"All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting" -- George Orwell
Dingoes and Dragons
barra, Monday, Jan 22 2007, 5:56pm
It is easy to overlook the critical issues in the present political climate of rapid change. While most eyes are on Iran and America’s woeful attempts to revive its international reputation by pursuing an already failed PNAC strategy, China quietly ascends with the minimum of fuss. Asian nations (including Japan) are fully aware of China’s unassailable supremacy in the region and its wider influence in regions traditionally the domain of western powers. It seems that even the Americans have been jolted into a new awareness of China’s place in the International Community. (story and 2 images)
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Perfect Contradiction and Double Standards
dingo, Friday, Jan 19 2007, 8:20am
The People's Republic of China has successfully destroyed one of its own satellites with a ground to space ballistic missile – the message was not lost on some superpowers! America has expressed outrage and has marshalled western nations to voice their condemnation and “demand” a full explanation from the Chinese Government. The new USA certainly is a huge departure from the old, it seems that creating a living hell in the Middle East with hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths to its credit is acceptable behaviour but China shooting down a piece of its own space junk is an offensive, outrageous act requiring a full explanation! (story and 2 images)
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Convenient Coincidences
mantis, Thursday, Jan 18 2007, 10:00am
Analysts are trained to give special attention to what appears to be coincidence. A good example of this today would be the current hysteria in the UK over the racial vilification of an Indian actress on some inane TV show and ‘coincidentally’, in Australia, the mysterious ‘surfacing’ of an extremist DVD allegedly produced by an Australian Wahhabist Muslim. The mass media of both these nations is saturated by these attention-stealing ‘stories’. The attention of the respective populations has been conveniently diverted away from coalition forces quietly preparing for a nuclear attack on Iran. It could also be argued that the racist card is being utilised to soften western populations to the use of nuclear weapons – after all, unwashed Arabs and Persians are expendable, aren’t they? (story and 2 images)
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Criminal Empire
Kingfisher, Monday, Jan 15 2007, 9:59am
Move over Mafia, Cocaine cartels, Russian, Balkan, Cuban groups, Triads and numerous other criminal organisations – the U.S. State is taking over! Today, the methodologies of the American State cannot be distinguished from the methods of organised crime. The latest executions of Saddam’s cronies and the newly signed deal to allow American Oil Companies unprecedented access and open slather exploitation of Iraqi Oil reserves leave little doubt regarding the real intentions of the illegal invasion. The Washington line of spreading ‘liberty’ and ‘democracy’ will go down in history as a feeble and transparent charade. Nevertheless, America has proven that caveman tactics of brute force and mindless violence (over 655,000 dead) succeed in satisfying immediate needs. It has also become apparent that the USA is unable to see the untenability of its actions in the long term – America has failed to assess the real costs of its morally bankrupt actions! (story and 2 images)
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Bush, Somalia and the Future
fish, Wednesday, Jan 10 2007, 1:44pm
Bush’s impending demise is marked by frantic and desperate attempts to portray the illegal Iraq invasion and subsequent plunder of the precious oil resource, as a war of “noble” intent! Wars based on deception, lies and plunder, with over half a million civilian casualties, would be difficult to record as anything other than what they are – theft, murder and neo-colonial expansionism at any cost. Unfortunately for Bush and his neo-cons, the Truth regarding Iraq is widely known and it is that knowledge which will enter the historical record, not the drivel that issues from the mouths of imbeciles and psychopaths! (story and 2 images)
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Selective Amnesia
Glenn Greenwald via rialator, Friday, Jan 5 2007, 8:13am
When political leaders make drastic mistakes, accountability is delivered in the form of elections. That occurred in November when voters removed the party principally responsible for the war in Iraq. But the invasion would not have occurred had Americans not been persuaded of its wisdom and necessity, and leading that charge was a stable of pundits and media analysts who glorified President Bush’s policies and disseminated all sorts of false information and baseless assurances. (story and 1 image)
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In Plain Sight
Kingfisher, Monday, Jan 1 2007, 4:40pm
Welcome to 2007, the year of plain sight and little doubt! The criminal incompetence of the Bush regime is impossible to hide, thanks in part to a highly successful American son, Bill Gates – and everyone thought that Bin Laden posed the greatest threat to the American way of life! It was Bill Gates, the world’s most successful capitalist, who, a decade ago, accelerated the development of the “information super highway”. His superbly streamlined and devastatingly efficient marketing machine facilitated the age of open communication that many take for granted today. (story and 3 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Sunday, Aug 24 2008, 7:54pm
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A Life of Crime
nano, Saturday, Dec 30 2006, 3:26pm
The execution of the murderer, Saddam Hussein, by American organised criminals via their proxies in Iraq, highlights the fact that criminals vying for power determine the course of the world. The coalition of Bush, Blair and Howard is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians yet these leaders commit their crimes with impunity. The defining principle is not law (as is claimed) it is brute force! Economic and military power determine who is a ‘criminal’ and who is a ‘saviour’ regardless of the acts committed. (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Sunday, Dec 31 2006, 4:34pm
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Basic Espionage/Warfare for Intelligence Agents
dingo, Wednesday, Dec 27 2006, 10:25am
According to its own mouthpiece, ABC news, the Australian spy agency (ASIO) has embarked on a recruitment drive: (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Friday, Dec 29 2006, 8:35am
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Pot Cultivation in Today’s America
barra, Tuesday, Dec 19 2006, 8:41pm
It’s official, marijuana represents the USA’s most lucrative locally grown product – at $200 billion/annum, corn, wheat and potatoes are chicken feed. While U.S. borders seep various powdered imports it’s good ol’ home grown pot that makes the bankers smile. The USA is drowning in contraband and the negative social ramifications of the neo-PROHIBITION of unenlightened conservative beliefs – when will they ever learn?
