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text A Matter of Justice or the Failure of Nations nano, Monday, Jul 2 2007, 11:44am
Press secretary for the Bush Whitehouse, Tony Snow, stated that Bush “has the ability to exercise his ‘own authority’ ..,” [my emphasis]. The comment was made in reference to a dispute in Congress and to presidential discretionary powers; however, what everybody is at pains to avoid is the nature of this “authority” in the US political system. Yes, the authority that is invested in the president is invested by the people through the democratic process; a president then becomes the representative voice of the people; and all things being equal – which they clearly are not – democracy continues in a healthy State! And therein lies the tale; the sickest democracy in the world today is the American ‘democracy.’ (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Monday, Jul 2 2007, 11:51am
international / social/political / commentary

Unlike Alexander, a fool contemplates untying a 'Gordian knot' image The K.I.S.S. Principle Kismo, Saturday, Jun 30 2007, 3:25pm
For those not familiar with the acronym ‘KISS’, it expands to, “Keep It Simple Stupid”! The KISS (K) principle was/is the most invaluable teaching/training aid in the IT industry, especially in the early days when people actually feared the ‘complexity’ of computers. Anyone who is confronted by an overwhelming amount of ‘information’ tends to lose themselves in a sea of confusion. Fortunately, a very bright and creative mind developed the ‘K’ principle for dealing with these situations. (story and 1 image)
international / social/political / article

madclown.jpg image Cults of Unreason and the End of Species dreamboat, Friday, Jun 29 2007, 12:44pm
People today seem perplexed as civilisation as we know it plummets into the abyss. Yet, in the broad sense, the future is entirely predictable. The much lauded system of economic rationalism has resulted in huge disparities in wealth comparable to ancient societies; the wealth of Pharaoh-God-Kings of the past was staggering and in stark contrast to the wealth of their subjects. The peoples’ living standards were maintained at ‘adequate‘ levels to ensure a fit work/slave force for their rulers – remind you of anything, are you able to draw any comparisons today? In fact ancient Egypt (utilising modern poverty statistics) would have fared better in the social sense than most of today’s societies. So much for economic rationalism and laissez-faire capitalism! The inequity of today’s economic reality is far from mysterious; however, one mystery remains, the masses of today tolerate far greater inequities than the masses of yesterday. (story and 2 images)
international / social/political / article

text Stealing the Debate and Setting the Agenda nano, Wednesday, Jun 27 2007, 7:15pm
In Oz politics, stealing the agenda and debate is worth a ton of policies. The local media has trained itself to follow -- with scant regard for actual value -- the most controversial (sensational) political stunts. For the politician who is able to feed the media shark with the tastiest dish, the national political consciousness becomes theirs to exploit to full advantage.
national / social/political / commentary

Torture Bay -- star-spangled Nazis image The Empire of Clowns ... Arthur Silber via reed, Tuesday, Jun 26 2007, 12:03pm
At this moment in the monstrously bloody course of American Empire, I suppose I might take the sardonically grateful point of view. At least we now have some direct experience of how easy it was for nauseatingly corrupt Roman leaders to impose their will upon the ignorant hordes, and literally to get away with murder. Hell, who needed to "get away" with murder? Bloody, painful, lingering, ungraspably sadistic murder was one of the major entertainments. (story and 1 image)
international / social/political / other press

Deckchair from Titanic imagePDF Document And the Band Played On .. peptide, Friday, Jun 22 2007, 2:46pm
The title refers to the band on the ‘Titanic’ playing while the ship sank beneath the icy waters. Metaphor or allegory for the assault on free speech and democracy, judge for yourself but don’t forget to remain passive, servile and fearful in the face of all assaults on hard won freedoms and civil liberties – liberties your fathers died in wars to protect! (story and 4 comments and 2 images and 1 attached file)
Last Commented Wednesday, Jun 27 2007, 12:08am
editorial / social/political / commentary

rockspirits.jpg image The Cynical politics of John Howard major mitchell, Wednesday, Jun 20 2007, 10:31pm
This week witnessed John Howard’s cynical politics plumb new depths.

