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The Candidate of Oz
by budgie Friday, Apr 20 2007, 5:27pm
national / social/political / commentary

The closer Australia gets to the Federal election, the fewer the political differences between the two major candidates! The chances of opposition leader, Kevin Rudd becoming the next Australian prime minister have increased dramatically following his private dinner engagement with king maker, Rupert Murdoch in New York today. During his quick visit to the U.S., Rudd also addressed the Brookings Institution in Washington and confirmed that any negligible differences between his policies and Howard’s would be completely eradicated by the time of the election and that he was ready, willing and able to assume the ’position’ of lackey, sycophant and new governor of America’s newest colonial acquisition, Australia! [O Ned, you’re better off dead!]

Kevin Rudd
Kevin Rudd

The Australian people may have to wait a little longer (forever) for their working class, egalitarian, mythical Oz hero to save them from artificially induced crippling debt and third rate living standards.

The ‘Labor’ leader, Rudd, continues to openly pledge his support for corporate interests, including the polluting coal industry! Little if any of the staggering profits Transnational corporations reap from the nation find there way to social improvements in the vital areas of public health, education, conservation and sustainability projects. The past 48 hours has furnished dramatic proof of government and corporate criminal neglect of natural resources critical to national independence and sustainability. The Murray-Darling river system, one of the nations largest agricultural irrigation systems is facing total collapse. The Murray-Darling system produced 40% of the food consumed by the Eastern States but is now facing collapse due to government neglect, specifically in areas of water management. The Howard government has been aware of the problem since taking office a decade ago but chose to ignore the issue. Rudd quickly reverted from a mild environmental supporter to other policies when it became apparent to him that conservation and environmentalism would not curry favour with the power brokers he needs to fulfil his ambitions. The initiative has now been taken by Howard, the least likely!

Conservative governments traditionally allow financial and corporate interests to solve their social problems, however, there is no profit in conservation and sustainability projects so we’ll all just have to import our basic needs! Neither Howard nor Rudd have adequately addressed the issues of sustainability and long term human habitation in an essentially desert land. The price for government neglect will no doubt be borne by the people as Transnationals continue to plunder – FREE OF CHARGE – our precious pure artesian (drinking) water resource for industrial purposes! The amount of pure subterranean drinking water industry uses daily would serve the needs of a small city or a major food producing area. Neither Rudd nor Howard have imposed or proposed cost restrictions on the rapacious corporations destroying the nation for monetary gain.

The REAL costs of corporate profits have been kept from the public until it was no longer possible to hide them. If decisions were left to the free enterprise market the whole nation would have already been reduced to a ‘coal pit’ and toxic wasteland. It is the responsibility of government to regulate and manage critical resources; however, the (imbecilic) comments from the Federal Treasurer, Peter Costello today were less than reassuring. Costello referred to the price of bananas reaching absurd levels, principally due to the fact that the government found itself unable to manage a minor crisis and compensate by importing from the plentiful supplies in the region. The supercilious prick, Costello added that the price of vegetables and other products from the Murray-Darling would probably reach similar levels! It hadn’t occurred to that insular buffoon that 90% of Australians hadn’t eaten ANY bananas for nine months due to the prohibitive cost. The treasurer forgets that only one product was affected previously – the range of products from the M-D system is huge, the majority of people are in no position to pay $20 for a cabbage and similar prices for other basic vegetables.

Today, the majority of Australians are treated as unfortunate, underprivileged colonised natives.

In the face of an environmental crisis never before seen on such a scale, Kevin Rudd promises to maintain the corporate status quo! Howard may be an international embarrassment but Rudd is a dangerous Dud!

It should also be noted that Rudd referred to student protesters as “violent ferals”, he failed in HIS responsibility to David Hicks; he clearly supports the racism and immigration policies of Howard and most recently he deferred to power brokers and supported a toilet loitering, radio broadcaster in breach of the broadcasting code. But probably the most traitorous behaviour to date is his back-footing on the IR reforms instigated by Corporate interests but implemented by Howard.

Rudd sent a clear message to corporate and financial concerns by verbally ‘bashing’ an Australian labour union official prior to embarking on his trip to the U.S. Rudd leaves no doubt regarding his departure from the traditional ideological base of his party. Rudd wishes to portray himself as a right-wing politician with conservative values; he no doubt hopes that his clearly right-wing stance will appeal to media mogul, Rupert Murdoch and power brokers in Washington. The message to big business is that their interests would be served by Rudd as Prime Minister. The Murdoch media will now proceed to manage public opinion and manipulate voting preferences – it’s all just too predictable, yet the sheeple will lap it up!

“Things must change in order to remain the same.”

[Kevin Rudd also made a point NOT to meet with U.S. democrat candidates, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton while in New York – Aussies should now be aware that the traditional Labor Party of Australia is DEAD!]

Rupert Murdoch
Rupert Murdoch

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