"The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed." -- Steve Biko
The Lackey and the President
yarra, Friday, Aug 10 2007, 12:46pm
George Bush demonstrates his sovereignty over his newest colonial acquisition, Australia! Bush has thrown the highly coordinated security plans for the APEC summit in Sydney into disarray by arriving two days earlier than was previously arranged. The chaos and disruption this ill-considered change in plans will cause will be enormous. But what choice does a lackey prime minister and a subservient population have? The King of America and colonies, Iraq and Australia, has spoken and we can but find joy in licking Bush’s arse! (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Friday, Aug 10 2007, 10:31pm
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The Alice Report – when a nation takes Leave
dingo, Wednesday, Aug 8 2007, 1:27pm
Oz nous has gone on holiday it would seem; the Prime Minister this week denied, on national television, all reports and accusations that he is dishonest! People arose from comas at the announcement, my demented granny who hasn’t spoken or reacted to the outside world in years, leapt out of her invalid chair and screamed, “shoot the little war criminal!” People all over the nation choked on their dinners but the best is yet to come.
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Hacking Capitalism
Andy Greenberg via Kismo, Monday, Aug 6 2007, 10:28pm
LAS VEGAS -- Lost seconds mean lost dollars on Wall Street. But the race for faster transactions risks security disaster.
Employees of banks could shut down computers that make quick arbitrage trades across markets, using denial-of-service attacks to overwhelm servers and potentially cause millions in losses. Ultra-fast electronic trades may be especially vulnerable to sabotage. And the need for speed has made things worse -- with financial institutions avoiding software security features that might cause crucial millisecond delays.
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Stock Market Meltdown
Mike Whitney via rialator, Saturday, Aug 4 2007, 11:31pm
On Friday the Dow Jones took a 280 point nosedive on fears that that losses in the subprime market will spill over into the broader economy and cut into GDP. Ever since the two Bears Sterns hedge funds folded a couple weeks ago the stock market has been writhing like a drug-addict in a detox-cell. Yesterday’s sell-off added to last week’s plunge that wiped out $2.1 trillion in value from global equity markets. New York investment guru, Jim Rogers said that the real market is “one of the biggest bubbles we’ve ever had in credit” and that the subprime rout “has a long way to go.”
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other press
Looming Oz Federal Election: don’t be fooled again!
Kingfisher, Saturday, Aug 4 2007, 12:53pm
“Fooled” in what sense? Surely it’s as simple as voting for the Party of your choice? That would be the response from most people and that is the problem. Party voting is offering the choice between gangrene or an amputation, as an American once put it!
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Kevin Rudd: nobody’s man
cleaves, Friday, Aug 3 2007, 1:00pm
Who or what is a Kevin Rudd? Who does he represent, what distinguishes him from his conservative opponent, John Howard? In answer to the first question, NOTHING, Rudd is a proven non-entity; he represents no one I am able to locate, notwithstanding many Australians will vote against Howard but not for Rudd. There is nothing that distinguishes Rudd from Howard; he is only a paler version, a conservative with a lower case “c”. Rudd has supported Howard on more occasions than he has opposed him – and for those who may be wondering, yes, Rudd is the ‘opposition’ leader.
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Return of the Robber Barons
Paul Craig Roberts via rialator, Thursday, Aug 2 2007, 11:41am
Anyone who imagined that grubby little racist and U.S. lackey John (despicable coward) Howard, had an original thought in his head read the following article relating to the U.S. and remove all doubts regarding Howard's status as slave to Bush, importer of the unfair U.S. labour system, lackey to the Corporations, especially the criminal directors and CEOs. Read, learn and discover for yourself the American lackey that Howard really is. Never in Oz history has the nation witnessed a Prime Minister surrender the entire nation and culture to a foreign power – treason would not be too strong a word! (story and 2 images)
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other press
The Haneef release: an international view
major mitchell, Friday, Jul 27 2007, 12:34pm
From an international perspective the Haneef case in Australia reveals ingrained, systemic racism, dysfunction, possible criminal collusion at senior government levels, appalling incompetence of Federal Police and the failure of associated legal institutions. For a developed western nation, the above makes for a very damning report card. (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Saturday, Jul 28 2007, 11:46am
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Australian alert, Kevin Rudd, a dead loss!
