U.S. errand boy, Kevin Rudd, returns to Oz
by nano Sunday, Apr 13 2008, 3:47am
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social/political /
Our globe trotting PM has returned home after making no positive impact in world affairs, however, our Kevin did manage to aggravate China and offend Japan – well done, Kevin! Our media darling PM did arouse the curiosity of some unimportant commentators; who was this curious mandarin speaking oddity from Australia and what real impact did he hope to effect on the world reading from an American script? It was obvious that China would never be swayed on internal policy – nor should any foreigner expect otherwise; Rudd was acutely aware of this fact but he was on a mission to inflame Tibetan dissent and compromise China on the threshold of the Olympic games in Beijing. A mission of America’s making that was essentially successful.
Whatever ‘face’ China had prior to the carefully planned political attack, it lost. Attacks on the Olympic flame, exaggerated/incorrect reporting from the Dalai Lama and Rudd’s contribution of publicly insulting his Chinese hosts – a shocking and disgraceful affront to Asian sensibilities – ensured the outcome!
We could hardly blame the hypocritical Buddhist leader of Tibet for his overt political machinations though a little more meditation would clarify matters for him, but Rudd, who should have Australia’s best interests at heart has no excuse for doing America’s dirty-work.
Imagine how it was put to Rudd in Washington; ‘you will go down in history for standing up to the Chinese, the world will be astounded at your bravery' [imbecility] etc -- lines a narcissistic, show pony could not resist!
Our pathological clown for a PM actually believes he has ‘done good!’ No doubt he will go down in history but it should not be forgotten that historians take a broader view than our Kevin’s narcissistic vision allows!
What a thorough disgrace, where are the benefits for Australia? America emerges clean while Australia is left holding the shitty end of the stick!
We can only wonder what effect Rudd’s next performance will have on the nation – no amount of mass media distortion will disguise the consequences for the nation if Rudd is allowed to continue serving American and other interests.
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