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Carbon Tax -- note the Jewish Goldman Sachs figure image The Oz Carbon Tax/Crucifixion -- the REAL Cost dasha, Saturday, Apr 14 2012, 9:23pm
After reading the following report, based on conservative estimates, the question that should be asked is WHO designed this outrageous Tax? We know Corporate lackey, Juliar Gillard isn't capable of independent thought, she was pushed into power because Rudd began to oppose the powers. So who is behind this unnecessary, crucifying TAX BURDEN, which will INCREASE the cost of EVERYTHING? (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Saturday, Apr 14 2012, 10:14pm
international / imperialism / other press

text Identification is SLAVERY anon, Wednesday, Feb 16 2011, 6:02am

NO ONE is EVERYONE ... We are MANY -- we are ONE -- We are UNSTOPPABLE!

international / social/political / other press

text Oz High Court rules in favour of Bikers (and our) right to Free Association cubic, Thursday, Nov 11 2010, 5:31am
Following the AMERICAN trend of Government influencing/interfering with the independence of the Courts, South Australia, the first State that attempted to implement American police state tactics in Oz, failed in its corrupt bid. The AUSTRALIAN High Court bench (6 from 7 Judges) ruled in favour of the Bikers to freely associate! The judges also expressed their contempt for the South Australian Government for attempting to institute such an oppressive policy.
national / injustice/law / commentary

Good riddance, Mike Rann! image The Oz Servility Stakes – Labor faces Nationwide Obliteration! bluey, Friday, Mar 19 2010, 7:59pm
Mike Rann, South Australian Premier, is second only to his Federal counterpart, Kevin ‘custard face’ Rudd, in his obeisance to Corporatists and BIG Business. Rann is facing slaughter at the forthcoming State elections, which some analysts say will be an Oz-wide snowball effect – Rudd and his State Labor counterparts have proven to be the most unrepresentative Labor governments in the nation’s history – it’s ‘all the way’ with BIG Business/Washington and fuck the traditional support base of average working Aussies! (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

crooks.jpg image Abbott unintentionally flushes BOUGHT Oz politicians stylus, Tuesday, Mar 16 2010, 7:58am
Former and current Australian politicians who have clearly been bought by BIG Business have lined up in criticism of Tony Abbott’s new tax on Big Business to support his radical parental leave initiative. We have covered reprehensible criminal and Wall St servant Paul Keating’s criticism in a previous article. However, former conservative treasurer, Peter ‘supercilious prick’ Costello, remembered as the man who lacked the guts to fight for his party’s leadership, joined the fray later this afternoon in SUPPORT-- wouldn’t ya know it – of Kevin Rudd and BIG Business – LOL! (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Tuesday, Mar 16 2010, 6:31pm
international / social/political / commentary

Original Eureka Flag image Incompetent Oz PM, Kevin ‘yes Rupert’ Rudd, attempts to portray Aussies as Terrorists bluey, Monday, Feb 22 2010, 6:24pm
Kevin ‘photo-op’ Rudd, is arguably the most incompetent, narcissistic and ineffective Prime Minister Australia has ever had to suffer – his very brief and unfortunate tenure is threatening to annihilate Labor across the board, at Federal AND State levels! A lesson in populism you will not soon forget, gentlemen; populism going sour carries a very high penalty indeed – but its not too late, an unfortunate accident perhaps! (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

Kevin Rudd image How ruling elites support and protect their PUPPET politicians nib, Saturday, Jan 2 2010, 10:59pm
After taking a massive Carbon Trading (PR) ‘body blow’ at No-Hopen-Hagen and suffering jibes of “loser” and accusations of “coward,” for RETREATING rather than directly confronting new opposition leader, Tony ‘the basher’ Abbott, the Oz PM, Kevin ‘CENSORSHIP' Rudd, is in dire need of assistance, especially from his CORPORATE and MEDIA MASTERS – and they sure are quick to protect their property! (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Sunday, Jan 3 2010, 8:13pm
international / mass media / opinion/analysis

