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Oz PM, Rudd, constantly evading major issues/responsibilities
by fish Thursday, Jul 10 2008, 10:04pm
national / social/political / commentary

Whenever critical issues face the nation the Australian public can count on Rudd running from them as fast as he can. Where is Rudd when the nation requires REAL leadership and decisive action, in bloody Malaysia evading his responsibilities?

There is no shortage of CRITICAL and urgent issues facing the nation at present with the Murray-Darling crisis heading the list.

The government also seems unable to deal with the cancellation of Brendan Nelson’s servile order of Super Hornet jet fighters from daddy America – a totally inappropriate order that surrenders air supremacy to the Indonesians and other nations in the region – get a grip, Joel!

Then we have the continuing SCANDAL of the world’s richest miner, BHP, extracting billions of litres of (high quality) water from the nation’s artesian basin -- in South Australia where the Murray is in dire straits -- completely FREE OF CHARGE and without government oversight.

Let’s not forget the promises Rudd made to average Aussies? Workers continue to suffer constant hardship while executives who have already exhibited their incompetence by plunging the economy into recession and mismanaging critical infrastructure and not providing for skills training and education, continue to receive huge million-dollar salaries THAT ARE CLEARLY NOT PERFORMANCE RELATED!

The Banking and Financial sector is probably the most heinous and incompetent of all corporate sectors; in an effort to recover monies LOST by EXECUTIVE INCOMPETENCE the BANKS are lifting interest rates YET AGAIN! "Let them eat cake" is the attitude of our Corporate sector -- I would remind the wealthy and insular of the consequences of the 'eat cake' attitude. The public 'back' is ready to break and a retaliatory response is guaranteed. Perhaps a little regulation is warranted Mr Wayne ‘jellyfish’ Swan?

We could start with threatening regulation and forcing Banks to return every cent of the parasitic fees they have outrageously and unfairly imposed on citizens since that criminal, Paul ‘Christmas Island Casino’ Keating, deregulated the sector and allowed the parasites to infect the public – if the people will have it, WE WILL FIX IT!

This nation is a wealth but has suffered numerous incompetent and spineless governments, yet it has survived until now! TODAY, a certain degree of COMPETENCE is required if the nation is to SURVIVE INTO THE FUTURE. However, it is painfully clear that neither Rudd nor anyone in opposition has what it takes to LEAD the nation AND GOVERN IN A FAIR AND EQUITABLE MANNER! It is not too difficult; it requires skill, COURAGE and decisive ACTION!

I could go on, but do YOU see the need? What is required today is ACTION and involvement from the people in determining the collective future of the nation.

The fate of the nation rests with a vibrant and resourceful people or with a bunch of US-style cowardly, blind sheep being led to their slaughter – MAKE YOUR CHOICE!

Removing BEREFT and USELESS, Rudd, would be an excellent gesture in the right direction!

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