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Bob 'sodomite' Brown (left), Greg 'sellout' Combet and Juliar 'door mat' Gillard image Lackey Oz Politicians Force Unwanted Carbon Tax on Australia bluey, Monday, Nov 7 2011, 11:17pm
This is not a failure of Democracy it is a failure of Constitutional LAW! How is it possible that the most UNREPRESENTATIVE and reviled PM Oz has ever known, Juliar Gillard, a flagrant lackey to Goldman Sachs/Banking and minority Corporatist elites; the most coarse politician in Parliament together with the leader of the Greens, Bob Brown, a KNOWN SODOMIST -- representing who, social deviants (?) -- IMPOSE a detested Carbon Tax on the PEOPLE. We should never forget the cogent words of INDUSTRY; "ALL ADDITIONAL COSTS WILL BE PASSED ONTO THE PEOPLE/CONSUMERS." That means the average person -- and NO ONE ELSE -- ends up ‘SADDLED’ with this crucifying PENALTY TAX! (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

treespoisoned.jpg image DuPont Poisons Western Sydney Ben Cubby via baz, Saturday, Nov 5 2011, 1:12am
In the 60's DuPont and the US government wished to test DEADLY Sarin and Vx nerve gas on Aussie troops in QLD. PM, Harold Holt, wouldn't have a bar of it; Holt disappeared while skindiving soon after. Corporate controlled America took steps to ensure that only Washington compliant lackeys led Australian in the future; from Hawke/Keating through Howard, Rudd to the most servile US lackey of them all, Juliar 'Goldman Carbon Sachs' Gillard. Have a nice slave day, Oz! (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Sunday, Nov 6 2011, 9:56am
national / environment / other press

text All able Australians to Melbourne! dasha, Friday, Oct 21 2011, 12:09pm
Australians that subscribe to traditional Oz values – the egalitarian ideal, the fair go, free speech and the right to peacefully gather and protest in OUR democratic nation, exercise your prerogatives NOW -- MELBOURNE NEEDS YOU!
national / social equality/unity / commentary

Stephen 'kneepads' Smith image America’s Soft Colony, Australia bluey, Thursday, Oct 20 2011, 2:44am
‘O, that it would always be this easy,’ laments Washington, as it is forced to commit compromising war crimes around the globe and bomb into submission those nations that reject its designs for domination and resource THEFT – how dare they, we are American, we are exceptional and function above the law, WE TAKE WHAT WE WANT! (story and 2 images)
national / peace/war / commentary

missile.jpg image The US integrates Oz into its Global Missile 'Defence' darcy, Monday, Sep 19 2011, 1:07pm
America's latest colonial outpost, AUSTRALIA, is to be utilised as an offensive military launchpad against China, should it ever challenge US hegemony. The first stage of Gillard's treasonous sell out has begun.

Aussie citizens are no doubt overjoyed at the prospect of becoming primary nuclear targets but America could care less, Australia has always been viewed as an exploitable piece of convenient real estate populated by beer swilling, uninformed drongos. (story and 1 image)
national / peace/war / commentary

gladstonepoison.jpg image MORE Labor Party Incompetence and Corruption: 500 sq km Poison Sea and Fish off Gladstone, QLD! Brian Williams via ricin, Friday, Sep 16 2011, 12:20am
A MAJOR public heath scare has emerged in Gladstone, with the State Government closing up to 500 sq km of the central Queensland coast to fishing and warning that seafood caught in the Gladstone Port area should not be handled or eaten! (story and 3 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Wednesday, Sep 28 2011, 9:29am
national / environment / other press

Corporate lackey, Juliar Gillard image Oz PM Gillard to model ALP along American Lines bluey, Thursday, Sep 15 2011, 2:06pm
Reprehensible lying bitch Juliar Gillard, yes the same as gushed profusely in Washington and signed off on FIVE full scale US military bases making Oz a primary nuclear target, now wishes to reform the people's party of Australia along American lines. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Friday, Sep 16 2011, 2:55am
national / social/political / commentary

Unrepresentative JP Morgan Blair and G Sachs 'carbon tax' Gillard image ‘Our’ Politicians: who do they really serve? snowy, Tuesday, Sep 13 2011, 2:59pm
Remember the days when our pollies had acute survival instincts and gauged PUBLIC OPINION and support and dreaded any loss in popularity? One characteristic they all shared regardless of stripe was a strong survival instinct. When politicians lost popularity/support they quickly adjusted their tactics and policies to more closely align to the public will – yes, indeed those days reflected representative DEMOCRACY or majority rule, the PUBLIC groaned and our pollies jumped! (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Saturday, Sep 17 2011, 12:50am
national / social/political / commentary

text Gillard, "I am the best person for the job" -- in your dreams! dasha, Saturday, Sep 3 2011, 11:15pm
The above statement was made by the most unpopular and reviled PM Oz has ever known. Recently Juliar Gillard added the High Court to her LONG list of detractors but it is already widely known that this woman has no integrity whatsoever (Goldman Sachs' Carbon Tax) and CLEARLY serves Washington ('5' new full scale US military bases of occupation in one treasonous move) and minority Corporate interests before she serves the interests of AUSTRALIA and its PEOPLE. Gillard is a very good and obedient servant/lackey but a very bad LIAR and leader -- the worst!
national / social/political / commentary

