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Thanks for the bases, Julia! The joke is on the morons. image The TRUTH about 'Drone Warfare' skye, Sunday, Apr 29 2012, 12:53am
Pilotless aircraft or Drones are sitting ducks in the sky, any antiquated PILOTED jet fighter is able to knock them out of the sky with EASE, so why all the terror and hype surrounding Drones? Also, understand that ALL air forces world wide know the above facts/truth. (story and 1 image)
international / peace/war / commentary

text Digital Technologies have rendered the Geopolitical Redundant minnie, Saturday, Apr 28 2012, 11:39pm
It’s TIME to abandon notions of States, borders, nations and tribes – today it is the global masses, THE PEOPLE (debt-slavery/austerities/war) that have been TARGETED by minority ruling elites in whose interests divisive policies are maintained. Comprehensive global warfare has been waged on the entire global population by Transnational Banking and Corporatist elites for decades. Today it is CLEAR that global elites, who know no borders or recognise no flag, wage war against the PEOPLE of the entire WORLD. Take another look at the GLOBAL situation to verify the plain truth for yourselves.
international / social equality/unity / news report

neoconsstrauss.jpg image One useful Neocon Legacy piri, Saturday, Apr 28 2012, 11:47am
The American Imperialist agenda that the neocons launched so effectively and that Obama pursues to this day, has a single positive element to it, perhaps confirming something my granny once told me as a child, 'nothing is all bad or good,' though the neocons came awfully close to being all bad. In hindsight it appears the neocons did humanity a great service by demonstrating how utterly servile, useless and fearful today's American masses are! (story and 1 image)
international / social/political / commentary

text The Distasteful Business of Banking shyluck, Saturday, Apr 28 2012, 9:07am
No surprises here; banks will stop at nothing to increase their bottom line? Using new software packages designed to assess when existing customers/clients are at their most vulnerable, banks hope to sell more products and increase client debt. But what of the moral issue of taking unfair advantage of the public? Whatever happened to protecting the public interest? O, that's right, bank serving Juliar 'carbon tax' Gillard became PM!
international / imperialism / other press

text Who is the "Enemy?" Bradley Manning to be tried for aiding TRUTH and Liberty red, Saturday, Apr 28 2012, 1:52am
Good lawyers and investigators would have a field day with this case and the moronic, CORRUPT and PARTIAL military 'court.' Remember that president Obama himself stated openly that Manning was GUILTY! Which absurdist trial are we prosecuting today , Mr Barack Alice Kafka? You people have lost it, big time! The WORLD (history) is watching you imbeciles imploding in your own cesspool of lies, distortions, deceptions and unreality -- what a tragic circus!
international / injustice/law / other press

anon_rorsch.jpg image ANONYMOUS -- Crucial Target, worth every effort! blog via mask, Saturday, Apr 28 2012, 1:01am
Greetz to the crewz and salutations to the Uber elite:

The fragile trading system is now completely addicted to vulnerable digital technologies, as the following report clearly indicates. The message is clear, WHATEVER IT TAKES -- get in, let loose and bring down Wall St/Global markets.

direct and remote rootz, wormz-vir-troj, everything we've got -- let her rip!

Use contacts on the floor and outsourced sources - LOL! You reading this, banker cabals -- your world is coming to an END, we own the 'wire', outsourcing was a very bad idea, too late now!

We are MANY -- We are ONE -- We are INVINCIBLE!
(story and 2 images)
international / mass media / news report

Marines urinating on dead Afghans image Gillard acquiesces to US demands bluey, Friday, Apr 27 2012, 10:33am
Yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir -- SPINELESS Canberra politicians WITHOUT a MANDATE from the people are accepting US occupying troops other nations are throwing out! (story and 2 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Sunday, Apr 29 2012, 9:37pm
international / imperialism / other press

Sarah Palin image [America] A Nation of Morons Stephen Lendman via stele, Friday, Apr 27 2012, 7:42am
Jefferson called an educated citizenry "a vital requisite for our survival as a free people." Madison warned that "A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy, or both." (story and 2 images)
international / social/political / other press

text Eugenicist Alert! Drastic Reduction of Global Population Required by Ruling Elites John Vidal via stan, Thursday, Apr 26 2012, 10:20pm
Prior warning has been given numerous times on this site now the Corporate media is running a most revealing story on the "need" to "drastically reduce the global population." Have no illusions, we write for the historical record not for the useless slaves that are led bleating like sheep to the slaughter.

