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"Peace on earth would mean the end of civilization as we know it" -- Joseph Heller
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Economics not Sustainability as the Dominant and Destructive Primary Discourse
by millie Thursday, Jun 21 2012, 12:23am
international / social/political / commentary

When something is established over a relatively long period of social time -- decades in this case -- the 'given' often appears as 'natural,' as is now the case with economics firmly established as the primary social discourse. However, a step outside that dominant discourse reveals an entirely different critical picture than the many deceptive images presented. The world and societies everywhere are going to wrack and ruin largely as a result of the myopic adherence to the economic discourse to the exclusion of more critically important discourses/issues on sustainability and non-monetary matters. That's right darlings, the world/universe has never been reliant on money or driven by economics, it survives -- long term -- on harmony and co-operative relations, not divisive and destructive conflict/war profiteering for financial and corporate elites. So no prizes for guessing which forces have established the economic discourse as the primary political and social 'reality' today.

I should be able to end it here, but I will re-iterate, the primary ECONOMIC discourse is just another -- in this case destructive -- world view, imposed by forces with very vested interests in its survival and their privileged positions. Yet REALITY dictates that it is the obsession with economic debate/discourse that is the CAUSE of ALL the world's problems today! Unsustainable, rapacious corporate practices and social (debt) slavery flow from this dominant but 'unnatural' discourse.

The exploitation, at frightening speed, of available FINITE resources, without due thought or consideration for future consequences and the tenability of the environment/human race is madness, pure and simple; but that is exactly what is occurring today!

I would now ask whether we are emerging from our media induced trance and gaining a clearer picture of the world as it really is (a fuckin' mess)?

The lunatics in whose extremely short term interests it is to impose this false economic reality on the masses are by evidential example quite mad, they are -- and make no mistake whatsoever -- sociopaths and destructive lunatics of the highest order yet we passively go along with their imposed world view, I mean, is it time for a swift kick in the collective social backside?

From here it can only GET WORSE if we fail as a society to rein in the lunatics that have created the MANY global crises we are experiencing today.

Yet the solution is as simple as it is plain to see; VOTE corrupted, unrepresentative puppet politicians out of office and relegate them to the political wilderness. Establish representative leaders with sustainable long term policies in all positions of political and social influence and TIGHTLY regulate those industries which are able to harm society and the planet. Ask yourselves how many current candidates reflect sustainable values and have coherent policies in that regard?

Restore majority democratic rule or perish! And I'm not exaggerating. The major political parties of all western democracies are as corrupt as can be; they clearly serve the lunatic interests of the people that are destroying OUR world.


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Vandana Shiva: 'Making Peace With the Earth Is a Survival Imperative'
by staff report via stan - CommonDreams Thursday, Jun 21 2012, 1:19am

Eco-activist, Vandana Shiva, urges a paradigm shift away from the pervasive short-sighted growth model we see failing all around us, and says that "making peace with the Vandana Shiva: "You cannot separate the issue of sustainability from the issue of justice from the issue of access to resources and from the issues of peace."

Shiva made the comments in an interview with Salim Rizvi of Free Speech Radio News.

Speaking about current environmental activism in India, she says the grassroots movement "has never been stronger because the crisis is deeper." She adds that rights issues are intertwined. "You cannot separate the issue of sustainability from the issue of justice from the issue of access to resources and from the issues of peace."

Emphasizing the urgency of our times, Shiva says "Making peace with the earth" is now "a survival imperative."

Speaking about the Rio+20 United Nations sustainable development summit in Rio de Janeiro which officially starts today, Shiva says that Rio "was very important 20 years ago," and that India played an important role then. But now India is "playing second fiddle to the United States," which "wants to dismantle Rio."

Shiva says that India's civiliazation is based on "compassion and sharing," and "you cannot sacrifice that very very open generous civiliazation for a short-term growth model that is failing all around us. "

Free Speech Radio News: Interview with author, activist Vandana Shiva on the practice of sustainability

Indian author, activist and philosopher Vandana Shiva is one of many people in Rio this week calling for a paradigm shift in how countries practice sustainability, one that puts the rights of mother earth and future generations above profit and corporate control of the planet’s resources. In a recent article published in The Asian Age, Shiva writes, “None of us are immune to the crisis, or the response to it. None of us are bystanders. We are all immersed in processes that are either threatening the planet and our own future, or finding creative ways to shape a sustainable and just future." FSRN’s Salim Rizvi recently sat down with Vandana Shiva to discuss environmental struggles in her own country and what she expects of the Rio+20 summit.

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