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Juliar Gillard, ‘bule kesasar’ – White European Lost in the Jungle
by bluey Wednesday, Jun 15 2011, 9:44pm
national / social/political / commentary

The grossly incompetent and ridiculously out of touch Gillard Labor Government has just been trounced by Parliament for yet another INADEQUATE, knee-jerk plan to establish offshore refugee clearing centres in Malaysia; a PRIMITIVE MUSLIM NATION KNOWN INTERNATIONALLY FOR ITS BARBARITY. So I chose a denigrating bahasa Malay/Indonesian expression in the title that ACCURATELY describes Gillard and her completely out of touch, LOST government.

It seems that against the better judgement of the majority of Labor politicians and party members the clearly dysfunctional, mindless Labor machine wins the day with yet another grouping in support of the most unpopular Labor leader in history – wake up clowns before you are thrown so far into the political wilderness it would take DECADES to regain any semblance of credibility!

The solution is of course simple; Labor is a peoples’ party and should represent the MAJORITY INTEREST – a sure-fire guarantee of political success in Oz. Dump all minority un-mandated policies, cease serving Corporatists, Bankers and the Big End of town at the people’s expense and get back to CORE VALUES, BECAUSE if you FAIL to heed good advice, be ASSURED, another political party OR POPULAR MOVEMENT will fill the void!

This is not America Gillard, moronic American methods of flagrant LYING and then hoping to deceive the public with saturation media misinformation and propaganda do not ‘cut it’ HERE; persisting with these out of touch and culturally unsuitable FOREIGN methods will get NOWHERE, or should I say, push you so far into the political wilderness the PARTY will become irrelevant!

You want to know how to win government, JUST LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE, the VOTING ELECTORATE and desist from attempting to deceive them in the American tradition of moron management – remember Oz is an educated nation and America is the most illiterate nation in the developed World. Alternatively, if you wish to gushingly serve your American masters at Australia’s expense then fuck off to that arsehole of a nation for good! Resigning would be the honourable alternative but a wasted request on a person that lacks all honour and INTEGRITY – imagine Gillard applying for her current job at the American consulate, ‘I can suck harder than Howard and Rudd put together’ – she sure proved that with her now, RECORDED for posterity, sickening (suck) speech to Congress!

As for the Labor party, wake up; return to core values and ACT before its too late – supporting a detested, traitorous, political albatross is NOT GOOD POLITICS!

A word regarding that homosexual leader of the Greens, Bob Brown; the GREEN PARTY, by definition should concern itself with GREEN ISSUES not Bob Brown’s PERSONAL issues, specifically HIS homosexual desire to legalise same sex MARRIAGE -- you’ll go a long way with that poop pusher, no doubt!

Report from The Australian follows:

Labor defeated as parliament condemns Malaysia solution
by Lanai Vasek

THE Gillard government has suffered an embarrassing defeat in parliament, with the Greens and the Coalition combining to pass a motion opposing its Malaysian refugee swap deal.

As Labor tries to secure UNHCR support for the yet-to-be-finalised plan, a motion calling for the proposal to be abandoned passed the House of Representatives.

The vote followed a similar resolution in the Senate last month, making it the first time in living memory both houses of parliament have condemned a government policy.

The motion by Greens MP Adam Bandt passed the House 70-68, with the support of the opposition, Tasmanian independent Andrew Wilkie and Queensland independent Bob Katter.

NSW independents Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor voted with Labor.

Mr Bandt said: “The parliament has sent a clear message to the Prime Minister that the government does not have the support of parliament for this deal.

“We should not be contracting out our obligations overseas and swapping the human rights of one group of asylum-seekers for another.”

But Labor said the move by the Coalition to support the Greens motion was hypocritical and “legitimised” the minority party.

“The Liberal Party want to talk about Greens having too much power - well they're helping them,” Labor backbencher Nick Champion said.

Under the Malaysian deal Australia will send up to 800 boatpeople to Malaysia in return for 4000 processed refugees.

Immigration Minister Chris Bowen this morning labelled the Greens-Coalition move “a coalition of mutual convenience”.

“Let's not kid ourselves that they are at one on this, they come at it from completely different points of view and we are in the middle sorting out this problem,” he told Sky News.

“Obviously we have the power to enter into this arrangement and we will. We will prosecute the case vigorously, inside the parliament and outside the parliament for this arrangement, as we've done.”

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison said he welcomed the passing of the motion but was disappointed that Labor MPs who had recently spoken out about the Malaysian deal did not cross the floor to support the vote.

“This thing just doesn't stack up and I was disappointed that Labor members were glued to their seats this morning, despite all their protestation they went and sacked this bill today,” Mr Morrison said.

“Those who condemned the Howard government for more than a decade sat glued in their seats today not getting up, just sitting silent.”

Mr Morrison also conceded the motion's passing would not ensure the Malaysian solution was stopped.

“This government can continue to ignore the voices of the Australian parliament and they can continue to ignore the voices of the Australian people,” he said.

“What this motion does today is put forward the view of the Australian parliament. This government has a poor record of listening to the Australian people and they now have a poor record of listening to the Australian parliament.”

Mr Bandt said he did not use the word “condemn” lightly and the government should take the motion's passing seriously.

“I suspect there are people on the government's side who do not support the deal and it is my hope they will speak out and my hope that the government listens to what the parliament has said and goes back to the drawing board on the proposal,” he said.

But the Greens MP said despite the criticism, the party's support for Labor remained strong.

“I like many other people remember clearly the Coalition's record on asylum-seekers and refugees and we have very clear in our mind what they stand for,” he said.

It was revealed today that the United Nation's High Commissioner for Refugees is still not completely on board with the deal, with UNHCR officials from Geneva expected to fly to Malaysia in coming days for briefings with authorities to assist their decision-making.

A representative for the UNHCR told The Australian Online: “Discussions are ongoing, it is not our place to give a running commentary”.

© 2011 News Limited


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Aspiring Dictator but Incompetent PM, Gillard, defies Parliament on Malaysia deal
by staff report via Joe - Herald Sun Thursday, Jun 16 2011, 12:50am

Move to censure Prime Minister Julia Gillard for defying Parliament

OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott has accused Julia Gillard of losing control of parliament as he tried to have the lower house censure the prime minister.

He also accused Ms Gillard of "scurrying" out of the chamber to avoid debating a Coalition attempt to censure her for defying the will of Parliament.

Earlier the Parliament took the rare step of condemning a government policy, with both Houses calling on Labor to dump its asylum seeker swap deal with Malaysia.

In an embarrassing defeat for Ms Gillard, an Australian Greens motion condemning the so-called "Malaysia solution" passed the lower house with Coalition support this morning.

The same motion passed the Senate in May. However, the motion has no legal power meaning the Government is free to persist with its plan.

After Ms Gillard told the Parliament the Government intended to proceed with the Malaysian deal, Mr Abbott moved to censure the Prime Minister.

© 2011 Herald and Weekly Times.

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