Regardless of accompanying subterfuges, when they release their lab created DEADLY human bird flu virus, go get 'em, you useless, gutless, moron slaves -- LOL! [THEY have a vaccine which they will never release to the masses, be aware of Big Pharma fakes and take your chances!]

international / environment / other press

It's a fairy tale - her drastic weight loss tells the REAL story imageaudio Prince William and Kate -- feast on the distraction, otherwise ugly REALITY may Intrude sev, Thursday, Apr 26 2012, 9:14pm
look at the pretty picture and let ur imaginations run free; ride ur desperate longings into fantasy; away from your ugly, MEDIOCRE, SLAVE existences. The dreary drudgery, the pain borne of futility and powerlessness, take the romantic magic media carpet ride. The corporate media is adept at diversion, distraction and feeding opium to the masses. (story and 1 image and 1 audio file)
international / mass media / other press

text Free2Hack krall, Thursday, Apr 26 2012, 10:00am
this short piece is mainly for the crewz and to irritate the NSA, FBI, CIA and a host of other 'intelligence' and 'security' agencies that mainly specialize in incompetence.
international / mass media / news report

facelessflag.jpg image Assange's WT -- failure to address core issues xerces, Wednesday, Apr 25 2012, 10:12pm
Assange's inept ability as a journalist was clearly evident in his last show (linked) but what is worse is confirmation of what many people suspected all along regarding a character who receives SUSTAINED, global mainstream press coverage. We should not forget that the corporate press portrayed Assange as a highly intelligent 'gifted hacker' -- however, no evidence verifying those claims has been forthcoming to date. (story and 1 image)
international / social/political / commentary

The new face of terrorism image And its come to this: the authoritarian lunacy of procedural America ned, Wednesday, Apr 25 2012, 8:51pm
When common sense and humanity are abandoned for the sake of procedural madness society enters the realm of the irrational and entropic. The question is not whether insane ruling elites are fit to manage, quite clearly they are not, the question is to what depths of depravity and IRRATIONALITY does society reach before the population acts to remedy the situation? (story and 1 image)
international / social/political / other press

Franz Kafka image Bradley Manning Court Martial to Proceed judd, Wednesday, Apr 25 2012, 10:16am
A motion filed by Bradley Manning's lawyers to dismiss all charges against prisoner of conscience Pfc Manning has been denied by military judge Col. Denise Lind. However, she did order existing national 'damage' assessments made by various security agencies and government departments to be presented to the Court. (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Thursday, Apr 26 2012, 7:19am
international / injustice/law / commentary

text The Crucifixion of Joy ryall, Wednesday, Apr 25 2012, 12:31am
I hadn’t thought about it before, a reader brought it to my attention.

I am a poet and am predisposed to joy, happiness and love – inherent traits in all human beings. But as is so clear today, these (now rare) traits and emotions are fragile and must be nurtured, protected and allowed to reach their full potential and STRENGTH in order to withstand the massive depressing, TOXIC forces of American culture and society – the sickest, most destructive culture that exists on the planet today!
international / social equality/unity / commentary

text Mountain Valley ryall, Tuesday, Apr 24 2012, 11:20am
refuges of the heart
international / prose/poetry / literature

megauraid.jpg image MegaUpload: US regulators FAIL yet AGAIN styx, Monday, Apr 23 2012, 10:31pm
In the wake of the ANONYMOUS digital underground exposing to the entire WORLD the tragic incompetence and ineptitudes of the FBI, Scotland Yard and Security Company Stratfor, another HUGE bungle has now become evident in the MegaUpload case. (story and 1 image)
international / mass media / commentary

text Midtones … quill, Monday, Apr 23 2012, 11:45am
never ending shades
international / prose/poetry / literature

Napoleon Bonaparte image Stand Corrected, Napoleon! cid, Monday, Apr 23 2012, 5:41am
It was Napoleon Bonaparte who famously stated that China was the sleeping giant and to be aware of its inevitable awakening. However, Napoleon's perceptions were limited by the cultural consciousness of his time. China has awakened and is predictably threatening the balance of global power, but what's new? Nations rising and falling is an old story. THE SLEEPING GIANT IS NOT CHINA, but the PEOPLE, the GLOBAL POPULATION is the REAL SLEEPING GIANT today! People everywhere are sick and tired of corrupt governments and elite rule. (story and 1 image)
international / social/political / commentary

text Inept Oz Governments Allow Outrageous Corporate Profiteering at Public's Expence staff report via lynx, Sunday, Apr 22 2012, 8:49am
Successive SPINELESS and SERVILE Oz governments have allowed Corporations to EXPLOIT average Aussies for decades without demanding explanations for BRAZEN overcharging. Australian's pay 150% more for their electricity than Canadians for no good reason, well, there is one, Aussies are apathetic, gutless morons that accept overcharging by Corporations without protestation, so why should government worry?
international / injustice/law / commentary

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