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"The travesty of orthodox religion is that the living defer to the dead" -- Anon
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Oz Political Vermin Survival Strategies
by dasha Sunday, Dec 13 2009, 7:57am
national / social/political / commentary

In contrast to kitchen vermin, which always seek out dark cracks and crevices when under threat, Oz political vermin, when confronted with massive popularity/face LOSS -- failed ‘Messiah’ of ETS at ‘No-Hopen-Hagen;’ border 'protection;' pissweak whaling ‘warrior’ in our hemisphere; continuing BHP artesian water theft; wholesale rape of the nation by Corporations and gut-turning cowardice/compliance with every dictate of Washington regarding sending our troops to AMERICA’S ILLEGAL (and failed) WARS – but to the point; politicians, unlike their kitchen cockroach cousins, seek the LIMELIGHT to DISTRACT and survive when threatened with demise!


So where was our Kevin Rudd yesterday? Attempting to steal some of the spotlight away from the almost certain to be canonised Mary MacKillop – a popular Aussie Catholic nun soon to become a Saint. [Pope, Ratzinger, is nothing if not politically expedient.] God knows the local Catholic establishment needs a Saint like a dog needs rooting!

Political damage control and bad polls forced one of the most transparent, cynical Rudd ruses/crowd manipulations yet seen. Rudd played the ‘left-footer’ and attended a Catholic Mass at the MacKillop Shrine even though he has been a practicing Anglican for years, but Calvinist C of Es offer no glamorous photo-ops, so its off to Mass and the headlines with Mother Mary, you reprehensible media whore!

Rudd topped the adage, ‘show me a Christian and I’ll show YOU a HYPOCRITE’ by attempting to distract and exploit the memory of a widely respected and almost certain to be Sainted, Mary MacKillop!

The amazing thing in this entire SORDID affair is that Rudd’s enemies are unable to capitalise on the situation by MAINTAINING FOCUS on his many MASSIVE FAILURES – EXPOSE the vermin for what he really is, the lowest form of politically opportunistic scum seen in Oz for a long time!

Be sure not to forget the contempt this anus-faced LACKEY of the Corporate Elite has for the public at polling time – but then it's OUR JOB to REMIND YOU!

A message to Labor stalwarts; if you are unable to deal with this disgusting, little prick, we will quietly offer our specialised consulting services to the opposition – WE assure you, they would make the Cousins-Howard efforts look amateurish!

You have been advised, you bunch of spineless no-accounts!

O, Mary, it's a miracle!
O, Mary, it's a miracle!


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By George, I think they've got it!
by geoff Sunday, Dec 13 2009, 8:22pm

Excerpt from the SMH, link provided:

"[Australian] Opposition frontbencher Christopher Pyne has accused Mr Rudd of a cynical attempt to take credit for Mother Mary MacKillop's possible canonisation.

Mr Pyne said the prime minister had once before tried to take credit for the late Australian nun's journey to sainthood, when earlier this year he revealed he'd discussed the issue with Pope Benedict XVI.

"Kevin Rudd must think Catholics are particularly silly if he imagines that they will believe that by turning up to the Blessed Mary MacKillop shrine yesterday he somehow can associate himself with (her) canonisation," Mr Pyne told AAP on Monday.

"Catholics are quite rightly outraged that he would use religion in such a cynical way to try and get political gain."

Mr Pyne advised Mr Rudd to leave religion to religious leaders."
Notwithstanding the fact that Catholics are psychologically damaged by indoctrination from an organisation that has more blood and abuse on its hands than the Nazi Reich, Australian Catholics are justifiably offended by Rudd's overt cynical opportunism!

Coincidentally the current Pope is former Hilter youth but let's not allow REALITY to interfere with shared delusions -- God Forbid, religion exposed may force us all to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for OUR OWN EXISTENCE and maybe even save the planet; the horror, the horror of taking responsibility, quick, pass me my rosary -- it is better to DIE in delusion than LIVE in REALITY!

Also worthy of note is the fact that one of the world's most reviled WAR CRIMINALS, Tony Blair, sought the protection of the Pope by converting to Roman Catholicism -- "birds of the feather ..!"

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