K. Rudd image Kevin Rudd’s Last Stand at ‘Little Big’ Copenhagen bluey, Thursday, Dec 17 2009, 8:59pm
One cannot help but draw parallels between the arrogance, foolhardiness and NARCISSISM of General George Armstrong Custer and his modern blonde counterpart, Kevin ‘photo-op’ Rudd. Both men share similar personality flaws, not the least being pathological narcissism, which also explains the one-man-band attitude of both men AND of course defines their greatest weakness and the inevitable cause of their ignominious FALL from grace. (story and 1 image)
international / environment / commentary

Rudd image Oz Political Vermin Survival Strategies dasha, Sunday, Dec 13 2009, 7:57am
In contrast to kitchen vermin, which always seek out dark cracks and crevices when under threat, Oz political vermin, when confronted with massive popularity/face LOSS -- failed ‘Messiah’ of ETS at ‘No-Hopen-Hagen;’ border 'protection;' pissweak whaling ‘warrior’ in our hemisphere; continuing BHP artesian water theft; wholesale rape of the nation by Corporations and gut-turning cowardice/compliance with every dictate of Washington regarding sending our troops to AMERICA’S ILLEGAL (and failed) WARS – but to the point; politicians, unlike their kitchen cockroach cousins, seek the LIMELIGHT to DISTRACT and survive when threatened with demise! (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Sunday, Dec 13 2009, 8:22pm
national / social/political / commentary

bhangshop.jpg image Radicalism in new Oz opposition may prove successful spot, Thursday, Dec 10 2009, 9:14pm
It is no secret that Oz has been cursed with spineless, sycophantic, subservient (to Washington) national leaders since Paul ‘bank fees’ Keating. After the agonisingly long tenure of arch-conservative and WAR CRIMINAL, John Howard, Australia hoped beyond reason that the new PM Kevin ‘show pony’ Rudd would return the nation to its traditional cultural values, but alas, it is now painfully clear WE GOT STUCK WITH ANOTHER SERVILE, CONSERVATIVE NERD! (story and 2 images)
national / social/political / commentary

text Competence and good governance are required Mr Rudd, NOT more Laws! Kingfisher, Wednesday, Jul 22 2009, 1:10am
Faced with Real issues, Rio Tinto exec arrest, Balibo justice, water polluting Uranium/BHP mining etc, the show pony PM of Australia, Kevin ‘photo shoot’ Rudd, opts for diversion – creating more laws -- rather than addressing and dealing with problems head-on! It’s a matter of COMPETENCE, the principal quality lacking in Oz government today! (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Wednesday, Jul 29 2009, 8:38am
international / social equality/unity / commentary

qldoilspill.jpg image Take a good PATHETIC look at yourself, Australia yarra, Monday, Jul 6 2009, 12:08am
The cowering, CRINGING, cultural imprint that identifies Australia/ns today probably found its genesis in the brow-beaten, downtrodden, ‘subjected’ Anglo convicts forced onto this off-shore continental jail in the very dim past. The ‘free’ administrative officials required to govern and regulate the oppressed convicts and early settlement found solace in their very British identities -- the ruling elite of the time were constantly at pains to identify with the distant Imperial Crown! (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

Paul 'fingers' Keating image Paul Keating’s recent ‘sledging’ of Timothy Geithner in context Kingfisher, Tuesday, Mar 17 2009, 10:48pm
Perhaps no Western leader was closer to the CIA backed, mass murdering former Indonesian President, General Soeharto than former Australian PM, Paul Keating. It would be fair to say that Soeharto and Keating were as ‘thick as thieves.’ (story and 2 images)
international / social/political / opinion/analysis

