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Oz PM Julia Gillard on the end of a stick
by bluey Wednesday, Mar 9 2011, 7:01am
national / social/political / commentary

Gillard "enthusiastic" about making Oz a PRIMARY nuclear target

Australia’s Gillard LABOR government is about as popular as a piece of dog shit on the end of a stick at the moment. Gillard has just allowed the US to use Oz as an active, large scale military base – who asked the people? [Are we beginning to feel like Filipinos yet?] She is also attempting to implement the Goldman Sachs designed Carbon Trading scheme (con) based on the FALSE premise that Carbon emissions are the cause of Global warming – any independent scientist would inform you that the SUN is the major driver of climate on our planet and increased Carbon levels are a CONSEQUENCE of global warming NOT the cause.

Bad Company -- Gillard with lunatic, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran, John McCain
Bad Company -- Gillard with lunatic, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran, John McCain

Al Gore tried his best to sell the carbon LIE to the world and almost succeeded but was exposed as a Goldman Sachs’ crony and paid-for stooge – hello, Barack! Verify all the above yourselves and confirm that Gillard is a consciously deceitful Washington lackey that should be dealt with by our Courts for TREASON and that the Carbon argument for climate change is a FRAUD!

The global banking and financial elites are so concerned about the Oz population rejecting this flagrant con they have flown UK and EU ‘experts’ over to convince us -- with the ‘profound’ argument -- that because they have already implemented an ETS/Carbon tax we should follow! Of course these bought clowns are avoiding CLIMATE SCIENCE like the plague and the whole issue of the dubious ‘science’ behind the Carbon Con.

It seems the people have had enough of Goldman Sachs and their criminal cohorts destroying the global economy and then blackmailing spineless US tax-payers into bailing them out. The bankers gladly accepted the trillions of tax-payer dollars WITHOUT government or independent oversight, which, not surprisingly, resulted in banking executives paying THEMSELVES millions of dollars in bonuses!

You SEE, this tactic is to clearly indicate that THEY – criminal bankers and Corporate CEOs -- have us by the balls, well that may be the case in the US and Europe but NOT SO here in Oz!

Bye, bye Julia (and Kristina) and every other LABOR and LIBERAL political lackey who dares insult the intelligence of the Oz public again.

The people may exercise their RIGHT and elect REAL INDEPENDENT REPRESENTATIVES into office.

If I was among the current crop of traitorous politicians I’d be worried, as LAWS already exist which would allow most Oz pollies to be EASILY tried for TREASON.

You think it far fetched? Well, think again!


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Australian MPs Getting Death Threats Over Proposed Carbon Tax
by Susan Kraemer via stele - Clean Technica Wednesday, Mar 9 2011, 7:23am

Just as it did here in the US, the threat of putting a price on carbon has roused the polluter industries to a frenzy of propaganda against it on talk radio and right wing news outlets in Australia. The new Labor Party Prime Minister Julia Gillard is proposing a carbon tax for Australia, to begin by next summer.

The carbon tax is designed to keep the costs of cleanup on the energy industry itself, according to ABC AU. And that has roused the right wing there who represent the polluter industries.

In 1993, when then Vice President Al Gore promoted our first attempt at a carbon tax – the btu tax taxed just carbon, and omitted renewable energy sources – the polluters were roused to the same frenzy of rage against Al Gore, that has not let up since. That is what is happening in Australia now.

One crossover MP in Australia, Independent Tony Windsor has had death threats: “You’re a f***ing liar, a dog, a rat, a big f***ing MP dog – and you wait – you’re not going to get voted in again. I hope you die, you bastard.”

In the same way as the climate bill the US House passed and the similar one the Senate passed out of committee did, the Australian carbon tax proposal would be revenue neutral or better, and compensates households and businesses for rise in energy prices.

“Every dollar raised by the payment of the carbon price by the large polluters – because that’s where the obligation resides – will be used to support households to meet price impacts,” Climate Change Minister Greg Comet said.

But the opposition describes this as a “slush fund.”

“Mr Abbott will run a fear campaign and that’s exactly what he’s doing, but we intend sticking to our guns, arguing the case because it’s the right thing to do for the future of this country,” said Senator Brown of the Green Party, which is aligned with the ruling Labor Party.

Australia has several parties on both sides of the left-right divide over climate and pollution. While the far right National party is the most against the carbon tax, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is a member of the (confusingly named) Liberal party, another right-wing party opposed to environmental protection.

Speaking about Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, Senator Brown added, “His new description of proposed compensation for households under the carbon tax proposal as ‘slush’ will offend many Australians – but delight the big corporations who want the same money for themselves.”

As long as a carbon tax is seen by polluters as a way to just pass down the costs to the little guy, it is seen by the energy industry as preferable to cap and trade. But once a carbon tax puts the pressure on polluters themselves, as the US cap and trade climate plan did, the propaganda begins.

But someone has to clean up old dirty sources of energy, to build a sustainable, clean source of power for a long term future, by investing in newer and cleaner sources of energy. And the money to do it must come from somewhere. Shouldn’t that be done by the energy industries themselves, simply as part of the cost of doing business?

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