"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools" -- Martin Luther King, Jr
Regress report on Bush-Cheney regime
budgie, Monday, Aug 18 2008, 9:30am
No need to remind the American public the economy is in RECESSION; the Georgian distraction hasn’t succeeded with the savvy US public, has it? The Fed continues to print (unpegged) toilet paper money that you will soon be able to paper your walls with. The Iraq success story needs no embellishment; Bush’s boys couldn’t have done a better service for Iran by gifting it Iraq. Iraqi Shia have steadily removed minority Sunis from positions of power, while consolidating their own power base, effectively annexing Iraq to Iran. Even the puppet PM Maliki, has demanded that occupation forces withdraw from his nation. (story and 2 images)
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America-China: social d/Evolution
Kwang zi, Friday, Aug 8 2008, 11:10pm
As America pursues totalitarian methods with a vengeance, domestic spying, legalised torture, illegal detention, and denial of a raft of human rights, China steadily evolves into a more liberal society. Noticeably absent from the opening ceremony/spectacle of the Olympic games in Beijing was any reference to the last totalitarian, despotic emperor of China, Mao Zedong. A truly surprising but intentional omission in the dramatic opening display that touched on important periods/events in China’s history. (story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Saturday, Aug 9 2008, 2:49am
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The ‘living’ corpse scenario
laz, Friday, Aug 8 2008, 3:16am
When powerful leaders die without an heir apparent, nations face possible collapse, chaos or at the very least social catharsis. Strong, all pervading rulers must be replaced immediately to prevent instability or collapse. History records numerous instances when powerful monarchs/Popes/rulers died without a suitable replacement. The death was kept secret for fear the State would implode!
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Bush’s China speech: brazen American hypocrisy
barra, Thursday, Aug 7 2008, 12:22pm
The last person in a position to reprimand or give advice to China is the now fully divorced from reality George ‘lobotomised’ Bush. G W Bush delivered his anti-China speech en route to Beijing from Bangkok, perhaps Tierra del Fuego would have been more appropriate after considering Bush’s comments. (story and 1 image)
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Banks target nation's family jewels, "infrastructure" assets, after destroying economy
Jonathan Stempel via krill, Wednesday, Aug 6 2008, 1:06am
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Cash-strapped U.S. state and city governments are likely to sell or lease more highways, bridges, airports and other assets to investors desperate for stable returns after being frazzled by the credit crisis.
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Murdoch’s man: Oz PM, Kevin Rudd, hand picked for the job!
budgie, Tuesday, Aug 5 2008, 11:29am
Few remember the fateful lunch in New York that sealed the fate of a nation for three years.
When Rupert Murdoch and Kevin Rudd, now Prime Minister of Australia, emerged from a New York restaurant Murdoch responded to a reporter’s question with, “I think Kevin Rudd would make a good Prime Minister.” However, the crucial follow-up question was not asked, FOR WHOM, because conditions for the population are worse now than under the previous Howard government? (story and 1 image)
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Known by the Company you keep
budgie, Friday, Aug 1 2008, 10:52pm
Infamous member of the ‘coalition of willing criminals,’ John Howard -- a reprehensible LIAR, RACIST, WAR CRIMINAL, LACKEY and COWARD – has thrown his poisonous support behind the current leader of the opposition, Brendan ‘super hornet’ Nelson. The enmity between Howard and former treasurer Peter Costello, who is rumoured to be making a bid for the opposition leadership, is such that Howard would emerge from his rat hole to support Nelson and risk arrest for his complicity in the Haneef scandal. (story and 2 images)
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Economic Free Fall?
William Greider via krill, Friday, Aug 1 2008, 9:32am
Washington can act with breathtaking urgency when the right people want something done. In this case, the people are Wall Street's titans, who are scared witless at the prospect of their historic implosion. Congress quickly agreed to enact a gargantuan bailout, with more to come, to calm the anxieties and halt the deflation of Wall Street giants. Put aside partisan bickering, no time for hearings, no need to think through the deeper implications. We haven't seen "bipartisan cooperation" like this since Washington decided to invade Iraq. (story and 1 image)
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The Response!
peptide, Tuesday, Jul 29 2008, 11:37am
Bob Dylan once penned a lyric that applies today more than ever, “you don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” Ninety nine percent of Americans today do not require any qualifications to determine that criminals in the White House, Pentagon, CIA, NSA and FBI have in concert subverted the sacred principles upon which the United States was founded and allowed Bankers and CEOs to rob the nation/people blind – the economy is in ruins and no amount of bullshit from ‘experts’ can reverse the inevitable collapse. (story and 2 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Wednesday, Jul 30 2008, 9:30am
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The Road to [Economic] Perdition: Paulson's Scatterbrain Capitalism
Mike Whitney via reed, Friday, Jul 25 2008, 9:33am
Something has gone terribly wrong with the economy, but no one wants to say what it is. This is more than just a typical downturn in the demand-cycle or a temporary "rough patch". In fact, it's not a recession at all; it is a meltdown of the financial system. And it's obvious. The "deep pocketed" Federal Reserve is currently providing hundreds of billions of dollars through its auction facilities to the most craven speculators on the planet, the investment banks. These very same banks have no ability to pay that money back. Show me their revenues; show me their assets; show me their capital cushion which is calculated mainly in terms of "Level 3 assets" and which allow the banks to assign their own value to the bad paper that's overflowing from their vaults. Have you ever heard of anything more ridiculous? One blogger called Level 3 assets "mark to fantasy". He's right, too. It's all smoke and mirrors. So why are we letting crooks decide what their assets are worth?