bushfiresun.jpg image Oz Parliament Suspended fish, Monday, Feb 9 2009, 8:46am
The Australian Parliament suspended normal business today to acknowledge the bushfire tragedy that continues to impact the State of Victoria. Politicians from both sides of the House expressed their sympathies for the victims. As of 11 Feb., 181 lives have been lost to the fires. Large townships have been severely impacted and some historical hamlets have been wiped out completely. Expressions of grief and sorrow gushed from Parliament House like the water pillaged from our artesian basin by BHP-Billiton! Today is a day of national reflection for more reasons than one. (story and 1 image)
international / social equality/unity / opinion/analysis

radiation.jpg image Kevin Rudd risks becoming the toilet paper PM of world history Kingfisher, Friday, Dec 19 2008, 12:00am
As the US makes plans to close its infamous, excised detention centre, Guantanamo ‘torture’ Bay; Australia opens its newly built, high tech, excised detention/torture centre on ‘Christmas’ Island -- just in time for Christmas! We should all note that Rudd pretends, among myriad other posturings, to be a Christian! WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO KID, RUDD, you reprehensible, performing worm? Tell it to the banjo-playing yanks! (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Sunday, Dec 21 2008, 7:37am
international / social/political / commentary

Greeks hold peaceful protest in Athens image The Sons of Cain finn, Wednesday, Dec 10 2008, 3:36am
It is appropriate that the home of democracy reminds us never to tolerate oppression, violence and corruption from non-representative minority governments that have subverted the democratic process and stolen power. We are all reminded of the price extracted when we fail to be vigilant; the murder of a 15 year-old boy in Greece by the reviled authorities and the one million innocent civilian dead in Iraq are consequences of allowing criminals to seize power and failing to act swiftly to remove them. The horrendous death toll inflicted by America in Iraq is the result of OUR INACTION in the face of FLAGRANT CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. (story and 3 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Wednesday, Dec 10 2008, 6:54am
international / social equality/unity / commentary

text Rudd delivers National Security Statement in Parliament barra, Wednesday, Dec 3 2008, 10:21pm
We decided some time ago to reduce coverage of Australian ‘news,’ as the nation has not earned the right of recognition as a fully-fledged, independent, sovereign nation – take it under advisement, you parochial, cringing pipsqueaks! (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Wednesday, Dec 3 2008, 11:28pm
international / social/political / commentary

Alexander Downer image Former Oz FM, Alexander Downer at loose ends Kingfisher, Sunday, Nov 2 2008, 2:07am
There is a syndrome to which former public figures are extremely susceptible; it’s a type of hangover effect. After years in public office, directing the affairs of State, to suddenly find themselves on the scrap heap is a little disconcerting and a bit of a shock, especially for elitists that have always held the view they were born to rule! (story and 1 image)
international / social/political / commentary

Kevin Rudd, exactly! image Rudd: the most insignificant and internationally disregarded PM in Oz history barra, Friday, Oct 3 2008, 11:29pm
After his revealing address to an almost empty chamber at the UN, Kevin ‘non-event’ Rudd has taken Australian recognition to an all-time low in the international arena.

His predecessor, John ‘aluminium tubing’ Howard could never be accused of insignificance, his rabid right wing, racist, contractive, slavish (to America) and cynical policies ensured that he would be noticed by the world, but for all the wrong reasons! The Tampa crisis, deportation of citizens, illegal invasive warfare, rabid racism, which culminated in the victimisation of dark skinned Indian Doctor Haneef, surrendering Australian nationals to Indonesian authorities to face execution and allowing Transnationals and Corporate CEOs to dictate policy in the running of the nation, especially Allan Moss and his Macquarie Group! (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

Turnbull given an opportunity image You’ve got three months, Malcolm, so far so good! finch, Thursday, Sep 18 2008, 12:50pm
We have refrained from writing stories relating to pathetic, subservient, dependent Australia, for obvious reasons -- it had promise once! However, the recent change of leadership in the opposition party was too great a temptation, especially in view of the preposterous lies and pretences that littered the new opposition leader’s opening speech. [Some explanation is required for American and international readers.] (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Tuesday, Jun 23 2009, 11:09am
national / social/political / commentary

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