barra, Thursday, Jul 26 2007, 11:23am
Few silver platter opportunities occur in politics but failing to take advantage is unforgivable. The whole (thinking) nation is wondering why the opposition leader failed to capitalise on the Haneef fabrication/collusion/‘fit’/DEBACLE! Rudd has been doing his best of late to completely close the ideological gap between Howard and himself. Kevin Rudd seems to be seeking an unholy conservative marriage with his ‘arch-rival’, John Howard – some may be perplexed at the opposition leader's recent behaviour; however, we are reminded that conservatism never opposes itself! (story and 2 comments)
Last Commented Friday, Jul 27 2007, 5:54pm
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Haneef case: international embarrassment and national disgrace
peptide, Sunday, Jul 22 2007, 9:50am
There is one extremely clear aspect to the Haneef debacle; it has Howard written all over it! Yet does the PM or his flunky cohorts in crime fear arrest? Not that one can detect! The long history of deceptions, lies, duplicities and manipulations from Tampa, children overboard to Haneef, combine to form one final farewell fiasco for our resident ‘draco,’John Howard. (story and 2 comments)
Last Commented Tuesday, Jul 24 2007, 4:37pm
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Kissinger’s Secret Meeting With Putin
Mike Whitney via reed, Wednesday, Jul 18 2007, 10:33pm
"RAF fighter jets were scrambled to intercept two Russian strategic bombers heading for British airspace yesterday, as the spirit of the Cold War returned to the North Atlantic once again. The incident, described as rare by the RAF, served as a telling metaphor for the stand-off between London and Moscow over the murder of Alexander Litvinenko.” (Times Online, Richard Beeston; “RAF scrambles to intercept Russian bombers, 7-18-07)
"Men are always wicked at bottom unless they are made good by some compulsion.” Niccoló Macchiavelli
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other press
The Australian Dilemma
dingo, Wednesday, Jul 18 2007, 1:37pm
Australian citizens face a national election later this year and few are happy with the available choices. The two party adversarial system has resulted in two disliked candidates, one a war criminal, racist, pathological liar, despicable coward and servile corporate US lackey, the other a nothing, a zero with no ideological platform or defined identity – a non-specific turd! (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Wednesday, Jul 18 2007, 9:16pm
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Sydney’s “Go (and get fucked) Bag!”
barra, Monday, Jul 16 2007, 12:52pm
It is rare that a politician expresses the true sentiments of the population but the Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney, Chris Harris, has thrown political discretion to the wind and let the Mayor ‘have it’. The Mayor Clover Moore, during one of her ‘out of body experiences’ has returned to her tribe with a revelation that Sydney citizens should carry a “go bag” in the event of an emergency! The bag should contain articles such as sneakers for walking, a baseball cap for that quick game, a flash light and a toilet roll, I quote the consultant who advised the Mayor, “in the event of a toilet roll crisis!” (story and 1 comment and 1 image and 1 audio file)
Last Commented Monday, Jul 16 2007, 7:26pm
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Desperate losers deliver ‘low blow’
finch, Sunday, Jul 15 2007, 7:57pm
Howard government reveals true character in Haneef case. Immediately after a Queensland Magistrate rightly released terrorist suspect, Haneef, on bail – the prosecutor failed to establish any direct connection to terrorist activity -- the Howard government acting through the Minister for Immigration, Kevin Andrews, revoked his visa on (unproven) character grounds and transferred him to an immigration detention centre. (story and 1 image)
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Beat-up alert: Howard whips it up, whips it good
nano, Saturday, Jul 14 2007, 5:57pm
John Howard, holocaust denier, mass murderer and Terrorist, by any definition of the term, is again banging his very battered and somewhat muted tin drum in a very transparent attempt to capture media attention. He is milking the UK bombings and the tenuous local connection for all its worth. Howard is a known master of the ‘front page grab’ and as expected, the compliant local media have taken the herring. Minimal analysis just Murdoch style hype and exaggeration and Howard the coward appearing as the ‘strong man.’ If the reader has any doubts regarding the compliance of the local media ask yourself how many times the media has taken Howard to task for his direct complicity in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq! (story and 1 image)
