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Peter Garrett -- washout! image It’s about INTEGRITY! jinn, Tuesday, Oct 30 2007, 2:55pm
I am not a religionist, far from it; as a professional textual analyst I am paid generous amounts to simply state what to members of my profession is considered obvious, it’s ‘hard, dirty, work’ but someone has to do it! I am not underrating this highly specialised profession, analysts are able to draw highly accurate behavioural profiles and conclusions from minuscule amounts of information -- tracing the source of the anthrax (letters) to the U.S. military amply demonstrates the fact. To specialists, ‘text’ is a treasure-trove of information. (story and 2 images)
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

text Kosovo and the Westphalian Order Ambassador James Bissett via rialator, Monday, Oct 29 2007, 8:41pm
The following is Ambassador Bissett’s keynote address at the symposium on Kosovo held at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, D.C., on October 23, 2007.

The breakup of the Yugoslav federation was the first serious diplomatic challenge facing the Western democracies following the collapse of the Soviet Union. They made a mess of it. They are still making a mess of it; and if a decision is made in the coming months to grant independence to the Albanians in Kosovo—as the United States seems determined to do—then the decision will simply add to, and compound, the many errors and mistakes made by the US-led Western powers before, during, and after the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia.
international / social/political / other press

Burmese Generals -- faces of corruption image Freedom Writ Large John Pilger via rialator, Sunday, Oct 28 2007, 8:14pm
This is John Pilger's address to a London meeting, 'Freedom Writ Large', organized by PEN and the Writers Network of Burma, on October 25.

Thank you PEN for asking me to speak at this very important meeting tonight. I join you in paying tribute to Burma's writers, whose struggle is almost beyond our imagination. They remind us, once again, of the sheer power of words. I think of the poets Aung Than and Zeya Aung. I think of U Win Tin, a journalist, who makes ink out of brick powder on the walls of his prison cell and writes with a pen made from a bamboo mat – at the age of 77. These are the bravest of the brave. (story and 3 images)
international / social/political / other press

text The century of lost moralities Kingfisher, Sunday, Oct 28 2007, 2:42pm
When powerful nations resort to criminality in order to rob weaker nations of their precious resources we need not be surprised, though some of us may be outraged. The world has long ago accustomed itself to imperialism. However, never before have we seen the type of imperialism practised by America today – it is clearly a failed model that threatens to plunge the entire world into an irreversible cataclysm.
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

scaremonger McCarthy image McCarthyism and the John Howard election campaign budgie, Saturday, Oct 27 2007, 12:10pm
Just a short note for Geoffrey Cousins, after all we all know that Howard just takes orders from big business. What better lackey to have as a Prime Minister, ay Geoff? But it seems you’ve forgotten Joe McCarthy and his ignominious end. In two words Geoff, NEGATIVE OVERKILL! Negative advertising and persistent scare campaigns eventually wear thin with the population, you dumb fuck! Are we getting old and perhaps losing it, Geoff? A little over the hill like Howard! (story and 2 images)
national / social/political / commentary

stacksmoke.jpg image Diamond ring and 'pinch of shit' * barra, Friday, Oct 26 2007, 1:07pm
Analysts, the socially informed and criminal elites are acutely aware of the horrendous environmental calamity we are now facing. Do not be deceived, ‘tipping points,’ ‘thresholds,’ ‘runaway effects,’ ‘irreversible forces,’ have already been activated, passed, breached, exceeded! We are actually living on borrowed time NOW! However, it has already been decided that the masses – that’s you and me – are EXPENDABLE! High quality arable land has already been commandeered by the powers for bio-fuel production; the obvious consequences of this action are massive food shortages and skyrocketing prices in the very near future – is a picture slowly forming in the dull brains of the sheeple? (story and 1 comment and 3 images)
Last Commented Friday, Oct 26 2007, 1:25pm
international / social/political / commentary

text Bush Regime Preaches Democracy, Proposes Tyranny Paul Craig Roberts via rialator, Wednesday, Oct 24 2007, 9:12pm
[American citizens have finally realised that psychopaths, reprehensible criminals, amoral opportunists and inept fools rule their nation -- Australia and Britain take note! It is not enough that Bush and his neo-cons are made to answer for their many horrific crimes, so too must Blair, Howard and his senior ministers be brought to justice.

The continued failure of opposition parties to rein in openly exposed criminals is totally unacceptable -- the overwhelming majority of people demand that justice is served!

