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Vacuum canister image APEC: the idiocy of major city ‘security’ krill, Monday, Aug 27 2007, 2:00pm
The independent press has just received an unverified report that a chemical agent, designed for atmospheric release, will be utilised by high level security agents FROM ONE OF THE PARTICIPATING NATIONS – no other details were forthcoming! Wind direction notwithstanding, a virulent chemical agent could have a devastating impact on anyone within its effective range. The likely source has been narrowed down to either Russia or the United States. In view of the severe pressure the Bush regime is presently experiencing AMERICA would be the most likely source of the attack. I would add that anonymous, unsubstantiated reports of this nature are usually made by mentally disturbed crank callers – perfect! However, the remote possibility the call is a legitimate warning would only serve to highlight the imbecility of holding this type of event in a major city. (story and 2 images)
national / peace/war / news report

Cronulla: Howard's racists in action! image Disguised racism: test for Oz citizenship dingo, Saturday, Aug 25 2007, 10:11pm
Fresh from scapegoating a dark skinned Indian doctor (Haneef) the Australian Immigration Minister, Kevin Andrews, today released a booklet outlining test questions designed for would-be residents. Questions relate to whether or not the Australian Prime Minister, John Howard lied to the population in order to support the criminal invasion of Iraq, which resulted in the first holocaust and humanitarian disaster of the 21st century. Other questions relate to Australian conservatives fellating American Presidents and abandoning traditional Australian values. (story and 2 images)
national / social equality/unity / commentary

text It’s not over until the rodent stops squealing! barra, Saturday, Aug 25 2007, 1:45pm
Nail him hard, nail him good! Recent polls indicate John Howard is a dead loss for the elections. Every one of his ill-considered moves/tactics/strategies of late has backfired in his face; even die hard Howard supporters are embarrassed to make known their support for a lying, racist, war criminal, lackey, coward, contractionist, anal conservative, lacklustre, visionless, American slave! Perhaps the disdain the international community expresses toward Australia has finally reached our insular shores. Australians are receiving very negative reports via relatives and friends travelling and working overseas; in fact many have experienced outright hostility as a result of Howard’s racist and insular policies. But we can all take heart; we are always welcome in the most hated nation on earth, America!
national / social/political / commentary

text Deconstructing the Prime Minister of Oz peptide, Friday, Aug 24 2007, 11:03pm
Australia’s shame and international embarrassment, John Howard, known to the whole world as a lackey, coward and racist, to mention only a few of his ‘endearing’ qualities, expressed his support for the extreme security measures taken to protect some of the world’s most ruthless murderers, polluters and thieving marauders – interesting how facts put real perspective on APEC leaders, isn’t it?
national / social/political / opinion/analysis

howardwiki.jpg image Aussies eat shit and learn to like it: second rate citizens in own nation! blake, Friday, Aug 24 2007, 12:19pm
Fair fuckin’ go! It’s not enough we host a summit for the world’s mass murderers, major polluters and brazen thieves and have our beautiful city of Sydney delivered from our hands by a lackey Prime Minister and an Italian fascist Premier (riding his brand new water cannon!) But to add insult to injury, and as a final gesture from overlords to the serf population -- a fireworks display on Sydney Harbour to mark the end of the APEC summit will be CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC! (story and 1 image)
national / peace/war / commentary

Who, me? image Know your Leader: perverse cult has Howard’s ear! fish, Tuesday, Aug 21 2007, 1:52pm
Leaders of a perverse Christian cult, the Exclusive Brethren, have met with Prime Minister John Howard for reasons only known to both parties but we can deduce from available evidence that this cult, known for attempting to influence family court judges, breaking up families and launching smear campaigns against politicians who do not meet with their approval – the homosexual leader of the Greens, Bob Brown, for example – also has a strong presence in Howard’s seat of Bennelong! (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