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Beat-ups and panic grips Oz agencies as APEC approaches
yarra, Tuesday, Jul 10 2007, 12:36am
The local conservative voice, the Bulletin magazine, has a cover beat-up that is worthy of the best and worst of Cheney’s lies and misrepresentations regarding Saddam and Al-Qaeda. Our outstanding security agencies have determined – all by themselves – that approximately (note the figures) “..22 to 25 .. [suspects] have evil intentions," brilliant! That figure is sure to instil confidence in the hearts of all grannies and Alzheimer's victims. Imagine, in a population of 21 million our skilled security buffoons have found 22-25 possibles – any statistician could tell you that is a definite under estimation in a population the size of Australia’s. I have personally heard numerous people in bars stating out loud that if Howard walked into the bar they would personally strangle him with their bare hands, such is the hatred felt by average Aussies for this racist, lying, war criminal. (story and 1 image)
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Mad dogs and Neocons
nano, Monday, Jul 9 2007, 12:36pm
What degree or level of madness must be reached before various regulatory forces act in the public interest? Mad dogs and neo-cons share similar levels of dissociation and the propensity to indiscriminately harm those around them. The euphemism bandied around by neocons for creating holocausts and humanitarian disasters is ‘regime change.’ In a recent interview, John Bolton referred to this term as a ‘solution’ to the Iranian dilemma; Bolton and his fellow neocons have no concept whatsoever of international relations, sovereignty and diplomacy. Bolton subscribes to simplistic and rustic, Wyatt Earp type ‘solutions’ – just blow them away! This comic book approach to reality perfectly demonstrates the criminally irresponsible actions of American neocons, unfortunately this approach doesn’t quite ‘cut it’ in the real world, AS IRAQ CLEARLY DEMONSTRATES – to even the dimmest mind! (story and 1 image)
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Talking Walls
peptide, Saturday, Jul 7 2007, 1:50pm
The mainstream press is full of stories but for ONE BIG exception; a FAILURE the proportions of which promise to sear the pages of history. The criminal intervention and the subsequent holocaust and humanitarian disaster that is Western Interventionist Iraq! The media is at pains to avoid this story for obvious reasons -- it participated in the original ruse and deception upon which a full-scale military invasion was launched. The list of war criminals must therefore include the name of Rupert Murdoch as he clearly carries equal responsibility with Bush, Cheney, Blair, Howard and the conservative forces that support them. Arrests for war crimes must extend to Murdoch and other complicit media moguls/organisations – Murdoch is damned by his own words, delivered in numerous speeches and addresses to his fellow criminal conservatives.
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Day Dreamer: of Butterflies and Men
Kwang zi, Friday, Jul 6 2007, 6:10pm
It is known and supported by the historical record that the masses will tolerate almost anything from their rulers providing their (adjustable) comfort levels or pain thresholds are not suddenly exceeded. Failure to address this vital fact will always result in a failed mass movement or failed social ‘management’ strategies. Recent history has noted neo-conservative strategies formulated around the above axiom. To effect social change the masses require a stimuli/event to exceed the boundary of their comfort zone. Destroying the American democracy and implementing totalitarian policies was child’s play post 9/11, anthrax attacks and the amplification of tiny criminal groups to the status of international (terrorist) threat!
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Oz government Not schizophrenic over Iraq oil statements
barra, Thursday, Jul 5 2007, 2:39pm
As the aging carrier USS K(Sh)itty Hawk made its way into Sydney Harbour, Oz defence minister Brendan 'studs' Nelson announced on national radio that oil was a major factor in Australia's (criminal) involvement in Iraq. Howard hoped this apparent rogue statement from one of his loyal minister’s would create political hysteria and grab headlines internationally and he was right! Setting the agenda and stealing the debate are well known tactics of Howard. Few possess the highly refined skills required to manipulate the local and international media to the extent that Howard does. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Saturday, Jul 7 2007, 1:11am
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