"Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind" -- George Orwell
Symbiosis: Religion and the State
Kingfisher, Tuesday, May 23 2006, 8:18am
Furthermore, theology induces passivity to authority – there is no better method of creating compliance than theology. Who else would quietly accept injustice, various forms of deprivation and huge disparities in the distribution of wealth than those who imagine it is the result of demerit, sin or the will of some God? Many extremely intelligent and capable people become observably handicapped when the subject/spectre of religion rears its illogical, paralysing and fear-inducing head. Never doubt the power that is born of theological indoctrination (child abuse) and the resultant fear that it engenders (usually for life).
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Failure of the Affluent State
nano, Monday, May 15 2006, 7:21am
When the State fails and criminals steal the reigns of power corruption filters through State institutions. The agencies and the regulatory ‘authorities’ usually ‘toe the line’ and therefore cannot be trusted to serve the interests of the people. When the government becomes a den of thieves, liars and murderers it is the people who must restore sanity and legitimate government.
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Unwanted poster - George Bush
James Moylan, Monday, May 15 2006, 3:43am
a graphic comment from the only sane ape in the pack. (higher resolution image is available from this site) (story and 1 image)
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An Unwanted poster - John Howard
James Moylan, Monday, May 15 2006, 3:38am
a graphic comment from the only sane ape in the pack (use link)
higher resolution copies are available from this site (story and 1 image)
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Broken News: Howard’s final Suck
dingo, Sunday, May 14 2006, 6:12am
“Bush Praises Howard”, reads the headline on ninemsn ‘news’, 15 May ‘06. It is not often a response can be encapsulated in one word, PUKE, Puke, puke – whatever way you care to spell it!
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news report
A Telling Mail
team, Friday, May 12 2006, 6:59am
The following e-mail has been published as a gesture of appreciation for all the support and help that has come from many quarters since the inception of the site. The success of the site and the effectivity of its mission is the direct result of the creative input of all concerned and the support of those in the broader community.
We thank you all.
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news report
Fundamentally Sick: Freud and Human Society
finch, Wednesday, May 10 2006, 8:14am
For the purposes of this short paper it will suffice to restate the obvious and wonder how the health of modern human society could have been described as anything other than terminally ill. Society is only an expression of its component parts (people) and it is in that component that the overall health of any society can be measured. Accordingly, behavioural modification in a large group of people would alter the character and course of a society or nation. It is the behavioural modifiers that deserve attention.
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Boffins, Buffoons and Intelligence Agencies
junior, Sunday, May 7 2006, 7:18pm
Paul O'Sullivan, Director-General ASIO, recently fielded questions after his public address at the Sydney Institute. In response to a question relating to the Cronulla race riots, the ASIO chief confirmed that extremism from any quarter (left or right) would attract the attention of our domestic watchdog. His answer prompted a memory recall of the most infamous failure of our domestic spy agencies, the Sydney Hilton Bombing of February ’78. (story and 1 image)
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The State of (Oz) Affairs
dingo, Sunday, Apr 30 2006, 3:21pm
No greater tragedy has beset the Australian nation than at the present time. Everything that is un-Australian masquerades as the leader of the nation; is it necessary to name John Howard as the personification of everything that is un-Australian? A cowardly, cringing, lying, weevil does not an Australian make! Howard is the most grotesque, obnoxious flea that has ever inhabited political office. A perfect coward and pathological liar has won the last two elections by default. The local population desperately sought a viable opposition but found NONE; a high school student could have beaten Howard but not the present opposition; no greater congregation of self-centred, self-destructive, inept fools has ever sullied the floor of parliament.
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The Bleating Bush
peptide, Tuesday, Apr 25 2006, 5:40pm
Bush has responded to recent bombings in Egypt with a finger pounding demonstration of determined imbecility; he once again identifies “the enemy” as singular, implying a centralised terrorist group. If the USA had any credible intelligence they would know that the ‘enemy’ is in fact many separate and spontaneously occurring cells rather than a fixed hierarchical centralised group. Misinformation could be another reason the USA is failing in Iraq! US troops are unable to locate the “enemy” to which Bush and his administration continually refers – we should not forget that Rumsfeld briefs Bush on these matters.
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A Convoy of Fools: The moronic masses
dingo, Saturday, Apr 22 2006, 9:50am
The title would suggest that the writer is not attempting to ingratiate self with the readership; to remove any lingering doubts in that regard you can go fuck yourself or any other member of your immediate family, OK! I’m happy to leave persuasive discourse to the theological, political and capital oriented propagandists. (story and 4 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Monday, May 22 2006, 6:46am
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Doctrinaire Ideologues: Relics of the Past
nano, Monday, Apr 17 2006, 7:40am
It is the overwhelming masses of China that will assert their primacy over minority government and then spill across borders into surrounding regions. Existing maps of Asia and Europe will become redundant overnight. People across the globe will be spurred into action as they drag their corrupt leaders from their lairs to face the quick judgement of the people. Bunkers deep in mountains, designed to harbour criminal elites in times of devastation, have only a finite supply of resources. The inhabitants can only postpone the inevitable; justice is patient.