It is no secret that the larger percentage of income responsible for the economic boom Australia is experiencing issues from the resource/mining sector; and it is also no secret that the greatest impediment to open slather corporate exploitation of the land are the rights exercised by indigenous communities over their land. (story and 3 images)
national / social/political / commentary

The flock image Political Genius: credit where it’s due finch, Tuesday, Jun 19 2007, 8:36pm
Few even know her name but she was responsible for the Roman Empire enduring for another fifteen hundred years as a theological empire. Most people and historical texts mistakenly refer to the Roman Emperor Constantine as the person who transformed the militaristic Roman Empire into the Holy Roman Empire, however, he was only a manipulated mommy’s boy. (story and 1 image)
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

text US stocks tumble, global inflation fears grow ABConline via rialator, Thursday, Jun 7 2007, 10:25am
United States stocks have taken a tumble overnight as Treasury yields surged above 5 per cent, reinforcing fears that global inflation will force borrowing costs to rise.
international / social/political / other press

text Foreign debt - Australia's black hole flake gordon, Wednesday, Jun 6 2007, 12:39pm
An economic fact that everyone understands is crushing debt, personal or national. Think twice before you swallow the double talk and gobbly-gook of the conservative Howard government. Good management means high production, minimal debt, and low personal tax rates. Compare economic facts with the nonsense that issues from the mouth of the Federal Treasurer.
national / social/political / commentary

text A Failed Experiment Ernest Partridge via rialator, Wednesday, Jun 6 2007, 12:17pm
On January 20, 1981, in his first inaugural address, Ronald Reagan told the nation: "Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem." Thus began a grand experiment: Release the American economy from the bonds of government regulation. Individual enterprise and initiative, the profit motive, the free market and open competition will usher in a new birth of freedom and a new era of unprecedented prosperity.
international / social/political / other press

Cardinal George Pell image The Hypocrisy of Religion: Catholic Cardinal threatens State Politicians Kingfisher, Tuesday, Jun 5 2007, 3:25pm
SYDNEY -- A comment by Catholic Archbishop George Pell directed at Catholic Premier, Morris Iemma and other Catholic politicians, is clearly an attempt by the church to interfere with matters of State. Is this a case of an insular Cardinal pining for the good ol’ days when the Holy Roman Empire ruled Europe with a corrupt iron cross or is it a case of blatant religious hypocrisy? Perhaps the Cardinal’s comments relating to stem cell issues constitute a clear case of criminal blackmail – legal advocates may find a prime target in Cardinal Pell. A legal action could be interpreted as the State clearly delineating a distinction between matters of church and matters of State – Cardinals may discover they can’t have their cake and eat it with impunity! (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Tuesday, Jun 5 2007, 11:36pm
international / social/political / commentary

text Terrorism Defined: George Orwell and the power of language Stephen Lendman via rialator, Saturday, Jun 2 2007, 11:32am
Probably no word better defines or underscores the Bush presidency than "terrorism" even though his administration wasn't the first to exploit this highly charged term. We use to explain what "they do to us" to justify what we "do to them," or plan to, always deceitfully couched in terms of humanitarian intervention, promoting democracy, or bringing other people the benefits of western civilization Gandhi thought would be a good idea when asked once what he thought about it.
international / social/political / other press

text At what cost: the loss of integrity? fish, Thursday, May 31 2007, 6:20pm
A view from the outside is far more revealing than the myopia offered from within. We are all apt to overlook the elephant for its trunk or ears when we are drawn too near a subject/object. In such a distorted world, teacup ‘storms’ appear as hurricanes. The loss of perspective is a precursor to the loss of FREEDOM; as the scope narrows, so our consciousness. Few in Oz seem to be aware that the opposition Labor party no longer has an ideological platform; the values of the traditional Australian Labor Party have been jettisoned for short-term gain, opportunism and expediency! (story and 3 comments)
Last Commented Wednesday, Jun 27 2007, 3:10pm
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

text Bush kills off hopes for G8 climate change plan J. Borger, D. Adam and S. Goldenberg via rialator, Thursday, May 31 2007, 3:26pm
Bush kills off hopes for G8 climate plan US recognises global warming danger but wants to lead response outside UN.

