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text Australia Day: a pathetic joke major mitchell, Friday, Jan 25 2008, 9:41pm
A nation that flies a union jack on its flag has no independent identity whatsoever. Other former British colonies have achieved total independence decades past but not cringing Australia. Almost daily we read of yet another race-based bashing; a Chinese born permanent resident kicked to death in Footscray by a bunch of remnant Johnny Howard racist cowards is just par for the course in this retrogressive nation. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Saturday, Jan 26 2008, 10:51am
national / social/political / commentary

text It’s confirmed -- Rudd really is a Dud nano, Monday, Jan 21 2008, 10:47am
We all waited patiently for the new PM to set about IMPROVING conditions for Australians. We waited in vain for a new vision for the nation, a vision incorporating fairer deals for all – remember Rudd’s lying election slogan, “a fair go for all Australians?” To date all we have seen is reticence, fear, INABILITY to govern, no vision for the FUTURE whatsoever – just the same ol’, same ol’ SERVILITY to big money interests. [The same interests that have plunged the world into economic recession and continue to plunder our finite natural resources at an alarming rate!]
national / social/political / commentary

Jack Johnson image The Line barra, Wednesday, Jan 16 2008, 9:41pm
There is a line drawn invisibly in all societies, a line that prudent rulers dare not cross.

When the sheeple, the common herd, the moronic masses wake up to the ‘facts‘ and become aware of the machinations, incompetence and failings of their rulers, the State of play changes dramatically; one can almost taste change in the air. Forget the clichéd slogans, I’m talking about a set of social circumstances that propel certain people into places and into roles they could never have envisioned. (story and 1 image)
national / social equality/unity / commentary

text Rudd, Keelty, Haneef and the Banks Kingfisher, Wednesday, Jan 16 2008, 7:21am
Australians remember the Indian doctor victimised by John ‘racist’ Howard and Mick ‘drunken dropkick’ Keelty, for purely political purposes. Today, the Rudd government did not oppose moves by the courts to re-instate Dr. Haneef’s working visa; however, the drunken, incompetent, AFP Chief, Keelty, in an attempt to save whatever is left of his tattered reputation and probably his last gesture of mindlessness prior to entering a clinic for substance abuse – yes, Mick, the whole country knows – continues to doggedly pursue the Indian doctor in view of the fact the UK authorities have indicated that no evidence exists to incriminate Dr. Haneef. Perhaps scheduling Keelty would be the most appropriate course of action the government could take at this stage!
national / social/political / commentary

Who has stolen our wealth? image Facing the interest rate incline budgie, Tuesday, Jan 15 2008, 10:23am
In anticipation of yet another interest rate hike a very brief history of Australia is warranted. This nation was built/developed by THE PEOPLE who enjoyed the fruits of their labour for generations. However, the past few decades have seen successive governments surrender the natural wealth of the nation to Transnationals, globalists and free market ‘rationalists.’ I would never have imagined the day I needed to remind the public what essentially constitutes a nation! (story and 2 images)
national / social/political / commentary

Wayne Swan image A lasting imprint or a national characteristic? barra, Thursday, Jan 10 2008, 10:49am
Have no doubt that national leaders leave their ‘mark’ on a nation. Former PM John Howard’s greatest achievement has been largely overlooked, as it was a secondary by-product of his conservative politics of fear and servility. Inadvertently or otherwise Howard succeeded in reshaping the opposition Labor party and creating a Labor leader in his own image! That development has been most unfortunate for Australia, as Howard’s most notable characteristic while in office was COWARDICE! [His second most notable characteristic was servility.] (story and 2 images)
national / social/political / commentary