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Processing Information
budgie, Friday, Dec 15 2006, 12:48pm
U.S. Vice-President, Dick Cheney, today praised the outgoing U.S. Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld, for his contribution in spreading ‘democracy and liberty’ to the Middle East; Cheney also claimed that Rumsfeld was the “best” Secretary of Defence in U.S. history – additional evidence confirming the U.S. administration is INSANE no longer required.
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Puppet leadership in Western ‘Democracies’
nano, Tuesday, Dec 12 2006, 8:42am
Corporate power and rulership in western societies is complete, governments either conform to corporate dictates or are quickly replaced by compliant political alternatives. The management of information via the monopolised mass media and the complete domination of the economy maintain and sustain corporate supremacy. The masses suffer increased subjection (debt slavery) and vulnerability (limited options) as a result of decreased representation by governments. Corporate rule has reduced the real status of the public to servility and subservience, not dissimilar to the ancient Roman model of kept house-slaves. The belief that Roman slaves were constantly maltreated is based on erroneous images (whipped galley-slaves) that Hollywood and the entertainment industry have popularised. Ancient Roman slaves lived in basic but tolerable conditions, similar (in relative terms) to the servile masses of today.
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Australian Politics and Corporate Rulership
peptide, Sunday, Dec 3 2006, 10:08am
It may be time for a change; the credentials of Kevin Rudd, new leader of the opposition in Australia, certainly indicate that a change of national leadership may be on the horizon. Kevin Rudd, the man from KPMG and DFAT, with the added bonus of strong conservative Christian values, is looking like a prime candidate for change at National level BUT (and it’s a biggie) will the real rulers of Australia, the Macquarie Bank/Group and the huge resource/mining Transnational Corporate sector back the ‘wild parochial boy’ from Queensland in his bid for the top puppet job as Prime Minister? (story and 2 images)
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Breaking Oz with News
brumble B, Friday, Dec 1 2006, 3:27pm
Fiji prepares for Oz invasion by leaving blackhawk helicopters on its beaches. A kava intoxicated Commodore Frank 'Bullawayo' has once again forgotten his coup deadline and Australia's Minister of Defence, Dr Brendan (studs) Nelson, faces hostile relatives over the latest cover-ups and military fiascos! Well done, ‘studs’, the record of Robert (suck harder) Hill will soon be under threat. (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Thursday, Dec 21 2006, 4:59pm
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other press
The Downside of ‘Liberation Democracy’
dingo, Monday, Nov 27 2006, 8:30pm
A recent study highlighting the rapid expansion of organised criminal activity in those areas where NATO and the U.S. have engaged in aggressive military intervention offers further evidence of the lasting negative social consequences of foreign occupation by neo-colonial powers. As corporate driven America attempts to assert its dominance over weaker nations, organised crime, quick to exploit traumatised societies, becomes the principal beneficiary in the 'war on terror' and the spread of ‘democracy, liberty’ and free market capitalism – what is good for capitalist America is even better for a crime boss! (story and 2 images)
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The New Breed
peptide, Saturday, Nov 25 2006, 9:42am
A recent news report detailing the effects of Globalisation – western economic/military expansionism by any other name – and the explosion of organised criminal activity in the Balkans was aired today on ABC Radio Australia. The primary item of interest dealt with the negative impact that Western Europe, including the UK, is experiencing as a result of the activities of Albanian, Turkish, Bosnian, Bulgarian and Serbian criminal syndicates. According to the report NATO’s intervention and the subsequent elimination of traditional regulatory forces and authorities in the region has facilitated the “explosion”.
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John Howard: “Horrified” Australian War Criminal
nano, Thursday, Nov 23 2006, 9:49am
John Howard, lackey Prime Minister of Australia and member of the coalition of willing criminals, today stated that he is “horrified“ at the loss of life in Iraq. In view of the fact that Howard, Bush and Blair are DIRECTLY responsible for the illegal invasion and the hundreds of thousands of subsequent deaths in Iraq, we are horrified that these men have avoided prosecution to date! (story and 2 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Saturday, Dec 2 2006, 7:59am
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Economic Values and Impending Collapse
finch, Wednesday, Nov 22 2006, 9:02am
Foreboding has hit the ranks of private equity firms; try as they might to unload vast amounts of funds (monetary value is inextricably linked to the movement of those funds) they have been unable to spend/invest at a rate that would sustain value let alone increase real profits! The ‘healthy figures’ reflecting increased acquisitions/investments are on paper only – it ‘looks good’ at the moment!
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G20 and Oz Sibling Rivalry
barra, Sunday, Nov 19 2006, 11:40am
Freud would have a field day with the Costello brothers at the moment. One is the Australian Federal Treasurer, our much ‘loved’ local supercilious prick, Peter Costello; the other is the Reverend Tim Costello who poured his Christian scorn all over the G20 conference in which his brother was taking great pride. The Rev. Tim, stated (paraphrase) that the conference was a non-event, a waste of time!
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Ludicrous Assumptions
gan, Friday, Nov 17 2006, 7:02pm
Ludicrous assumptions are many but perhaps the most absurd is the assumption that those who steal the greater percentage of available wealth and continue to implement economic strategies designed to enslave are (somehow) safe and secure. From the Pacific islands to the pitch battles in Mainland China, exploited people of the world are retaliating against injustice.
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