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hen.jpg image The Haneef release: an international view major mitchell, Friday, Jul 27 2007, 12:34pm
From an international perspective the Haneef case in Australia reveals ingrained, systemic racism, dysfunction, possible criminal collusion at senior government levels, appalling incompetence of Federal Police and the failure of associated legal institutions. For a developed western nation, the above makes for a very damning report card. (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Saturday, Jul 28 2007, 11:46am
national / social/political / commentary

text Australian alert, Kevin Rudd, a dead loss! barra, Thursday, Jul 26 2007, 11:23am
Few silver platter opportunities occur in politics but failing to take advantage is unforgivable. The whole (thinking) nation is wondering why the opposition leader failed to capitalise on the Haneef fabrication/collusion/‘fit’/DEBACLE! Rudd has been doing his best of late to completely close the ideological gap between Howard and himself. Kevin Rudd seems to be seeking an unholy conservative marriage with his ‘arch-rival’, John Howard – some may be perplexed at the opposition leader's recent behaviour; however, we are reminded that conservatism never opposes itself! (story and 2 comments)
Last Commented Friday, Jul 27 2007, 5:54pm
national / social/political / commentary

text Haneef case: international embarrassment and national disgrace peptide, Sunday, Jul 22 2007, 9:50am
There is one extremely clear aspect to the Haneef debacle; it has Howard written all over it! Yet does the PM or his flunky cohorts in crime fear arrest? Not that one can detect! The long history of deceptions, lies, duplicities and manipulations from Tampa, children overboard to Haneef, combine to form one final farewell fiasco for our resident ‘draco,’John Howard. (story and 2 comments)
Last Commented Tuesday, Jul 24 2007, 4:37pm
national / social/political / opinion/analysis

audio Howard: too familiar and contemptible subterranean zeppelin, Friday, Jul 20 2007, 5:33pm
The extraordinary Haneef fiasco highlights the increasingly desperate tactics Howard is willing to employ to save the un-savable. Everyone, whether Lib or Lab is sick of Howard. But there’s no stopping our home grown lying little war criminal, Johnny! If he takes a greater risk than victimising/scapegoating Haneef, whatever scurrilous action he dreams up, it could well land him and other involved conservatives in the dock or land his entire party so far into the political wilderness that a blacktracker wouldn’t be able to find it! (story and 1 audio file)
national / miscellaneous / commentary

text The Australian Dilemma dingo, Wednesday, Jul 18 2007, 1:37pm
Australian citizens face a national election later this year and few are happy with the available choices. The two party adversarial system has resulted in two disliked candidates, one a war criminal, racist, pathological liar, despicable coward and servile corporate US lackey, the other a nothing, a zero with no ideological platform or defined identity – a non-specific turd! (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Wednesday, Jul 18 2007, 9:16pm
national / social/political / commentary

text Haneef: leaked transcript incriminates Howard government peptide, Tuesday, Jul 17 2007, 12:08pm
A leaked transcript of a Federal Police interview with Dr. Haneef, reveals that Dr. Haneef denied all knowledge of the UK bombings and that he had given his pre-paid SIM card to his cousin over a year ago as it was no use to him outside the UK. Howard and his flunkey ministers have been exposed YET AGAIN for tampering with the facts, usurping due process and interfering with proceedings for purely political purposes.
national / injustice/law / opinion/analysis

Sample 'go bag' imageaudio Sydney’s “Go (and get fucked) Bag!” barra, Monday, Jul 16 2007, 12:52pm
It is rare that a politician expresses the true sentiments of the population but the Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney, Chris Harris, has thrown political discretion to the wind and let the Mayor ‘have it’. The Mayor Clover Moore, during one of her ‘out of body experiences’ has returned to her tribe with a revelation that Sydney citizens should carry a “go bag” in the event of an emergency! The bag should contain articles such as sneakers for walking, a baseball cap for that quick game, a flash light and a toilet roll, I quote the consultant who advised the Mayor, “in the event of a toilet roll crisis!” (story and 1 comment and 1 image and 1 audio file)
Last Commented Monday, Jul 16 2007, 7:26pm
national / social/political / commentary

