"The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire" -- Robert A Heinlein
Farcical Democracy in Howard’s Australia
fish, Tuesday, Sep 4 2007, 5:41pm
Something is drastically wrong with Australia! The arrival last night of President Bush’s travelling circus in Sydney for the APEC leaders summit aptly demonstrated that ‘anti-terrorist’ laws introduced by the Howard government are being utilised against local populations – some have argued the draconian ‘new sweeping terrorist laws’ were originally intended for precisely that purpose! (story and 1 image)
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"So much damage has been done"
P.M. Carpenter via reed, Sunday, Sep 2 2007, 10:47pm
Compared to all the truly gargantuan troubles brought down on us by the Bush administration -- two incomprehensibly executed wars; a hopelessly broken military; fiscal policies that make the subprime industry look thoughtful; the utterly unaddressed baby-boomer boomerang; a string of constitutional and other crises -- this is a relatively minor story. Yet it lays bare, in microcosmic form, the Bushies' macrocosmic traits: favoritism, incompetence, bullying, buck-passing, malfeasance, negligence, blindness, stubbornness, recklessness, deceit, distortion, laissez-faire lassitude and free-market fundamentalism. In short, boneheaded madness.
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America continues to bully Oz into weapons purchases
dingo, Sunday, Sep 2 2007, 11:57am
The industrial military complex of the USA MUST purge itself of redundant weaponry, as it produces increased amounts of newer systems. Who better to dump outmoded stock onto than the lackey, subservient nation of Australia? The combination of U.S. slave Prime Minister John Howard and Defence Minister, Brendan ‘studs’ Nelson, offers no resistance to American dictates whatsoever. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Sunday, Sep 2 2007, 6:48pm
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APEC and eleven years of Australian Conservatism
gan, Saturday, Sep 1 2007, 2:43pm
Prior to commencing this short discourse I would expose a major Howard government lie that Australia was a terrorist target before Howard’s slavish compliance to U.S. dictates. It is a simple matter of citing our regional neighbour, New Zealand, as a non (terrorist) target that labels Howard a LIAR! New Zealand has maintained her sovereignty and neutrality in stark contrast to the cowardly position of Howard's Australia! (story and 1 image)
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Binary Logic and Religious Art
yona, Thursday, Aug 30 2007, 11:48pm
We can be sure that wherever religion rears its moronic, murderous, hypocritical head – the simplicity of binary logic accompanies. The National Art School in Darlinghurst Sydney is presently exhibiting entries in the Blake Religious Art competition. We had hoped that entires would create enlightened debate and fracture ignorant views/realities, however, the Art competition quickly descended into George Bush binary logic of good and evil, with us or with the terrorists (bullshit). (story and 2 images)
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Equine Flu virus sets terrorist agenda for APEC
morgan, Thursday, Aug 30 2007, 1:51pm
The incredible speed at which the highly contagious equine flu virus has infected the local horse population and the huge negative impact this infection has had has not gone unnoticed by non-state terrorist groups at war with state terrorists. An anonymous report earlier this week (see link) warned of the release of a virulent pathogen during the APEC summit. All security and other preparations, funded by the Australian taxpayer, would have been to no avail if such an attack were to occur in Sydney. (story and 2 images)
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The Gibbering Bush
nano, Tuesday, Aug 28 2007, 1:40pm
In a speech to veterans yesterday Bush accused Iran for his failure in Iraq. Bush continued to spout tattered ideological crusade arguments of a world wide Islamic terrorist threat in a pathetic effort to camouflage the REALITY of AMERICAN OIL PLUNDER and U.S. MILITARY EXPANSIONISM in the Middle East. This demented Texan buffoon fools no one. The world stopped listening to this failure and U.S. propaganda a long time ago! (story and 1 image)
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Red Queen Logic
bishop, Monday, Aug 27 2007, 11:46pm
A State responsible for over 2 million civilian deaths in Indo-China (indiscriminate carpet bombing) and over 1 million civilian deaths in Iraq recently declared that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard should be designated a terrorist organisation! It seems the higher you go in American politics the less brainpower is required to make decisions. The Gulf of Tonkin ‘incident,’ the USS Liberty attack of the 6 day war, the WMD Iraq deceptions and the latest absurd government explanations (garble) we are asked to swallow regarding the destruction of WTC buildings and the anthrax letters makes Alice in Wonderland the epitome of rational thought and logic. (story and 2 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Tuesday, Aug 28 2007, 11:17am
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Even I question the 'truth' about 9/11
Robert Fisk via reed, Sunday, Aug 26 2007, 10:06pm
Each time I lecture abroad on the Middle East, there is always someone in the audience – just one – whom I call the "raver". Apologies here to all the men and women who come to my talks with bright and pertinent questions – often quite humbling ones for me as a journalist – and which show that they understand the Middle East tragedy a lot better than the journalists who report it. But the "raver" is real. He has turned up in corporeal form in Stockholm and in Oxford, in Sao Paulo and in Yerevan, in Cairo, in Los Angeles and, in female form, in Barcelona. No matter the country, there will always be a "raver".