Harold Holt image Kevin Rudd: the invisible PM peptide, Wednesday, Jan 9 2008, 9:06am
Australia is not short of critical issues affecting the nation at present. Perhaps the most politically damaging -- but by no means the most important – are bank interest rate hikes and the lack of regulation in this regard! The parasitic Banks are attempting – successfully at this stage -- to pass the cost of THEIR INCOMPETENCE to the public! The feeble and outrageous excuse given to Rudd’s eunuch government and the Australian people is that interest rates have risen in order to compensate for losses sustained from “exposure” to the U.S. credit crisis; in other words, ‘I want YOU to pay for MY incompetence,’ say the banks! ‘Impressive’ manoeuvre! The arrogance of deregulated Australian banks knows no bounds as is clearly evident today; it seems the word RESPONSIBILITY only applies to the public [servicing bank loans] but not to Bank executives – a very nice arrangement, for some! (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

Rudd Labor Government imagePDF Document Communications Minister Conroy opts for Orwellian option jack, Sunday, Dec 30 2007, 1:42pm
If nothing else Senator Conroy’s decision to take the matter out of the hands of users and filter internet content at provider (ISP) level confirms that both major political parties are subject to the same ruling interests. After vigorous opposition from the public the previous conservative government chose to offer filtering software for users to install at their discretion – the FREEDOM to CHOOSE is the crux of the matter! (story and 3 comments and 2 images and 1 attached file)
Last Commented Friday, Jan 4 2008, 6:24pm
national / social/political / commentary

Brendan Nelson image Put them all up against a wall … major mitchell, Sunday, Dec 30 2007, 8:51am
Every housewife knows the principle of the purchase ie, buy the best item for the best price. However, this fundamental principle is lost on Australian conservatives in desperate need of an authority figure. The need for paternalistic authority in conservatives outweighs common sense. Brendan ‘studs’ Nelson, short-lived leader of the opposition and previous Australian Defence Minister, made the most gullible and totally inappropriate military hardware purchase (from daddy America) in living memory – probably in the nation’s short history if the historical record is taken into account -- well done ‘studs,’ you conservative, lackey, clown! (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

Kidman -- did her best image Murdoch press: whole lotta ‘shining’ goin’ on budgie, Sunday, Dec 16 2007, 9:27am
A sure indicator of second rate journalism is plagiarism, ‘line dancing,’ (following someone else’s lead) and repetitive headline expressions. In the past 24 hours a substantial amount of “shining” has emanated from the Murdoch stable of second rate journos, drunks, face-slapping slags and sycophants – time for a serious staff review Rupert, your Oz contingent is unravelling! (story and 2 images)
national / mass media / commentary

text Oz Labor swings into ‘positive action’ dingo, Tuesday, Dec 11 2007, 10:08am
Labor has sent a clear message of gratitude to the Australian people for placing them in power. The first action of Labor was to lift bans on the production of GM crops in NSW and Victoria – thanks suckers! The overwhelming majority of Australian people are clearly against GM crops and GM foods entering our food chain but that ‘minor fact’ hasn’t deterred our ‘representative’ Labor governments! (story and 2 comments)
Last Commented Thursday, Dec 13 2007, 6:38am
national / social/political / commentary

Bureaucrat and conservative dork, Kevin Rudd image Australia: relegated to servility permanently dingo, Sunday, Dec 2 2007, 10:10am
Who is the leader you have when you’re not having a leader, why Kevin Rudd of course! The Haneef case, Kevin, remember? The case YOU stated required a full investigation because the collusion between Howard, minister for Immigration Andrews, and senior public servant, dropkick Mick (have another drink) Keelty, was bloody obvious! The case REEKS Kevin and you know it, otherwise a timid little turd like you wouldn’t have mentioned the need for a full inquiry. Very big call from a timid Queensland bureaucrat! Well, we are waiting for ACTION, Kevin! (story and 4 comments and 3 images)
Last Commented Monday, Dec 3 2007, 1:27pm
national / social/political / commentary

Digger in Afghanistan image Exiting Oz PM leaves his mark on ADF major mitchell, Saturday, Dec 1 2007, 12:14pm
An age old Indian adage states, ‘regardless of how careful or skilled, if one is confined to a room with soot covered walls for a long period of time, some is sure to rub off!’ After 11 years of Howard’s cowardly leadership it seems the above adage has proven true for the ADF! I am extremely ashamed to report that Australian Defence Forces have killed two women and a child while on ‘operations’ in Afghanistan. (story and 2 images)
national / peace/war / commentary