Kevin 'lukewarm' Rudd image Something from Nothing – it can’t be done! dingo, Saturday, Aug 18 2007, 12:40am
An extremely curious article from the Sunday Telegraph regarding an indiscretion of opposition leader Kevin Rudd, Australia’s own sun-bleached dog turd -- I hope the metaphor conveys the correct impression -- appeared today, 4 years AFTER the event! But first consider the appeal value of a weathered dog turd compared with a fresh turd! The fresh turd does have some character -- colour and an unpleasant odour. Fresh dog turds also affect human behaviour, most people go to lengths to avoid contact especially stepping in one. Now consider an exposed, weathered, sun-bleached, dog turd – no character whatsoever, no colour, smell or affective power. You may begin to appreciate the panic Kevin Rudd’s PR consultants and advisers experience when attempting to present a characterless nothing as something! (story and 2 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Saturday, Aug 18 2007, 4:48pm
national / social/political / commentary

Pauline Hanson image Pauline Hanson returns! dingo, Tuesday, Aug 14 2007, 11:40pm
‘Remember me, Mr Abbott,’ would make a very appropriate comment from the Queensland rustic we all love to hate? Pauline Hanson is Oz racism, bigotry, intolerance, regression, division, insularity, xenophobia and parochialism rolled into a redhead. Call her what you will but don’t dismiss her, she is walking gold for the independents and Labor. (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

Peter 'supercilious prick' Costello image Press divided over supercilious prick’s remarks budgie, Tuesday, Aug 14 2007, 11:51am
The Oz press gallery – a gallery of cringing drunks, no-talents and gutless wonders; do any of you remember chasing a story till it busts wide open? It’s called INVESTIGATIVE journalism you bunch of cowardly editorial slaves! Run with a story, try it, it always reaps results. You could start with the “aluminium tubing” LIE which leads to the whole orchestrated deception of our involvement in the criminal intervention in Iraq. It ends with Howard and a few senior ministers held to account! ‘Ozat for sure-fire winning material, you bunch of gastrics? Is there one among the recidivist drunks and pill popping nervous wrecks that has not completely lost the art of investigating and reporting a story without fear or favour? Have you forgotten your responsibility to the public and to DEMOCRACY, you bunch of trainee fascist propagandists? How could you allow the likes of Murdoch to destroy the free spirit of reporting, you bunch of dead losses? (story and 1 image)
national / mass media / commentary

"on the road again .." image Sydney Comedian takes APEC dogs for ‘run’ yarra, Monday, Aug 13 2007, 1:50pm
A recent headline in the mass media, “..sniff the dodgy briefcase” refers to 22 Labrador explosives sniffer dogs that will be poking their canine noses in all sorts of sulphurous smells during the APEC summit; beware what you eat the night before, we’ve already had a fart down a U.S. jetliner! But to more serious matters of comedy, Keystone Cops and intelligent canines. (story and 2 images)
national / social/political / commentary

Maxine McKew image I read the polls today, O boy! peptide, Sunday, Aug 12 2007, 12:11pm
Australians are suffering from Poll fatigue resulting from an onslaught of opinion and other polls saturating the media in the approach to the Federal election. It has become apparent to the dimmest of commentators and analysts that the polls are being utilised as a political weapon. Public opinion is the prize and the new purveyors of public opinion are the pollsters. (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

text The Alice Report – when a nation takes Leave dingo, Wednesday, Aug 8 2007, 1:27pm
Oz nous has gone on holiday it would seem; the Prime Minister this week denied, on national television, all reports and accusations that he is dishonest! People arose from comas at the announcement, my demented granny who hasn’t spoken or reacted to the outside world in years, leapt out of her invalid chair and screamed, “shoot the little war criminal!” People all over the nation choked on their dinners but the best is yet to come.
national / social/political / commentary

text Looming Oz Federal Election: don’t be fooled again! Kingfisher, Saturday, Aug 4 2007, 12:53pm
“Fooled” in what sense? Surely it’s as simple as voting for the Party of your choice? That would be the response from most people and that is the problem. Party voting is offering the choice between gangrene or an amputation, as an American once put it!
national / social/political / commentary

