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It’s not over until the rodent stops squealing!
by barra Saturday, Aug 25 2007, 1:45pm
national / social/political / commentary

Nail him hard, nail him good! Recent polls indicate John Howard is a dead loss for the elections. Every one of his ill-considered moves/tactics/strategies of late has backfired in his face; even die hard Howard supporters are embarrassed to make known their support for a lying, racist, war criminal, lackey, coward, contractionist, anal conservative, lacklustre, visionless, American slave! Perhaps the disdain the international community expresses toward Australia has finally reached our insular shores. Australians are receiving very negative reports via relatives and friends travelling and working overseas; in fact many have experienced outright hostility as a result of Howard’s racist and insular policies. But we can all take heart; we are always welcome in the most hated nation on earth, America!

Yes, its true, Howard has made us all a derided laughing stock, especially in the region. The world now views us as xenophobic, racist, fearful and contractive. That news shouldn’t surprise anyone, leaders always stamp -- for good or ill -- their mark (stain in Howard’s case) on the nation they lead.

The tragedy for Australia however, is Howard losing the elections through his own folly and abysmal sense of timing not the opposition leader, Kevin Rudd, winning! Rudd, unfortunately for the nation, is just another conservative American house slave in waiting.

The public yearns for a real Australian leader to restore Australian values, the egalitarian ideal, and the Oz sense of fair play. We have tasted economic feudalism under Howard and his Libs, a State in which Howard’s corporate friends make tens of millions per annum while the rest of us suffer negative wage pressures and depressed living standards – FOR NO GOOD REASON WHATSOEVER!

BHP Billiton recently announced a staggering 17 BILLION dollar profit, while the rest of us pay $600 to dentists for TWO (only) standard fillings! The Australian people have not shared in the wealth of THEIR NATION under Howard. Our medical, dental and education systems are now either dysfunctional or out of reach for the majority of the population. Do not forget that merit based, as opposed to user pays based systems always produce higher quality results. George W Bush is the result of a user pays system; a moron becoming President is a road Oz does not wish to take.

Vote decisively! Send a powerful message that you have had enough of inequity and depressed living standards while the bloated fat-cat friends of Howard have never had it so good.

Inequities and disparities experienced under Howard have more in common with fascist or totalitarian regimes in Latin America, North America and Asia than Oz.

Together with the most un-Australian gesture seen since colonial rule – THE EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC from a planned fireworks display on Sydney Harbour – today’s disparities and inequities in the face of booming profits from OUR natural wealth represent a treasonous contempt for the values and ideals of the COMMON-WEALTH of Australia. Rudd (Howard lite) is NOT an alternative, vote for candidates that actually represent YOU, not for major parties that cynically view the public as a moronic herd of sheep to be manipulated and utilised as a resource for elite minorities and parasitic Corporations!

Restore the nation, withdraw all support from major parties that clearly represent the interests of rapacious, avaricious swine.

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