An unprecedented FIVE full scale US Military bases of occupation in Oz image Unlike mindless Americans, Aussies REJECT unrepresentative LYING Politicians baz, Sunday, Aug 28 2011, 11:41pm
The latest galaxy poll held in former PM Rudd’s sunny State of Queensland shows Gillard’s Labor government at a record low at just 23 percent public support! That is an unbelievably bad result. Of course, the cause is well known; the Labor Party can thank, “there will never be a Carbon Tax under a government I lead,” Gillard, for that atrocious outcome. The fact that this woman is reviled by the community for gushing to the yanks and allowing them to make Oz a PRIMARY nuclear target with FIVE full scale military bases, while lying contemptuously to the Australian people, may have something to do with it! (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

appletree.jpg image The measure of Oz political spinelessness and Servitude gary, Thursday, Aug 18 2011, 2:03pm
Australia’s most obedient PM to the global financial, banking and corporatist elites, JuLIAR Gillard, has once again FAILED to act in the nation’s best interests. In an outrageous intimidation and blackmail, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) – whoever THEY think they are – have forced Gillard to allow apple imports from New Zealand, a nation which has been seriously affected by the highly infectious and destructive apple disease, 'Fireblight.' (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

text Defeating DNS Layer Censorship/Filtering in Oz nat, Tuesday, Jul 5 2011, 9:24am
For those who oppose all forms of government Censorship, paternalism and (Carbon) deception, we offer a simple solution, VOTE them out of office!

In the meantime we offer the following advice on bypassing DNS layer Internet censorship.
national / mass media / commentary

Termporary Oz PM, JuLIAR Gillard image Monumental Reversal -- JuLIAR Gillard Lives up to her name baz, Monday, Jun 27 2011, 9:49pm
Juliar Gillard is not only the most unpopular PM Oz has ever had to endure but the most INCOMPETENT! In view of a recent Garnaut report clearly stating that industry (Big Polluters) ALWAYS pass additional costs onto the public, Gillard's claim that 90% of Oz households would be compensated by funds extracted from Big Polluters has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. In a desperate but futile effort at damage control, her office today issued a statement reversing her previous ridiculous, DECEITFUL claim. (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / other press

Juliar Gillard image Oz PM Gillard’s Horse’s Arse Carbon Logic dasha, Sunday, Jun 26 2011, 11:06am
Facing ever increasing opposition to the Goldman Sachs designed penalty Carbon Tax, dutiful Corporate lackey, 'Juliar' Gillard – the same as attempted to allow Corporate bosses the right to spy on the personal emails and other private communications of workers – is now attempting to sell her dead donkey tax with a HUGE DECEPTION! (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Monday, Jun 27 2011, 2:24am
national / social/political / commentary

hydepark_mem.jpg image Equal Opportunity alive and well in NSW Police staff report via stele, Friday, Jun 17 2011, 3:19am
Not to be outdone by the yobbo blokes, a female pig has been arrested after openly pissing on Central Sydney’s Hyde Park War Memorial – well, when you’re blind drunk and ya gotta go, ya just gotta go, so why not make an anti-war statement in the process?

Regardless of her very predictable defence, Hyde Park abounds in trees located away from the busy pedestrian walkway around the War Memorial and the gaze of private security guards. Silly little drunken piglet!
(story and 1 image)
national / miscellaneous / other press

text Juliar Gillard, ‘bule kesasar’ – White European Lost in the Jungle bluey, Wednesday, Jun 15 2011, 9:44pm
The grossly incompetent and ridiculously out of touch Gillard Labor Government has just been trounced by Parliament for yet another INADEQUATE, knee-jerk plan to establish offshore refugee clearing centres in Malaysia; a PRIMITIVE MUSLIM NATION KNOWN INTERNATIONALLY FOR ITS BARBARITY. So I chose a denigrating bahasa Malay/Indonesian expression in the title that ACCURATELY describes Gillard and her completely out of touch, LOST government. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Thursday, Jun 16 2011, 12:50am
national / social/political / commentary

text Carbon Tax backlash as Oz voters call for Election Simon Benson via stan, Sunday, Jun 5 2011, 9:19am
AUSTRALIANS are demanding Julia Gillard call a fresh election, saying she has no mandate for a carbon tax. With less than a third of all voters now claiming to support the tax, the federal government is facing a nationwide backlash if the issue goes to the polls.
national / social/political / other press

Juliar Gillard image Mainstream Media finally wakes to Juliar Gillard’s Unpopularity dasha, Monday, May 30 2011, 10:10am
It has become painfully obvious to the Oz Labor Party that leader, Juliar Gillard, is about as popular as a bit of dog shit on the end of a stick – she has become a sure fire LOSER and LIABILITY the likes of which has never been seen in Oz politics. After her shameless, servile and despicable gushing suck in Washington recently, it is hardly surprising that the Oz public has TOTALLY rejected this spineless Carbon Tax Corporate lackey and American fellatrix. This offensive cat-howling fishwife is so obnoxious it’s a wonder her Party’s rankings are not LOWER than 34%. (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

text Oz PM, Julia Gillard, Ignores long term National Viability in favour of Short Term Corporate Profits judd, Friday, May 27 2011, 10:15am
The following video, compiled from ABC and 60 minutes sources, delivers a clear and frightening message of government corruption by Corporatists and the wanton destruction of our environment and precious ground water.

Legal injunctions to halt the destructive and toxic gas mining practice known as "Fracking" must be issued immediately. The sooner our corporate compliant puppet government is held accountable for its clearly destructive actions the better.
national / environment / other press

text The Politics of Raw Milk in NSW sten, Sunday, May 15 2011, 11:23am
The flagrant injustices, appalling application of Law and clear victimisation of market stall vendor, Mr Peter Melov, at the hands of the NSW Food ‘Authority,’ for selling raw cow’s milk products has now drawn the attention of Australia’s mass media – for very valid reasons. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Thursday, Oct 27 2011, 10:02pm
national / health related / commentary

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