'New' PM, Kevin Rudd image Actions speak loudest budgie, Thursday, Nov 29 2007, 11:38am
‘Things must change so that they can stay the same’ or ‘a change of leaders is the joy of fools.’ These two political statements are dynamically brought to the foreground when a change of national leadership occurs. In Australia all eyes are on the new leader, Kevin Rudd, and we sincerely hope the above cynical adages do not accurately portray him as just another face behind which the real rulers continue to machinate. (story and 3 images)
national / social/political / commentary

Bernie Banton image Goodbye Bernie, goodbye ol’ mate! barra, Monday, Nov 26 2007, 10:59am
The Imperial British say, “the King is dead, long live the King;” in Australia we say, “Bernie Banton is dead long live Bernie,” AND the Oz tradition of fair play and the fair go. Commiserations to the family and a heroic tribute to a REAL Aussie fighter – hang your heads you scumbag, murdering, corporate-loving, conservatives! Everyone involved in the disgraceful attempt to shirk responsibility in Bernie’s case should be tried for manslaughter! (story and 2 images)
national / social equality/unity / commentary

The corporate selection, Howard and Rudd image Corporate control confirmed by vacuous Oz election Kingfisher, Thursday, Nov 22 2007, 12:03pm
The current Australian federal election has seen the population barraged with non-substantive slogans, marketing tricks, rhetoric, negative fear campaigns and personal attacks BUT VERY LITTLE IN THE WAY OF REAL POLICIES! Neither major party has detailed policies for what promises to be a very dire future for the planet but particularly for Australia. That is the tragedy of corporate controlled Australia today; make no mistake, the two leaders vying for government have pledged their allegiance to the corporate sector above all else! (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

Racist, coward and war cirminal: the 'best' PM we've ever had! image Today’s Colonial Australia dingo, Monday, Nov 19 2007, 10:34am
What a pathetic lot Aussies really are; their current war criminal leader, John Howard, typifies the national character perfectly. The former British (now American) colony continues to suffer from a colonial cringe mentality a century after declaring Federation. Someone forgot to declare a national IDENTITY at the time of federation and Aussies have suffered lackey status and inferiority ever since! (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

RioTinto's copper mine in NSW image Whose Nation? yarra, Tuesday, Nov 13 2007, 10:57am
Due to the failure of successive Australian conservative and Labor governments to pursue viable technological and scientific options in the past our economy today almost exclusively relies on resource extraction. The plainest description would be a hole-in-the-ground economy – the picture says it all. There is no such thing as eco-mining; the ugly, rapacious, scaring of our land is relentless and proceeds at speed with minimal regulatory intervention. Absolutely no provision exists that encourages mining companies to return some benefits/profit to the nation and its people! The reason is simple, Transnationals and Corporations dictate policy to incumbent governments and aspiring opposition parties! Representative government no longer exists; ‘our’ major political parties clearly serve the interests of Mega-corporations and Transnationals. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Wednesday, Nov 14 2007, 8:50am
national / social equality/unity / article

Twat for sale: Caroline Overington, reporter for The Australian image The Political Suicide of Malcolm Turnbull dingo, Monday, Nov 12 2007, 8:04am
The wealthy, conservative, Eastern Suburbs of Sydney should provide a very safe seat for the conservatives; however, recent polls indicate that Malcolm Turnbull, ‘future Prime Minister,’ is under siege from both the Labor candidate and independent conservatives. It seems our arrogant Environment Minister is facing a very short-lived career as a sitting member of Parliament. (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

text It’s a fuckin’ tragic joke! yarra, Thursday, Nov 8 2007, 2:27pm
Elections Oz and campaign JOKE! Representative LEADERSHIP HAS DIED IN AUSTRALIA; today ‘democratic’ elections are pure FARCE. The field of hopefuls are carefully sifted and vetted by the powers, of the powers, for the powers prior to any election. I refer to the real powers that control this nation; TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATE POWERS DICTATE POLICY to governments regardless of which party wins farcical elections.
national / social/political / opinion/analysis

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