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The Oz Servility Stakes – Labor faces Nationwide Obliteration!
by bluey Friday, Mar 19 2010, 7:59pm
national / social/political / commentary

Mike Rann, South Australian Premier, is second only to his Federal counterpart, Kevin ‘custard face’ Rudd, in his obeisance to Corporatists and BIG Business. Rann is facing slaughter at the forthcoming State elections, which some analysts say will be an Oz-wide snowball effect – Rudd and his State Labor counterparts have proven to be the most unrepresentative Labor governments in the nation’s history – it’s ‘all the way’ with BIG Business/Washington and fuck the traditional support base of average working Aussies!

Good riddance, Mike Rann!
Good riddance, Mike Rann!

Arrogant, unrepresentative, CORRUPT, Labor politicians are about to be taught a lesson they will not soon forget and we can attribute most of the backlash to Kevin Rudd, who shamelessly kowtows to the wishes of BIG Business and Washington – treason by any other name – while treating the people with contempt and deceit. The charade is over, the populist, friendless, no account, narcissist PM and his fellow State leaders are about to reap their ‘reward!’

Rann’s crowning ‘achievement’ is his total subservience to the world’s richest miner, BHP-Billiton, which is responsible for the (continuing, since ’82) THEFT of TRILLIONS of litres of our precious artesian water resource for its uranium mine, Olympic Dam!

Water depletion levels are now easily measurable along the entire basin from North Queensland down the east of the continent to SA, where it is plundered without oversight or fees of any kind – OUTRAGEOUS!

This THEFT is all the more offensive to citizens obliged to comply with water restrictions and ever increasing fees for water usage! But the world’s richest and largest miner PAYS NOTHING while it CONTINUES to pilfer our precious water resource without the least oversight from corrupt governments!

Goodbye Mike, David, Kevin and the rest; if it was me I’d hang the bloody lot of you without a second thought. Good riddance to vile, corrupt, UNREPRESENTATIVE, RUBBISH!

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