese that learnt freedom from Australia? But we are aware that China is the envy of the Western world, no elections, totalitarian control, repression of all dissenting voices etc – who needs democracy it worked for China why not for us?
Well, Kevin, the Truth is China teeters on revolt and the least social pressure will result in chaos for that nation. If you’re not aware of the situation its probably the result of information suppression!
When the FREEDOM to choose is taken out of the hands of the people how simple it becomes to make additional entries to the filter without notice or debate (eg POLITICAL DISSENT) – its goodbye to the last vestige of democracy in the West and hello to the tactics of Goebbels, Stalin and Mao!
THE FOUNDATION STONE OF DEMOCRACY – THE ABILITY TO DISSEMINATE AND ACCESS ALL INFORMATION -- HAS JUST BEEN REMOVED BY THE LABOR PARTY OF AUSTRALIA! We thought it would be the conservatives but sadly it was the party that traditionally supported cultural pursuits and freedom of information that committed the dirty deed.
The user’s right to choose has effectively been quashed in favour of the Big Brother option and we know its not for the benefit of the people. We are also aware of plans to reduce population numbers in a world of rapidly diminishing resources; of course allowing the sheeple to learn the truth of their fate is inadvisable, notwithstanding political leaders, plutocrats and media moguls taking a hammering from that ‘damned internet.’
We should alert Stephen Conroy to the fact that every effort will be made by the people to preserve the free flow of information and that as a result of (his) adopting Stalinist policies, his (political) life may well be in danger – of course we are aware that Conroy is only a faithful lackey and servile dog, but others are not!
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Mao and Stalin -- proponents of information control
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