‘Religious’ leaders, criminal politicians, media moguls, consultants and advisers – everyone involved in the greatest crime of the century must be held accountable. The consequences of not reining in these criminals would be a source of bitter regret for many generations to come. Ed.]

international / social/political / other press

text Outsourcing Government Naomi Klein via reed, Tuesday, Oct 23 2007, 10:35pm
"We didn't want to get stuck with a lemon." That's what Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said to a House committee last month. He was referring to the "virtual fence" planned for the U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada. If the entire project goes as badly as the 28-mile prototype, it could turn out to be one of the most expensive lemons in history, projected to cost $8 billion by 2011.
international / social/political / other press

Virginia Trioli image Conservative Jitters peptide, Tuesday, Oct 23 2007, 1:52pm
The last thing any incumbent government wants to hear at election time is incriminating information relating to past failures, unpopular decisions and damaging indiscretions – ‘let’s stay focused on the NOW,’ is the new slogan of the conservatives. Little wonder, as the current PM is responsible for dragging the nation into an illegal war, abandoning citizens to foreign powers, surrendering drug mules to barbaric regimes to face the death penalty, deporting Australian citizens who didn’t have European round eyes and white skin, instigating race riots, allowing corporations to dictate policy, fast tracking approval for the Pluto and Gorgon gas projects and BHP evading water costs that local farmers face daily! We could add surrendering the nation to the yanks and its wealth to the Transnationals while allowing necessary services – education, health/dental, infrastructures, road/rail, housing and energy to fall into disrepair or neglect. (story and 2 images)
international / social/political / commentary

swiss_racism2.jpg image Racist Semiotics and Nazi Gold finch, Sunday, Oct 21 2007, 2:36pm
Switzerland has often been portrayed and the neutral nation of Europe; it was spared the ravages of WWII principally due to the fact that other nations – Nazi Germany in particular – required a convenient location to store their gold in times of war. Big business also requires anonymous accounts in times of tax evasion! Yes, this is Switzerland, we ask no questions of regimes and institutions that deposit ingots and bars of gold, some of which now known to have been derived from Jewish gold fillings, stolen jewellery and other stolen artefacts. Our banks are happy to accept untraceable gold bars and other items of value – if you please! (story and 1 image)
international / social/political / commentary

Australian 'Galah' image “A change of rulers is the joy of fools” nano, Saturday, Oct 20 2007, 4:29pm
The above Romanian proverb seems written for the current Oz elections. Both contenders have already pledged their undying servility to the USA – sovereignty anyone? Both prospective leaders share more in common with each other than with some members of their own party. Both contenders kow-tow to the corporate sector and offer no alternative to our garage sale economy. The pillage of our precious resources at bargain basement prices will continue uninterrupted regardless of who ‘leads’ the nation. Howard has surrendered the nation to the yanks and our wealth to the Transnationals and Rudd is happy with the arrangement. A gnat has more vision than either ‘man!’ (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

bz_eagle.jpg image Social consequences dingo, Thursday, Oct 18 2007, 12:34pm
While the ‘bewildered herds’ of the West bray and bleat, the aware fight on – life scintillates for those who choose to live it and is Bliss for those who choose to FIGHT, moooo!

This week has seen some remarkable events; a meat-eating Buddhist monk received an award from a nation that is responsible for the worst holocaust of the 21st century; it may be time to review the basic tenets of Buddhism, Tenzin, you reprehensible HYPOCRITE and bald-faced FRAUD! Your actions may arouse the la la’s and space cadets from their somnambulistic trance but I doubt it! You have just farted in a very crowded lift, Tenzin, and all eyes are on YOU! How does it feel to zero your credibility by supporting a criminal nation and its actions against your fellow human beings, Mr Gyatso-Dalai Lama – what a laugh? (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

text Raising quotas discarding benefits Kingfisher, Sunday, Oct 14 2007, 1:00pm
The proud labour movement of Oz has allowed itself to be decimated by management, you know, the people who continually raise work quotas but maintain low wages; the managers who sit in workers' meetings and monitor those who openly question oppression and exploitative work practices. The breed that thrives on DISPARITY, INEQUITY, DIVISION and D-I-S-U-N-I-T-Y!
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