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Easter Message 2006
finch, Saturday, Apr 15 2006, 1:40pm
Irrespective of the particular religious hypocrisy to which believers may subscribe, the Christian period of Easter occupies centre stage at present; it’s hypocrisy time for modern Christians and in particular their leaders. It’s time (in the face of war, famine, injustice, pollution, inequity etc) to hear from the normally disengaged leaders of the various Christian sects and churches. It is show time but not action time for the hypocrites that lead their congregations by example – practical commitment to the principles of their faith is sorely lacking.
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Theologica Evangelica
finch, Monday, Apr 3 2006, 3:30pm
A news report on April 3, stated that U.S. Evangelicals, numbering approximately thirty five million, are considering withdrawing their support from the Bush government; the failure in Iraq was cited as the principal reason. It seems incredible that thirty five million people deliberated over a previous decision to support Bush only to arrive at a diametrically opposite view today. In any religious organisation it is the few who decide for the many, a handful of people are making all the policy decisions and exercising a degree of influence as a result. Their power stems from the fact that the congregation conforms and does as it is directed. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Wednesday, Apr 5 2006, 6:11am
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Counter Strategies
peptide, Thursday, Mar 30 2006, 9:12am
Mainstream media has largely ignored two recent events that would have attracted sustained media attention in the past. Half a million Hispanics and other protesters flooded the streets of LA while in France a staggering three million protesters confronted the authorities. These protests occurred in quick succession but barely rated a mention in the popular press. Activists and analysts have been aware for some time that the independence and impartiality of the mass media has been compromised. Regardless of the magnitude and impact of a specific event, if it is considered to be incompatible with certain interests, it is disregarded.
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Revolution or Misapprehension
cleaves, Tuesday, Mar 28 2006, 10:58am
The people’s movement in LA, France, Thailand, China, Philippines, the South Americas etc., verifies a power dynamic outlined in a previous paper:
“…the erosion and final dissolution of power concentrated in specific locations is rapidly occurring today. The ultra-right/left authoritarian contractionism we witness today is symptomatic of its failure to harmoniously engage the greater (world) dynamic. The ‘greater’ the contractionism/antagonism the greater attraction it creates for precisely those forces and conditions that would equalise it [dispersion] in the broader world context.”
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Embers of Empire: Blair in Oz
colt, Sunday, Mar 26 2006, 2:58am
Blair’s speech in Oz parliament today (27 March) was notable for its familiarity – nothing new, same ol’ same ol’ shite. Wait! I think there was something that may have been a Freudian slip in reverse, Blair pleaded with a crumbling support base not to ostracise the yanks as they may “lift their drawbridge” (what a laugh). In order to survive, the voracious beast of Capitalism MUST feed off weaker nations, destroy the environment, wreak havoc and wage war to sustain its (military) economy. The world needs America like it needs a hole in the head; by all means Tony, let the yanks implode on themselves; allow the blood-sucking star-spangled-fangs to sink into its own neck; it would be a most entertaining spectacle. (story and 1 image)
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Disguised Attack on Free Speech
jack, Thursday, Mar 23 2006, 2:21am
The digital revolution has created an imbalance in the supply of information, which has impacted heavily on minority ruling interests. Media moguls, minority interests and their puppet governments are lamenting the good ol’ days when the mass media supplied ‘disinfected’ information to a gullible population. Millions around the globe are now able to exchange information, become independent publishers and have a ‘voice’. It is not surprising that information from sources at an ‘event’ often contradicts popular reporting and tailored versions disseminated by the mass media and centralist governments. (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Friday, Mar 24 2006, 1:06am
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Oz visit: A Dose of U.S. Delusion from Rice
Kingfisher, Thursday, Mar 16 2006, 12:42pm
Australia experienced a dose of Americana in the form of a visit from (divorced from reality) Condoleezza Rice, who maintains that Iraq is in a better position today than prior to the US invasion! The whole world is aware of the absolute DEBACLE that is Iraq and the ridiculous claims that were made prior to the invasion and now the absurd excuses from Wolfowitz, Rice and others, that everything will turn out fine in the end. Fairytale explanations do not ‘cut it’ outside the USA, Ms. Rice, what future or ‘end’ did you have in mind? The whole world is aware that you are ‘winging it’ or improvising as you go! But it’s a damn shame that kids and other innocents are dying while you and your criminally inept government lie and deceive. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Thursday, Mar 16 2006, 6:09pm
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Storming the Bastille and Direct Action
nano, Tuesday, Mar 14 2006, 11:46am
It should now be apparent to all that the usual strategies have proven ineffective against the ultra-right of today. The reasons are clear; the right is playing hard, fast and bold while the opposition is lost in analysis and navel gazing. ‘Storming the Bastille’ may again be required to precipitate change. Demos, alternative media, various forms of dissenting propaganda have all failed to alter the course of events. It would seem that while one side is playing hardball (for keeps) the other is content to fossick on the shores of world-shaping politics. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Saturday, Mar 25 2006, 2:52am
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