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text Beyond Belief sasha, Monday, May 9 2011, 11:38pm
Without a shred of credible evidence, bungling White House criminal puppets continue to retract press release after press release of misinformation relating to the murder of Bin Laden in Pakistan. But when did American society begin to accept stories without question from known lying, criminal governments?
international / mass media / commentary

al_cia.jpg image Babylon the Not so Great quill, Thursday, May 5 2011, 11:06pm
In the absence of a shred of evidence supporting the claim that American manufactured ‘terrorist’ Hollywood Osama Bin Laden has been murdered, the mindless American population chants U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A! How desperate and forlorn is this genitally groped, foreclosed, unemployed, whipped, corporate abused population? A tragic spectacle indeed in view of the FACT that things aren't going well at all -- to hell in a hand basket, in fact! (story and 1 image)
international / mass media / commentary

The Real Geronimo image No Proof Whatsoever! baz, Thursday, May 5 2011, 12:53am
“The operation -- code named 'Geronimo' -- was watched by the President in real time from the helmet mounted camera of an elite Navy Seal commando.”

In spite of the above, not a skerrick of proof of the purported assassination of Hollywood Bin Laden has been offered the WORLD by the clearly criminal US administration. (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Thursday, May 5 2011, 11:18am
international / mass media / commentary

text Irrelevant Bin Laden event Backgrounds Critically Important News Kane, Wednesday, May 4 2011, 12:04pm
Are we so easily duped and distracted that we would allow a largely irrelevant, manufactured 'terrorist' to sideline Fukushima Corporate radiation, which is slowly but surely poisoning the globe; or allow a strategic popularity grab, by Obama's handlers, to steer us away from NATO war crimes in Libya; or divert us from pursing Banking elites that plunged the world into economic chaos and massive 'stimulus' debt to the same banks; or allow puppet governments to implement the Goldman Sachs Carbon Tax on citizens while Corporations receive carbon subsidies?

Corporates in Australia, which are making record profits, are currently squealing like stuck pigs because workers are demanding a fair share of the wealth they generate.
international / mass media / commentary

text Watch me pull an Obama popularity boost out of my Bin Laden staff report via bullwinkle, Wednesday, May 4 2011, 10:12am
Obama's approval rating surged 11 points after Bin Laden raid and extra-judicial killing. However, no real proof of US claims has been furnished to date; the lack of REAL evidence is becoming problematic! Nevertheless, the popularity result proves that the mindless American masses believe whatever their media tells them!

Good job Rupert and other media moguls on the CFR .

international / mass media / other press

text Bin Laden: Show Me the BODY of Evidence! quill, Tuesday, May 3 2011, 10:50pm
If ever confirmation of events and rigorous forensic investigations were warranted it was for 9/11 and the USA’s most recent DECEPTION, the ‘murder’ – whenever it actually occurred – of ‘Hollywood’ Osama Bin Laden.
international / mass media / commentary

text Bin Laden media Circus backgrounds NATO/US War Crime bluey, Monday, May 2 2011, 10:09pm
While the mindless and severely uninformed American public lap up the flood of spin and propaganda relating to the orchestrated death of CIA asset Osama Bin Laden, the FREE WORLD remains acutely aware that this staged event occurred directly after the UNDENIABLE, unmandated, FAILED assassination attempt on a foreign State leader, which resulted in the deaths of three children under the age of twelve. There is no escaping responsibility for this brazen crime.
international / mass media / commentary

Steve Jobs (left) and Eric Schmidt image Corporatists Conducting Illegal Surveillance Yukari Iwatani Kane via Kismo, Tuesday, Apr 26 2011, 12:26am
Once again Corporatists have been busted conducting illegal surveillance on citizens. Steve Jobs of Apple is squealing that his company doesn't track and record users' locations, he points the finger squarely at data and communications juggernaut, GOOGLE; however, there's that 'little matter' of undeclared keystroke recording on iPhones, Steve, you reprehensible lying, Corporatist, pig! Corporatists are ALL tarred with the same brush and will suffer the same fate for turning on the people.

We should never forget that LIAR Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, formed an unholy surveillance partnership with the CIA after stating publicly that Google wouldn't abuse data information -- I mean the SPYING, MURDERING, CIA, Schmidt, for Christ's sake!
(story and 1 comment and 1 image)
Last Commented Tuesday, Apr 26 2011, 1:04am
international / mass media / other press

assangeleaking2.jpg image 'Bad ... Ass ... ange' bluey, Tuesday, Apr 19 2011, 1:01am
A picture of Julian Assange pissing in Uncle Sam’s iconic American top hat has won the Bald Archy prize this year. The Bald Archy Art competition is a send-up of the pretentious Archibald Prize presided over by the Art Gallery of NSW and every pretentious bourgeois fart in the Sydney Art scene. (story and 1 image)
national / mass media / commentary

text Facebook takes on Google with open data centres Emma Barnett via stele, Friday, Apr 8 2011, 11:51am
In stark contrast to Google, which keeps the location and any other details about its servers secret at all times, Facebook has taken an open-source approach and is allowing developers full access to the workings of the vast halls of computers behind the site.
international / mass media / other press

