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Breaking Oz with News
by brumble B Friday, Dec 1 2006, 3:27pm
national / social/political / other press

Fiji prepares for Oz invasion by leaving blackhawk helicopters on its beaches. A kava intoxicated Commodore Frank 'Bullawayo' has once again forgotten his coup deadline and Australia's Minister of Defence, Dr Brendan (studs) Nelson, faces hostile relatives over the latest cover-ups and military fiascos! Well done, ‘studs’, the record of Robert (suck harder) Hill will soon be under threat.

Minister of Defence, Brendan Nelson, displays naked ear
Minister of Defence, Brendan Nelson, displays naked ear

Howard’s travesty government in action! Millions in tax-payers money to compensate mistakenly deported citizens, children overboard (with Australian integrity) race riots, food prices go through the roof, interest rate rises, mortgagee sales, Costello targets kids as reactionary hostiles planning to invade Canberra and overthrow government, and that is just what immediately comes to mind, but there’s more, much more!

The Oz military is doing its best to emulate the lobotomised yanks, where have all the standards gone? A leader reflects the standards and character of his nation, cringe, and cringe some more, Oi, Oi, Oink!

The two biggest tragedies facing Oz at the moment are the idiot wind Labor opposition party who have had victory served on a platter countless times only to fumble and lose the plot (and everything else!) As stated elsewhere, a high school debating team could have won government from the lying, inept, criminal Howard crew – but not the Labor Party of Australia!

The second tragedy is the loss of one of Dr. Nelson’s diamond ear studs, has anybody seen it? Not likely, a population that can’t see the nose on its face has No Hope! Australian society has come of age, ten years of Johnny’s cringing, lying, weak, spineless government leading the nation backwards at light-speed. The Australian masses love you, Johnny Coward; ten years speaks for itself – John Howard, war criminal and U.S. lackey but we still love you Johnny! A perfectly gutless tribute from a gutless public – what a day for an Australian tragedy!

But wait, fasten your seat belts and prepare for the next instalment of how not to win an election; there’s yet another leadership challenge from the factionalised Labor party – but do you think the penny has dropped on the unproductive faction system? Nah, no way, it's same ol’, same ol’, business as usual in the land of the lost down under.

But it’s Christmas and we can all get pissed and forget our cowardice, apathy, personal debt (and everything else). Put a fetid prawn on the barbie, Oi, Oi, spew, oops, sorry about that, maate!

While we’re all guzzling piss and tucking into toxic seafood and GM-fed Christmas Turkeys, remember there’s an Aussie having his fifth Christmas in solitary confinement at Torture Bay, three cheers for Oz solidarity, mateship, camaraderie and lack of identity – there’s not another nation like it, anywhere!

This is toe-touching Australia everyone, come on down and give it to us where we have learnt to accept it, Oink, Oink, Oink!

Commodore Frank Bainimarama -- kava abuser
Commodore Frank Bainimarama -- kava abuser


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Bull has bolted
by troubadour Thursday, Dec 21 2006, 4:59pm

In view of the forthcoming APEC Summit, this better late than never audit does little to reduce fears. It appears that stolen rocket launchers have been in the hands of the public for a considerable period.

Regardless of the measures taken by Ruddock and Nelson, an attack on world leaders is a very real possibility in Sydney. This is yet another example of the incompetence of the Howard government.

The Howard government only excels in cowardice, racism, failure in its duty of care, betrayal of Australian values and pathological lying.

A reminder of Howard's status in the international arena was today served to the Prime Minister and senior public servants in the form of another INDONESIAN SHIT SANDWICH re: the exoneration of Abu Bakar Bashir on terorist charges. Bashir wasted little time in ridiculing Howard and Australia!

An election could be won on the single platform issue of arresting Howard for treason and war cirmes.

The opposition leader is noted by his silence on the most damning and incriminating aspects of Howard's policies. Little wonder as he too serves similar interests.

ADVANCE AUSTRALIA and ARREST HOWARD for his MANY CRIMES! [If cowardice was a crime, Howard would spend eternity in prison.]


ASIO to take part in weapons audit
Friday Dec 22 21:32 AEDT

Australia's spy agency ASIO will take part in an urgent audit of all the army's rocket launchers amid fears stolen weapons may have fallen into the hands of criminal gangs or terrorists.

Defence Minister Brendan Nelson ordered the analysis after it emerged last week that the defence department is investigating claims rogue Australian soldiers may have stolen a number of anti-tank weapons and sold them to criminal gangs.

New South Wales counter-terrorism police and Sydney's Middle Eastern Crime Squad are said to be looking for eight rockets thought to have gone missing from army stocks some years ago.

Details on the make of the missiles are unclear, but a number of reports suggest they are 66mm rocket launchers - a light, one shot, weapon designed to be fired from the shoulder by infantry.

The weapon was designed by the US Army during the Cold War and packs enough punch to destroy a tank.

In a statement, Dr Nelson said the department will conduct a forensic audit of its rocket stocks and introduce radical measures to secure existing weapons.

The investigation will be spearheaded by the secretive Defence Security Authority, with assistance from the defence department's inspector-general.

"The audit will be overseen by a board that will include a representative from the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO)," Dr Nelson said in a statement.

The Australian National Audit Office will have observer status in the investigation.

"Recent developments have highlighted issues relating to the arrangements designed to secure defence weapons, munitions and explosives," Dr Nelson said.

"The government takes this issue very seriously."

Dr Nelson said defence is cooperating fully with ongoing police investigations.

He said distribution of the 66mm light anti-armour weapon would be suspended until the end of January, though they could still be issued for special operational needs.

The minister said he had been advised that all current stocks of the 66mm weapon held within Australia are accounted for.

A report from that initial phase of the investigation will be completed by the end of January 2007.

A second, wider security investigation examining all security aspects of the policies and practices that apply to the management of weapons, munitions and explosives across defence will be completed in the first half of 2007.

In a separate incident last week, a 53-year-old sergeant from Victoria's Puckapunyal base was charged with the theft of army equipment, with police said to have removed "truckloads" of weapons and ordnance from his home.

Fairfax this month reported that NSW police were so desperate to track down the rockets that officers cut a deal for information with one of Sydney's main underworld figures.

Authorities are terrified that such a weapon could be used on the streets of Sydney by criminal gangs or terrorists.

Stories of anti-tank weapons in the wrong hands will do little to calm fears that police and security forces are ill prepared for a terrorist attack at next year's Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) summit in Sydney.

©AAP 2006

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