text Oz elections: a dead loss for the people barra, Friday, Oct 12 2007, 12:45am
The incumbent, John Howard, has a new nickname, ‘dead man walking,’ while his opponent remains an insipid non-entity. It’s all but over for the lying rodent and war criminal, nevertheless, the ‘aluminium tubing’ Prime Minister is making one last-ditch effort for an impossible outcome. In a speech delivered at the Sydney Institute Howard made apologetic noises designed to tug at public sympathy – tell it to the stolen generation and the one million civilian dead of Iraq, Mr Howard! Consider yourself lucky not to have been arrested -- many Australians would prefer to see you in the dock of a war crimes tribunal answering for your crimes against humanity.
national / social/political / commentary

robofly.jpg image ‘Robobugs’ and Psychological Warfare U-B3, Thursday, Oct 11 2007, 1:32pm
It seems that recent anti-war protests in Washington were also host to some strange little ‘bugs’ seen by protesters and other independent observers to be flying in formation and manoeuvring in unison above the protesters! We can confidently rule out real insect activity as real insects do not fly or manoeuvre in tight formation, if indeed strange flying machines were actually seen! However, for the purposes of this short piece we will take the reports at face value! (story and 1 image)
international / social/political / commentary

text Holocaust denial: Turkey joins U.S. and Iran rubber band, Wednesday, Oct 10 2007, 12:41pm
Adolf Hitler once stated in reference to his ‘final solution’ for European Jews that the world easily forgets/disregards mass exterminations (genocide). Hitler cited the slaughter of over one million Armenians by the Ottoman Turks as the example. Today Turkey officially joined the State holocaust deniers club by denying the first major holocaust/human mass extermination of the 20th century – the Armenian Genocide.
international / social/political / commentary

Oz handiwork image Bringing it home: Oz cowboys murder Iraqi Christian women finn, Tuesday, Oct 9 2007, 10:34am
Statistics and figures are sterile indicators; it is blood that most effectively conveys reality for human beings. Who gives a shit if over one million innocent civilians have lost their lives in Iraq if we can’t see it or feel it? Stats and figures are emotively denuded and Iraq is a very distant land? Well, today the slaughter of innocents in Iraq has been served up on Oz breakfast tables. An Australian owned security firm has murdered two Iraqi Christian women for failing to heed warnings to stop their vehicle. It should be noted the IRAQI women frequently utilised this IRAQI road and complied with IRAQI law. Do foreigners have a right to roam wherever they please and determine who should live or die? Is this the ‘liberation’ of Iraq that John Howard sells to the Oz public or is this the stark reality of a nation reduced by coalition forces to a state wherein mercenaries, cowboys, thieves and murderers determine who should live or die? (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

Pursed face of a hypocrite image By their actions are they known peptide, Monday, Oct 8 2007, 11:56am
Wonderful country Oz, isn’t it? Regardless of the best efforts of the most incompetent, cowardly and now hypocritical leaders, the nation continues to endure! WE survive in the true Aussie SECULAR tradition. A tradition that easily exposes religious hypocrites and other lying rodents, need we name the two characters alluded to? (story and 2 images)
national / social/political / commentary

dionysusbust.jpg imageattachment Civil Disobedience and the Australian Cringe major mitchell, Saturday, Oct 6 2007, 12:55pm
“In any social context a clear view can only be afforded from a position of detached objectivity,” my trainer in analysis once taught me. The perspective to which I refer in relation to the title is of course the brave monks of Burma who in STARK CONTRAST to their Aussie, cringing, EXTREMELY OBEDIENT protesting cousins, conduct THEIR protests in the tradition of civil disobedience -- a proven method tried and tested over the millennia! (story and 2 comments and 1 image and 2 attached files)
Last Commented Friday, Oct 12 2007, 1:34pm
national / social/political / commentary

Lemmings image The Politics of Paralysis yarra, Friday, Oct 5 2007, 12:15pm
The outstanding feature of economic rationalism and laissez-faire capitalism is the LACK of an IDEAL, in other words to what end do WE SUPPORT these rapacious, voracious and highly polluting economic ideologies? What is the ideal of economically based systems and what is the cost? The answer to the first question is a negative – no ideal exists – the process itself substitutes for the ideal and that is a very dangerous situation. The ‘God’ of laissez-faire capitalists and economic rationalists is the rampant process of consumption itself! We are all aware that the principal causative factor for global warming, climate chaos, ecological destruction and the mass extinctions of plant and animal life is POLLUTION! (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

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