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Meat Sheik, Anglican paedophilia, and non-regulation Jewish foreskin
by nano Sunday, Oct 29 2006, 8:07am
national / mass media / commentary

This past week in Australia has been ‘fundamentally’ outstanding; dim-witted fundamentalist religionists vied with each other for top billing in the local media. Never has the nation seen such retarded behaviour from so many diverse religious groups. The prize for fundamentalist imbecile of the week however goes to the Muslim cleric Sheik al-Hilali for his retrogressive reference to women as “uncovered meat”. He unashamedly placed the responsibility for rape and other sexually violent acts onto women; men were exonerated on the basis that “uncovered meat” is sexually provocative! The local media now refers to the cleric as the “Meat Sheik” and continues to sensationalise aspects of the story.,20867,20646437-601,00.html

Second prize goes to an ideologically related story: orthodox rabbis told a young Jewish lad preparing for his bar mitzvah, that he wasn’t properly circumcised and therefore not Jewish. Fundamentalist rabbi, Moshe Gutnick, is quoted in the Australian Jewish News as stating that progressive (moderate) Jewish leaders were only "fooling the child" into believing he was Jewish if they ignored the boy’s non-regulation penis! As we say down under, fair go mate, a Jewish doctor in the presence of a rabbi circumcised the boy according to custom when he was eight days old.

"It's not a good thing to say, but those people have gone mad on their power" said the boy’s mother. The boy would certainly have been "consigned to the ovens" in Nazi Germany, she added.

Last but far from least are Australia’s Evangelical Anglicans. The Sydney group led by arch-conservative, Dr. Peter Jensen, voted against adopting the liberal Anglicanism practised in the UK, USA and Canada. Jensen adheres tenaciously to antiquated textual formulas placing women in subordinate and submissive roles.

[What do these three male retrograde personalities have in common, I wonder?]

The result of female phobia and misogyny clearly leads to aberrant and deviant sexual behaviour. The Anglican synod also agreed to the sale of a number of church properties in Adelaide. Funds are required to compensate the victims of sexual abuse. Paedophilia and other sordid activities are common fare where unbalanced attitudes to the sexes prevail.

The church hopes to raise an additional $5 million for its compensation fund; the church has settled $4.5 million in sexual abuse claims to date!

Conservatism clearly proves to be the most expensive option in religious matters and yet dogmatic adherence to antiquated theologies persist.

The above examples clearly highlight the retrogressive nature of conservatism regardless of denominational distinctions. Inflexible, doctrinaire approaches are common to all three religious leaders. They have more in common than they would probably care to admit.

Depending on your point of view, the above events mark a week of embarrassment, entertainment or tragedy in Howard’s conservative Australia. However, the critical news of (prospective) litigation against major corporate polluters, criminal government, murder and plunder were conspicuously absent from our television screens, and that dear reader is the real news of the week!

John (aluminium tubing) Howard, member of the coalition of willing criminals, has capitalised on the stupidity of religious fundamentalists once again. The “Meat” Sheik’s absurd remarks were readily transmitted to the U.S. and UK media – sharing sensationalist, biased ‘news’ serves various interests. A lesson in conservative deception strategy follows:

It was revealed that the Sheik’s remarks were made at the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan – almost one month prior to the media’s hysterical release of the information! In view of the fact that informers have infiltrated the major mosques, government handlers were very slow to exploit and capitalise on the situation.

After numerous predictable statements of outrage from Howard and other prominent members of the community, Howard could hardly contain himself when he gleefully announced that a previous Labor government had the opportunity to deport the Sheik but considered the action too costly, politically. Howard has again managed to increase the level of public disdain for Muslims (the ‘terrorists’) while at the same time scoring points against the opposition party. But the major strategic coup is distracting the public’s attention away from the hypercritical realities of climate change, pollution, the water crisis, and the compromising debacle of Australia’s involvement in the illegal Iraq war.

Baghdad, Falcon base, and public awareness burn while the notorious criminal liar, murderer and political manipulator Howard survives another day. Perhaps the most offensive aspect of Howard’s behaviour is the thorough contempt he displays toward the Australian public. He imagines that the Australian people are too stupid to detect his deceptions, lies and machinations. His highly paid corporate advisers also feel their actions are invisible. However, the contrary is clearly indicated by the following chance encounter:

Two elderly citizens were discussing Howard while promenading in a popular public place, when another citizen interjected with the comment that Howard, “should be shot on sight.” The reaction of the many people who overheard this loud and passionate remark was astounding, EVERYONE AGREED! While we do not share in one citizen’s ‘solution’, it is clear that Howard is the most detested Prime Minister in Australian history.

Regardless of the manner in which the orchestrated ‘news’ of Corporate Australia preserves its own interests, the powers can be assured that a growing percentage of Australians will not be distracted from their determination to have Howard and his advisers jailed for their crimes against humanity. Howard is complicit in the most heinous crime of the 21st century, the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children in Iraq. John Howard is a criminal liar and terrorist, Bin Laden and other Islamist terrorists pale into insignificance in comparison. That is the truth of the day!


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