Kevin Andrews image Desperate losers deliver ‘low blow’ finch, Sunday, Jul 15 2007, 7:57pm
Howard government reveals true character in Haneef case. Immediately after a Queensland Magistrate rightly released terrorist suspect, Haneef, on bail – the prosecutor failed to establish any direct connection to terrorist activity -- the Howard government acting through the Minister for Immigration, Kevin Andrews, revoked his visa on (unproven) character grounds and transferred him to an immigration detention centre. (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

11 years of Howard's LIES -- the joke is on You! image Beat-up alert: Howard whips it up, whips it good nano, Saturday, Jul 14 2007, 5:57pm
John Howard, holocaust denier, mass murderer and Terrorist, by any definition of the term, is again banging his very battered and somewhat muted tin drum in a very transparent attempt to capture media attention. He is milking the UK bombings and the tenuous local connection for all its worth. Howard is a known master of the ‘front page grab’ and as expected, the compliant local media have taken the herring. Minimal analysis just Murdoch style hype and exaggeration and Howard the coward appearing as the ‘strong man.’ If the reader has any doubts regarding the compliance of the local media ask yourself how many times the media has taken Howard to task for his direct complicity in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq! (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

redriding.jpg image The ‘Lone Wolf’ terrorist and a ‘Little Red’ faced absurdity dingo, Wednesday, Jul 11 2007, 2:09am
There comes a time when beat-ups, orchestrated lies, fabrications and plain incompetence converge to form the most ludicrous proposition imaginable. We recall the Saddam connection to Bin Laden, fantasy WMD, mobile anthrax labs, bouquets of flowers and open armed welcomes for invaders, breaking the back of the insurgency, mission accomplished, the inane poetry of Rumsfeld and various other mutterings from the loony tunes brigade OF CRIMINAL MASS MURDERERS. However, it seems the best is yet to come; the local chapter of the lobotomy squad, masquerading as an anti-terrorist force in Sydney has invented a new category of terrorist – the “lone wolf.” (story and 1 image)
national / imperialism / commentary

bullshiten.jpg image Beat-ups and panic grips Oz agencies as APEC approaches yarra, Tuesday, Jul 10 2007, 12:36am
The local conservative voice, the Bulletin magazine, has a cover beat-up that is worthy of the best and worst of Cheney’s lies and misrepresentations regarding Saddam and Al-Qaeda. Our outstanding security agencies have determined – all by themselves – that approximately (note the figures) “..22 to 25 .. [suspects] have evil intentions," brilliant! That figure is sure to instil confidence in the hearts of all grannies and Alzheimer's victims. Imagine, in a population of 21 million our skilled security buffoons have found 22-25 possibles – any statistician could tell you that is a definite under estimation in a population the size of Australia’s. I have personally heard numerous people in bars stating out loud that if Howard walked into the bar they would personally strangle him with their bare hands, such is the hatred felt by average Aussies for this racist, lying, war criminal. (story and 1 image)
national / social/political / commentary

text Oz government Not schizophrenic over Iraq oil statements barra, Thursday, Jul 5 2007, 2:39pm
As the aging carrier USS K(Sh)itty Hawk made its way into Sydney Harbour, Oz defence minister Brendan 'studs' Nelson announced on national radio that oil was a major factor in Australia's (criminal) involvement in Iraq. Howard hoped this apparent rogue statement from one of his loyal minister’s would create political hysteria and grab headlines internationally and he was right! Setting the agenda and stealing the debate are well known tactics of Howard. Few possess the highly refined skills required to manipulate the local and international media to the extent that Howard does. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Saturday, Jul 7 2007, 1:11am
national / social/political / commentary

Indians questioned over 'terrorist bongings' image Oz police capture terrorist’s shadow chequer, Tuesday, Jul 3 2007, 2:42pm
Acting on information received from British authorities, internationally renowned for pumping 7 bullets into the head of an innocent Brazilian worker, the local chapter of the keystone cops has swung into action and arrested, detained, abused, intimidated and otherwise harassed a number of dark skinned Asian gentlemen who have been competently serving the nation during its medical crisis – a crisis resulting from incompetent government I might add. (story and 2 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Friday, Jul 6 2007, 12:49pm
national / injustice/law / commentary