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Intellectual elites defecting in droves
cleaves, Tuesday, Jul 22 2008, 9:48pm
CRIMINAL and evil cabals that have stolen government, our democracies and plunged the world into conflict and war are losing their intellectual support base at speed. It is not a matter of defecting to the ‘other side;’ it is a matter of WITHDRAWING SUPPORT FROM CRIMINAL GOVERNMENTS! Vile governments that spy on their own populations, legalise TORTURE, subvert legal process, illegally detain citizens and engage in all manner of criminal activities, including invasive warfare and mass murder, remind us of the most oppressive and despicable totalitarian regimes of the 20th century.
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Serbia: eat shit and learn to like it!
branko, Sunday, Jul 20 2008, 11:31pm
As Belgrade considers returning ambassadors to nations that recognised the illegal secession of Kosovo, Montenegro considers recognition! Recognition by Montenegro would be the last straw for the Serbian people and nation; Serbia would be destined for oblivion, which has been the American/NATO plan since the illegal bombings of 1999.
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Learn from U.S. Failures
Kingfisher, Saturday, Jul 19 2008, 10:47pm
The entire world has a great opportunity to learn from the devastating failures of the USA. America’s major failures include (the lack of) government accountability, disregarding LAW and international convention, economic MISMANAGEMENT and of course DESTRUCTIVE FOREIGN POLICY! The perpetrators and others responsible are well known; rounding them up for trial would be a simple matter. (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Wednesday, Jul 23 2008, 9:47am
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Greatest opportunity since War of Independence
major mitchell, Friday, Jul 18 2008, 11:36pm
The founding fathers shared the fear that commercial or other self-serving interests would one day hijack their new democratic Republic. [Current circumstances in the U.S. prove these fears were not unfounded]. Provisions were encoded in the Constitution and Bill of Rights to safeguard the fledgling democracy and ensure it remained free of commercially destructive, self-serving interests. The right of citizens to bear arms allowed for a ready militia or citizen’s army that could march on the Capital at short notice if the need arose. The RIGHT to bear arms was NOT designed for personal defence it was designed for NATIONAL DEFENCE AGAINST AN INTERNAL ENEMY! (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Sunday, Jul 20 2008, 4:53am
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Inept Oz governments attempt to avoid scrutiny/accountability
quin, Friday, Jul 18 2008, 1:00am
The following example pertains to Australia, however, it easily applies to other developed nations today. The report principally highlights attempts by scurrilous politicians, incompetent governments and regulatory authorities to avoid scrutiny and accountability. If the truth of bungling, incompetence, treasonous activity and downright criminality was made public those involved would spend the rest of their remaining years in jail or at the very least disgraced and ostracised by civil society. (story and 1 comment)
Last Commented Friday, Jul 18 2008, 2:53am
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Bush’s America, ruination and desolation
nano, Wednesday, Jul 16 2008, 1:48am
Independent analysts and commentators could all laugh a satisfying laugh and sing the refrain of ‘we told you so,’ if we weren’t committed professionals dedicated to serving the PUBLIC interest. Few citizens today need convincing that the Bush regime is the most incompetent in U.S. history. In a few short years Bush’s mindless ‘management’ and aggressive policies have bankrupted the nation and ostracised the world. The economy has been thoroughly ruined, it is now beyond recovery in its old form. If it is to survive it must first die! (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Thursday, Jul 17 2008, 9:53am
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Ramos-Horta learning realpolitik
AFP via reed, Saturday, Jul 12 2008, 12:01am
If anyone is qualified to assist the former Portuguese Colony of Timor-Leste, it’s the former Portuguese colony, Brazil! Principally because former colonies face similar problems and the last thing Timor-Leste needs at this time is another patronising white nation interfering in local politics and development. Lula’s record is proven and his credentials impeccable, impossible to beat! (story and 1 image)
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Worse than McCain
Mike Whitney via reed, Friday, Jul 11 2008, 9:33pm
Every four years, liberals and progressives are expected to set aside their beliefs and stand foursquare behind the Democratic Party candidate. This ritual is invariably performed in the name of party unity. It doesn't matter if the candidate is a smooth-talking politician who's willing to toss his Pastor of 20 years overboard for a few awkward comments, or whether he refuses to defend basic civil liberties like the 4th amendment's right to privacy. All that matters is that there's a big "D" following his name and that he shows he's willing to engage in some meaningless verbal jousting with his Republican opponent. (story and 1 image)
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Stop the new FISA
Chris Hedges via quill, Friday, Jul 11 2008, 8:41pm
If the sweeping surveillance law signed by President Bush on Thursday -- giving the U.S. government nearly unchecked authority to eavesdrop on the phone calls and e-mails of innocent Americans -- is allowed to stand, we will have eroded one of the most important bulwarks to a free press and an open society.
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Oz PM, Rudd, constantly evading major issues/responsibilities
fish, Thursday, Jul 10 2008, 10:04pm
Whenever critical issues face the nation the Australian public can count on Rudd running from them as fast as he can. Where is Rudd when the nation requires REAL leadership and decisive action, in bloody Malaysia evading his responsibilities?
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