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Ten Reasons Why Russia Can’t Trust Uncle Sam
Robert Bridge via rialator, Sunday, Aug 26 2007, 12:45pm
The West says that it is perplexed by Russia's "aggressive" behavior of late, and suggests that Moscow is desirous to regain its past superpower status, and even a little empire. But if cashing in on oil is imperialism, how do we explain the following U.S. moves: (story and 1 image)
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It’s not over until the rodent stops squealing!
barra, Saturday, Aug 25 2007, 1:45pm
Nail him hard, nail him good! Recent polls indicate John Howard is a dead loss for the elections. Every one of his ill-considered moves/tactics/strategies of late has backfired in his face; even die hard Howard supporters are embarrassed to make known their support for a lying, racist, war criminal, lackey, coward, contractionist, anal conservative, lacklustre, visionless, American slave! Perhaps the disdain the international community expresses toward Australia has finally reached our insular shores. Australians are receiving very negative reports via relatives and friends travelling and working overseas; in fact many have experienced outright hostility as a result of Howard’s racist and insular policies. But we can all take heart; we are always welcome in the most hated nation on earth, America!
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Deconstructing the Prime Minister of Oz
peptide, Friday, Aug 24 2007, 11:03pm
Australia’s shame and international embarrassment, John Howard, known to the whole world as a lackey, coward and racist, to mention only a few of his ‘endearing’ qualities, expressed his support for the extreme security measures taken to protect some of the world’s most ruthless murderers, polluters and thieving marauders – interesting how facts put real perspective on APEC leaders, isn’t it?
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Know your Leader: perverse cult has Howard’s ear!
fish, Tuesday, Aug 21 2007, 1:52pm
Leaders of a perverse Christian cult, the Exclusive Brethren, have met with Prime Minister John Howard for reasons only known to both parties but we can deduce from available evidence that this cult, known for attempting to influence family court judges, breaking up families and launching smear campaigns against politicians who do not meet with their approval – the homosexual leader of the Greens, Bob Brown, for example – also has a strong presence in Howard’s seat of Bennelong! (story and 1 image)
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Something from Nothing – it can’t be done!
dingo, Saturday, Aug 18 2007, 12:40am
An extremely curious article from the Sunday Telegraph regarding an indiscretion of opposition leader Kevin Rudd, Australia’s own sun-bleached dog turd -- I hope the metaphor conveys the correct impression -- appeared today, 4 years AFTER the event! But first consider the appeal value of a weathered dog turd compared with a fresh turd! The fresh turd does have some character -- colour and an unpleasant odour. Fresh dog turds also affect human behaviour, most people go to lengths to avoid contact especially stepping in one. Now consider an exposed, weathered, sun-bleached, dog turd – no character whatsoever, no colour, smell or affective power. You may begin to appreciate the panic Kevin Rudd’s PR consultants and advisers experience when attempting to present a characterless nothing as something! (story and 2 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Saturday, Aug 18 2007, 4:48pm
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Freefalling markets, energy wars and domestic collapse
major mitchell, Thursday, Aug 16 2007, 1:53pm
Take your pick of failures and debacles conservatives have created on the home front and around the globe. They are numerous and severe but perhaps the most understated and most dangerous are attempts by neo-conservative forces to command the rich resources of Central Asia. It’s a long way from home, Uncle; the advantage and strength always lies with the locals (SCO group) and the Sino-Russian military alliance. This is THEIR region and as would be expected any attempts by foreign forces to invade will be resisted to the death – who would not fight foreign invaders from the other side of the world that would threaten home, family and prosperity? (story and 2 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Thursday, Aug 16 2007, 11:18pm
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Pauline Hanson returns!
dingo, Tuesday, Aug 14 2007, 11:40pm
‘Remember me, Mr Abbott,’ would make a very appropriate comment from the Queensland rustic we all love to hate? Pauline Hanson is Oz racism, bigotry, intolerance, regression, division, insularity, xenophobia and parochialism rolled into a redhead. Call her what you will but don’t dismiss her, she is walking gold for the independents and Labor. (story and 1 image)
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Sydney Comedian takes APEC dogs for ‘run’
yarra, Monday, Aug 13 2007, 1:50pm
A recent headline in the mass media, “..sniff the dodgy briefcase” refers to 22 Labrador explosives sniffer dogs that will be poking their canine noses in all sorts of sulphurous smells during the APEC summit; beware what you eat the night before, we’ve already had a fart down a U.S. jetliner! But to more serious matters of comedy, Keystone Cops and intelligent canines. (story and 2 images)
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Will there be a run on the banks?
Mike Whitney via rialator, Sunday, Aug 12 2007, 11:51pm
On Friday, the Dow Jone’s clawed its way back from a 200 point deficit to a mere 31 point loss after the Federal Reserve injected $38 billion into the banking system. The Fed had already pumped $24 billion into the system a day earlier after the Dow plummeted 387 points. That brings the Fed’s total commitment to a whopping $62 billion. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Monday, Aug 13 2007, 12:27am
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I read the polls today, O boy!
peptide, Sunday, Aug 12 2007, 12:11pm
Australians are suffering from Poll fatigue resulting from an onslaught of opinion and other polls saturating the media in the approach to the Federal election. It has become apparent to the dimmest of commentators and analysts that the polls are being utilised as a political weapon. Public opinion is the prize and the new purveyors of public opinion are the pollsters. (story and 1 image)
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China’s 'Nuclear Option' is real
Paul Craig Roberts via rialator, Friday, Aug 10 2007, 1:53pm
Twenty-four hours after I reported China’s announcement that China, not the Federal Reserve, controls US interest rates by its decision to purchase, hold, or dump US Treasury bonds, the news of the announcement appeared in sanitized and unthreatening form in a few US news sources.
The Washington Post found an economics professor at the University of Wisconsin to provide reassurances that it was “not really a credible threat” that China would intervene in currency or bond markets in any way that could hurt the dollar’s value or raise US interest rates, because China would hurt its own pocketbook by such actions. (story and 1 image)
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