Muslim ideology at Maroubra beach image Oz Federal Cop targets Academic Inaccuracies budgie, Sunday, Jul 1 2007, 4:03pm
A study which cost Australian taxpayers $200,000 by way of an academic grant, was duly trounced as hysterical and misleading (inferred) by the good ‘horse sense’ of Federal Police Chief Mick Keelty. The study makes imaginative claims of local 'terrorist activity' and utilises abstract and ambiguous terminology such as, "ideological sleeper cells" – by definition everyone is an 'ideological sleeper' as we are all prone to change our minds at any given time. (story and 2 images)
national / social equality/unity / commentary

text Loan defaults escalating: Big Finance and governments Responsible finch, Thursday, Jun 28 2007, 2:24pm
Many articles have been written on the tactic of pervasive and continuous debt as a form of economic social management. However, few financial ‘wizards’ and politicians understood the ramifications of such a tactic. To meet regular needs average people have been forced to borrow at rates never before seen. As a result of the created necessity to borrow large amounts and the ease of obtaining large loans, a rapid increase in loan defaults is occurring. Perhaps statistical information on the ‘spike’ in long term debt servicing and mortgagee defaults highlights the failure of the debt strategy. Hailed at the time as the optimum method of economic and social management, today it is proving to be just another strategy of big business appropriating more at the expense of EVERYTHING and everyone else.
national / social equality/unity / commentary

text Stealing the Debate and Setting the Agenda nano, Wednesday, Jun 27 2007, 7:15pm
In Oz politics, stealing the agenda and debate is worth a ton of policies. The local media has trained itself to follow -- with scant regard for actual value -- the most controversial (sensational) political stunts. For the politician who is able to feed the media shark with the tastiest dish, the national political consciousness becomes theirs to exploit to full advantage.
national / social/political / commentary

Australian Attorney General, Philip Ruddock image Servile Howard government dingo, Monday, Jun 25 2007, 7:42pm
The following story from AAP would just be another internet related sex case but for the fact the U.S. is 'requesting' the American sex offender (facing paedophilia charges) be handed over to THEM to be tried by a Military Commission! (story and 1 image)
national / injustice/law / commentary

Golden microphone, an anachronism image Legendary Oz broadcaster retires with a jibe, not with a whimper! barra, Sunday, Jun 24 2007, 12:42pm
After 55 years on radio and nine prime ministers later, John Laws announces his retirement. The current racist, war criminal, pathologically lying prime minister, John Howard, rang to congratulate Laws for his many years as a public opinion shaper and mass media demagogue [inferred] Laws responded, "I knew it was time to quit last week when I talked to you [Howard] and you called me 'mate'." Between these two men Laws’ comment needs no further elaboration. (story and 1 image)
national / mass media / news report

rockspirits.jpg image The Cynical politics of John Howard major mitchell, Wednesday, Jun 20 2007, 10:31pm
This week witnessed John Howard’s cynical politics plumb new depths.

It is no secret that the larger percentage of income responsible for the economic boom Australia is experiencing issues from the resource/mining sector; and it is also no secret that the greatest impediment to open slather corporate exploitation of the land are the rights exercised by indigenous communities over their land. (story and 3 images)
national / social/political / commentary

cops.jpg image Infiltration and Inefficiencies in State Regulatory Agencies dingo, Sunday, Jun 17 2007, 2:44pm
[The following story relates to ALL western regulatory agencies regardless of this local example.]

The fact that no one really knows anyone allows for an extremely broad scope of activity in all agency environments especially in circumstances where ethnic personnel are required. Few people forfeit their original cultural allegiances for the agencies’ or their adopted nation’s – this applies to numerous generations born (but victimised and discriminated against) in their adopted countries. Australian racism has made it particularly difficult to recruit patriotic personnel from ethnic backgrounds. (story and 1 comment and 2 images)
Last Commented Monday, Jun 18 2007, 11:51am
national / injustice/law / commentary

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