text Kevin Rudd: nobody’s man cleaves, Friday, Aug 3 2007, 1:00pm
Who or what is a Kevin Rudd? Who does he represent, what distinguishes him from his conservative opponent, John Howard? In answer to the first question, NOTHING, Rudd is a proven non-entity; he represents no one I am able to locate, notwithstanding many Australians will vote against Howard but not for Rudd. There is nothing that distinguishes Rudd from Howard; he is only a paler version, a conservative with a lower case “c”. Rudd has supported Howard on more occasions than he has opposed him – and for those who may be wondering, yes, Rudd is the ‘opposition’ leader.
national / social/political / article

text The Monkey is YOU! sadh, Thursday, Aug 2 2007, 12:10am
From China through Indonesia to Japan, the racist Howard government has become the laughing stock of all Asia. The Indians may have taken the victimisation of one of their citizens to heart. Employing a variation of Scotland Yard misinformation, a bogus ‘dossier’ was produced to great effect. The ‘white’ pointer bit with a vengeance only to have the Indian authorities denounce the ‘dossier’ as fake – all at Howard’s and Keelty’s expense.
national / social equality/unity / commentary

mickeygoeb.jpg image Haneef: Mickey Mouse Indian ‘dossier’ appears! nano, Wednesday, Aug 1 2007, 1:00pm
A clear indication that Australian ‘authorities’ are culpable in their treatment of Dr Haneef is when the investigation departs into the fantastic. Police are presently making amorous advances in the direction of the absurd, ludicrous and fantastic – I knew my literature major would come in handy one day – fiction of the absurd, metafiction, fabulation and various other genres may all converge and lay claim to the Haneef FARCE but the world of reality can make no claim whatsoever! (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Wednesday, Aug 1 2007, 5:37pm
national / injustice/law / commentary

Lindy with Azaria image Osama Bin Haneef quin, Wednesday, Aug 1 2007, 1:24am
Either Dr. Mohamed Haneef is the most cunning and brazen terrorist the world has ever seen or he’s innocent of all the slurs and accusations levelled at him. Some of us with an attention span of more than a minute remember the Chamberlain case and the appalling behaviour of the local media at the time. For a brief moment Australia became the envy of Alabama, a truly worthy achievement. (story and 1 image)
national / injustice/law / commentary

Kevin Andrews image Kevin Andrews responds with Innuendo dingo, Tuesday, Jul 31 2007, 12:34am
Prod often enough and hard enough and watch a Liberal drop his bundle. Kevin Andrews finally responded to the challenge and revealed information relating to the cancellation of Haneef’s visa. However, a cursory analysis exposes the very thin and weak ‘evidence’ Andrews presented to the public. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Tuesday, Jul 31 2007, 10:22am
national / injustice/law / commentary

AFP Chimp image Haneef challenges Minister: nothing to hide peptide, Monday, Jul 30 2007, 12:25pm
Dr. Mohamed Haneef effectively challenged the Australian Minister of Immigration, Kevin Andrews, to reveal information relating to the cancellation of his visa. Haneef has nothing to hide as his challenge to Andrews clearly indicates, "I don't know what reasons he has [for revoking visa]. I would like him to come forward and give these facts," Haneef stated to the media in Bangalore. The onus is now on the flagrantly racist Australian government whose international reputation is in tatters over the scapegoating of an Indian doctor for purely political purposes. (story and 2 images)
national / injustice/law / commentary

text Racist Prime Minister, John Howard, refuses to Apologise budgie, Sunday, Jul 29 2007, 12:35pm
Internationally known coward and racist, John Howard, today declared he would not apologise for the trauma, injustices and abuse Dr Haneef suffered at the hands of the executive government, state regulatory authorities, legal system and the media -- for assisting in his [Haneef’s] character assassination. Note Howard’s exact phrasing, "Australia will not be apologising to Dr Haneef,” [my emphasis.] Howard hides behind his office to imply the Australian nation refuses to apologise when it is clear that Howard only represents a backward-looking retrogressive conservative/racist element of Australian society.
national / social equality/unity / commentary

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