Tas policeman relieving himself in bush image Imbecilic Story of the Day shitting me, Monday, Apr 4 2011, 10:31pm
Police in Tasmania are treating the discovery of a burnt body [found] in bush near Launceston as a 'murder!' [Nah, you're shitting me, it was clearly an accident, you moron!] (story and 1 image)
international / mass media / commentary

text Aircraft Vulnerable to Cyber Attack Alex Dickinson via Kismo, Sunday, Apr 3 2011, 8:47am
It's not news to hackers who, according to an unsubstantiated report, recently hacked into the systems of a military satellite -- an aircraft would be a simple matter by comparison.
international / mass media / other press

text Flagrant US RACIST Propaganda van, Monday, Mar 28 2011, 9:30pm
With God on their side regardless of how many innocent civilians they murder or 'legally' torture, every American knows they are justified in doing anything they choose -- criminal or otherwise. When reason and LIES fail to sustain the argument/myth 'they' resort to the most outrageous racist propaganda seen since the anti-semitic attacks on the Jews by the Nazis. The video below has gone viral for a number of reasons but its overtly racist message is without doubt a calculated inclusion -- there were many ways of delivering this message without the need for OVERT RACISM so we must ask the question, WHY? (story and 4 comments)
Last Commented Tuesday, Mar 29 2011, 11:25am
international / mass media / commentary

text Anti-hacking firm RSA gets hacked Lawrence Latif via reed, Friday, Mar 18 2011, 8:06am
It seems the elite (anonymous) hacker underground is targeting IT Corporates and teaching them a lesson in SKILL and STRATEGY. [A widely known fact in the hacker community but little known in the general community, is that Corporatists are only able to enlist 5th rate hackers/security staff, as elite crewz and skilled hackers possess ideological integrity and would never assist the enemy. Also, elite hackers cannot be tempted with toilet paper dollars, as money is no problem for hackers - LOL!]
international / mass media / commentary

Eric 'corporatist' Schmidt imageaudio Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, where’s the Love? Kismo, Thursday, Mar 17 2011, 10:42pm
One can’t help but notice headlines like that (link below) but the inference couldn’t be further from the TRUTH – there is NO LOVE in a Corporate that marries the CIA, a KNOWN (MURDERING) QUANTITY, and forms a partnership of evil SURVEILLANCE on ALL Internet users -- verifiable fact #1. (story and 10 comments and 1 image and 1 audio file)
Last Commented Monday, Jun 20 2011, 7:07am
international / mass media / commentary

Assange via video link on Q&A image Assange accuses Oz PM Gillard of Treason and intimates he has evidence quin, Monday, Mar 14 2011, 9:55am
After her disgusting gushing speech to the US Congress, and her huge LIE regarding imposing the Goldman Sachs Carbon Tax on the Oz public, the Australian Prime Minister’s approval rating is so low snakes have no trouble sliding over it. (story and 1 image)
international / mass media / commentary

text Assange: the Price of Infamy Kismo, Wednesday, Mar 9 2011, 11:18pm
I couldn’t help but publish this amusing excerpt from an article by Sergei Varshavchik, in RIA Novosti, titled, “Saving Private Assange” – ‘saving Assange’s privates,’ may have been more appropriate considering his current legal predicament; however, it seems ‘glamour boy’ Assange is griping bitterly over the fact that director Steven Spielberg, a very pro-American Jew, is ignoring Assange’s own biased memoirs in favour of other biased accounts from The Guardian team, in order to produce yet another biased account in movie form; in literary circles it's called ‘metafiction!’ Perhaps now Assange may learn the value of ANONYMITY in his profession – roflmfao?
international / mass media / commentary

Morons, David Letterman and Paris Hilton, will they 'float?' image You can't have your CFR and eat it too! gan, Friday, Mar 4 2011, 9:25am
Hillary Clinton, herself a CFR protégé, admitted openly that US mass media is substandard and American news networks do not broadcast real news! No doubt CFR members, Rockefeller, Rupert Murdoch and other media owners/magnates will be impressed over the remarks of ingrate Clinton. [It was the CFR that determined to marshal and shape the US mass media into what it is today.] (story and 2 comments and 2 images)
Last Commented Friday, Mar 4 2011, 9:36pm
international / mass media / other press

text Doco on Wall St Crooks Wins Award Mary Milliken via stele, Monday, Feb 28 2011, 6:42am
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Inside Job," a film blaming financial institutions for triggering the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, won the Academy Award for best documentary on Sunday.
international / mass media / other press

Assange loses image Assange: the Cost of Breaking the Hacker code of Anonymity Kismo, Thursday, Feb 24 2011, 7:25pm
Julian Assange has been “caged,” to use his own expression, since his initial arrest in London on an EU warrant alleging sexual misconduct in Sweden and remains caged today with bail conditions still applying while his inept team of glamour boy barristers and drunken solicitors determine how much more they can milk from his case. A gifted person with Assange’s social awareness should have known that (ALL) lawyers are the parasites of the modern age and should be avoided at all costs. Are you regretting now the personal and other REAL costs associated with your narcissistic (conditioned) need for notoriety, Julian? Silly boy! (story and 2 comments and 1 image)
Last Commented Sunday, Feb 27 2011, 7:26pm
international / mass media / commentary

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