George Bush yesterday threw international efforts to control climate change into confusion with a proposal to create a "new global framework" to curb greenhouse gas emissions as an alternative to a planned UN process.
international / social/political / other press

Humpback breaching image Whale slaughter in Southern Oceans moby, Monday, May 28 2007, 9:08am
Why is a Northern Hemisphere nation, JAPAN, permitted to flagrantly slaughter whales in Southern Hemisphere waters? Perhaps widespread inaction in the face of blatant Japanese smugness, arrogance, contempt for the environment, the International Whaling Commission and other nations is related to the world’s toleration of criminal wars resulting in hundreds of thousands of innocent human casualties! What chance do whales have if innocent HUMAN BEINGS are treated as expendable? (story and 2 images)
international / social/political / commentary

text Politics of fear creating a dangerously divided world Amnesty press via rialator, Tuesday, May 22 2007, 12:41pm
(London) Powerful governments and armed groups are deliberately fomenting fear to erode human rights and to create an increasingly polarized and dangerous world, said Amnesty International today as it launched Amnesty International Report 2007, its annual assessment of human rights worldwide.
international / social/political / other press

Kevin Rudd -- custard face image The Great Fellator: Kevin Rudd nano, Tuesday, May 15 2007, 12:47pm
The Australian opposition leader Kevin Rudd is proving to be more servile, passive and accommodating than even the current Australian prime minister, John Howard – many would have thought it impossible to top Howard’s effort but Rudd has proven them all wrong! Rudd, desperate to please all will eventually please none if he persists with his supremely passive, non-assertive and thoroughly despicable behaviour. It‘s simply not fitting for an aspiring Australian leader to unashamedly kowtow to the wishes of China over the relatively benign visit of the exiled theocratic leader of Tibet, the Dalai Lama. (story and 3 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Wednesday, May 16 2007, 11:42am
national / social/political / commentary

How much time Mr Murdoch? image VIABLE Alternative yarra, Sunday, May 13 2007, 11:06pm
Murdoch makes his move, out with the old (conservative) and in with the new (conservative). The poll driven sheeple have just been nose-ringed by a Murdoch media ‘news poll’ that indicates the public has rejected the Howard-Costello cynical vote grabbing budget bribe in favour of the Murdoch endorsed K. Rudd, who “would make a good Prime Minister!” Have we forgotten that lunch in New York so soon? Murdoch's media reminds us the Kingmaker is a man of purpose and commitment. From now till the election observe his media slowly crucify Howard and project Rudd as the man for the Job – it’s time for a 'change'! (story and 2 images)
national / social/political / opinion/analysis

text Bush's Zombie Shuffles Off Tariq Ali via rialator, Thursday, May 10 2007, 10:11am
Tony Blair's success was limited to winning three general elections in a row. A second-rate actor, he turned out to be a crafty and avaricious politician, but without much substance; bereft of ideas he eagerly grasped and tried to improve upon the legacy of Margaret Thatcher. But though in many ways Blair's programme has been a euphemistic, if bloodier, version of Thatcher's, the style of their departures is very different. Thatcher's overthrow by her fellow-Conservatives was a matter of high drama: an announcement outside the Louvre's glass pyramid during the Paris Congress brokering the end of the Cold War; tears; a crowded House of Commons. (story and 2 comments)
Last Commented Thursday, May 10 2007, 7:45pm
international / social/political / other press

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