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Rudd government sets new low
by barra Tuesday, Mar 4 2008, 7:27pm
national / social/political / commentary

Previous Oz governments defined themselves with action – sometimes to the detriment of the nation but they all had a go!

The previous PM, has earned his place in Oz history for economic irresponsibility; the national debt is now running at a staggering $610 billion; cowardice, for his servility to the USA; racism, an antiquated colonial tradition; and criminal deceit, for dragging the nation into an illegal, war/holocaust in Iraq!

Kevin Rudd -- do something!
Kevin Rudd -- do something!

Love or hate the criminal little rodent, John Howard, he left his tiny paw-mark on the nation – if we survive his incompetence and irresponsible economic management this nation we will be fortunate indeed.

History is never kind to scurrilous little leaders, cowards, liars and war criminals. However, history is even less kind to non-performers in roles of national leadership. It is now clear the present government is too frightened to take decisive action in areas that require it; Rudd and his team of non-performers prefer to flit around the periphery of issues hoping to distract the nation from CORE ISSUES THAT REQUIRE IMMEDIATE RADICAL INTERVENTION – tax reform, credit economy, bank regulation, water, and the national debt to name a few!

All successful remedies prove to be extremely simple in principle; the imbalance in the current economic model is easily remedied by applying the traditional Aussie value of proportional sharing of responsibility! Those who benefit most from the nation are obliged to return most to the nation – if not, the nation becomes a rape case and is doomed to fail. Transnationals grow fat on our natural wealth yet the population sees little benefit!

The Transnational corporations that bleed this nation for hundreds of billions of dollars per year are simply not shouldering their responsibility. The tax structure actually favours parasites and penalises the average person – what a thorough absurdity to have Corporations pilfer billions while the nation suffers crippling national debt.

The solution is simple, REGULATE and MANAGE those who take the most from the nation – that is the only FAIR solution!

The free market “trickle down effect” is a LIE, it is clear today that almost everything ‘trickles’ into the pockets of the avaricious – someone forgot to add human nature to their fantastic economic theories.

So we ask why government? Did we not elect a government of the people for the people – the democratic ideal? Where is Kevin Rudd on the CRUCIAL ISSUES? Taking a trip around the globe of course! The URGENT problems for Australia are DOMESTIC but Kevin has been summoned to America for ‘lunch’ with the most incompetent leader the world has ever known – our Kevin would rather kow-tow to a dead-in-the-water leader than serve the people of his nation. November will see a new President and the visit should have been timed for the CHANGE of government – Bush like Howard is a FAILURE of monumental proportions.

It is simply INADEQUATE to VERBALLY accept responsibility for interest rate hikes and other pressing issues – THE NATION ELECTS GOVERNMENTS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! REMEDIAL ACTION IS REQUIRED, NOT WORDS.

What’s the bet our Kevin evades the issues and goes on his jaunt around the globe while the nation and the peoples’ back is breaking!

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