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The Line
by barra Wednesday, Jan 16 2008, 9:41pm
national / social equality/unity / commentary

There is a line drawn invisibly in all societies, a line that prudent rulers dare not cross.

When the sheeple, the common herd, the moronic masses wake up to the ‘facts‘ and become aware of the machinations, incompetence and failings of their rulers, the State of play changes dramatically; one can almost taste change in the air. Forget the clichéd slogans, I’m talking about a set of social circumstances that propel certain people into places and into roles they could never have envisioned.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson

Young history students usually make the mistake of attributing super human qualities to the ‘shakers and movers’ of the past when in fact prevailing social circumstances propelled most notable personages of history into situations that defined them as exceptional.

Today we have a collapsing western economy; pollution induced global warming that promises famine and disease on a scale not seen since the Mongols were forced off the steppes and into conquering/survival mode. The death, destruction and mayhem of the future will make everything that came before it insignificant – no need to wonder whether we are living in a fool’s paradise today.

Who will be numbered among the casualties and who will seize the initiative and survive?

Perhaps the defining characteristics of survivors hasn’t changed since day one; are YOU numbered among them or will you be led to the slaughter like the common herd of humanity?

Never in the history of humankind have so many incompetents, buffoons and no-talents been placed in positions of power. That occurrence alone should signal a warning to those who would survive. Consider the Jews who left Europe in the thirties – Hitler made it plain he would eradicate the Jews of Europe -- so why did the majority remain in Europe to be slaughtered like dogs?

Nothing has changed today; in Australia for example, Allan Moss, CEO of Macquarie Bank receives a salary of $35 million/annum while the majority of Australians suffer crushing debt burdens (in a land of plenty). The disparity in wages is absurd. Compare Moss’s salary to that of the Prime Minister and other senior ministers who earn approx. $200K/annum and it becomes abundantly clear who it is that actually runs this country and who it is that takes orders!

As proof of this sordid situation we cite the fact that the Macquarie Group provides the PM’s office with its Internet connection and is therefore in the position to monitor the Prime Minister’s e-mails and other sensitive communications; an outrageous national security breach but one the previous conservative PM was very comfortable with. No need to wonder why!

Consider also the outrageous exploitation of the nation’s resources; BHP posted a profit last year of $18 BILLION yet the people suffer sub-standard hospital, dental, public education services and failing infrastructures. The nation’s wealth is funnelled into the fewest possible (foreign) hands yet the sheeple continue to take it in the coit like the Jews in Nazi Europe!

The masses have been tamed with lies such as all men are created equal; anyone can aspire to the heights of success, etc. I was recently shown Sydney Grammar’s sports ground while in Sydney; the site once housed the Sydney Stadium, where Jack Johnson won the heavyweight title of the world. The Stadium saw many entertainers over the decades including Frank Sinatra and a host of Rock Bands but today the children of the elite use the sprawling manicured grounds for their personal recreation. Further up the hill is a public school with grounds that barely constitute a play area for the kids – Australian social equality my arse! Yet the sheeple continue to suffer widening disparities without complaint!

There are no mysteries to non-representative government and the LIE that is democracy. Australia is far from its mythology of egalitarianism and a ‘fair go’ for all!

Nowhere is it written that people must accept the disparities and injustices thrust upon them by wealthy minorities. The Banks have recently failed society; nevertheless, the wages of executives remain safe. The servile government has been instructed and the people will just have to bear the burden, as usual!

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