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Beat-up alert: Howard whips it up, whips it good
by nano Saturday, Jul 14 2007, 5:57pm
national / social/political / commentary

John Howard, holocaust denier, mass murderer and Terrorist, by any definition of the term, is again banging his very battered and somewhat muted tin drum in a very transparent attempt to capture media attention. He is milking the UK bombings and the tenuous local connection for all its worth. Howard is a known master of the ‘front page grab’ and as expected, the compliant local media have taken the herring. Minimal analysis just Murdoch style hype and exaggeration and Howard the coward appearing as the ‘strong man.’ If the reader has any doubts regarding the compliance of the local media ask yourself how many times the media has taken Howard to task for his direct complicity in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq!

11 years of Howard's LIES -- the joke is on You!
11 years of Howard's LIES -- the joke is on You!

There is much political capital in appearing to be a strong leader in the face of a ‘global terrorist threat’ that in reality exists only as tiny groups of murdering criminals whose record of destruction is infinitesimal compared to the coalition of willing liars and murderers. Perhaps you should also ask yourself why failed bombings attract media attention for weeks but almost a million innocent dead civilians hardly rates a mention!

Howard has never been one to miss an opportunity; he is now toying with the idea of ‘strengthening’ already draconian terrorist laws, which if implemented on a wide scale would create a totalitarian state. However, Howard and his lackey Attorney General Philip Ruddock, are cognisant of that fact and are careful to only utilise these laws against dark skinned, non-Anglo individuals. For the benefit of those who have forgotten the basis upon which Howard dances his familiar step, it is a "SIM card" -- no doubt a 'new model' capable of razing entire cities to the ground and destroying the erectile functions of conservative politicians too near its dangerous radiation.

The present media beat-up states that terrorist suspect, Dr. Haneef, has been charged under ‘new [sweeping] terrorism laws' for "recklessly" providing his mobile phone SIM card to people planning car bomb attacks in the UK. Aside from the fact that it is impossible to establish whether the card was supplied in the knowledge that it would be used for nefarious purposes it hardly seems possible to base a case on a SIM card that has not been recovered from a remote cellphone triggering device; notwithstanding the possibility that the card may have been misplaced by the original owner in the first instance. The case is thin at best but inept lawyers make all the difference in cases where little or no evidence exists. I forget how many times I have supplied my active SIM card to people whose card had suddenly elapsed.

Nevertheless, does a SIM card warrant the absurd levels of hype and the deprivation of liberty this case has so far created?

The above commentary follows a pre-determined course (local terrorist 'threat') set by Howard and the conservative media. The present writer is consciously engaged in following the ‘story’ for purposes other than what is intended. The headline from which the above quote was taken reads, “Terrorism laws may be strengthened,” it goes on to quote Howard, "I won't talk about Haneef's case, but the present laws were all necessary, all of them, to the very last letter." Ruddock also contributed to the hype, "I think the laws have been balanced and appropriate, and in large measure, appropriate for the risks that we face." The foreign minister, Alexander Downer, also made one of his usual nonsensical comments -- not worth mentioning. However, it can be seen from supportive ministerial involvement that this case has become an orchestrated event -- Oz conservatives are nothing if not team players. The principal reason is that herd animals are incapable of effective individual action!

Before we proceed please read the quoted material again in order to really appreciate Howard’s machinations, a compliant media, and a classic beat-up! Now for a taste of reality not the wonderland of Mad Hatter’s and the rodent holes of conservative politicians.

The media seems to have suffered a lapse in memory or is suffering from incompetent research departments. Australia has already suffered real terrorist bombings in downtown Sydney; these attacks extended over a period of years and resulted in considerable property damage and numerous civilian casualties. They were committed by Croatian separatist fanatics (now allies of the USA). These criminals were also conducting military training exercises in rural NSW. Australia was an unwitting and unwillingly host to our own private ‘Taliban.’

Before proceeding we should contrast real local organised terrorists, training camps, numerous real bombings, which resulted in extensive property damage and civilian casualties with Howard's 'world’s most dangerous' SIM card! Have we achieved perspective yet? If not there’s more.

The entire network of terrorist cells, their infrastructure, weapons, training camps etc, were all neutralised. The leaders and others involved were apprehended AND DEALT WITH UNDER EXISTING STATE CRIMINAL LAW by the NSW Special Branch. Gough Whitlam, the serving Labor Prime Minister, dealt with the matter most expeditiously; the Croatian terrorist movement was completely eliminated in Australia with the minimum of fuss. Existing criminal law -- decades prior to the introduction of Howard's draconian new terrorist laws -- was supremely effective in dealing with real terrorists engaged in destructive terrorist activity in Sydney.

Whether Howard’s hysterics and antics over a SIM card is the result of his shameless cowardice or his inability to deal with the situation is irrelevant. He is a proven liar, shameless coward, racist, corporate lackey, slave to George Bush and subverter of real Australian values; indeed, a person such as this needs all the SIM cards he can lay his hands on!

I dare say that an election could be won on a single platform issue of placing Howard and a number of his ministers on trial for treason and crimes against humanity.


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