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Corporate control confirmed by vacuous Oz election
by Kingfisher Thursday, Nov 22 2007, 12:03pm
national / social/political / commentary

The current Australian federal election has seen the population barraged with non-substantive slogans, marketing tricks, rhetoric, negative fear campaigns and personal attacks BUT VERY LITTLE IN THE WAY OF REAL POLICIES! Neither major party has detailed policies for what promises to be a very dire future for the planet but particularly for Australia. That is the tragedy of corporate controlled Australia today; make no mistake, the two leaders vying for government have pledged their allegiance to the corporate sector above all else!

The corporate selection, Howard and Rudd
The corporate selection, Howard and Rudd

The astronomical costs of mass communication and exposure enable corporate interests to control the selection process thereby ensuring their interests are served. Those antagonistic to corporate interests are relegated to the background of political life where they usually fade into political oblivion or insignificance.

Australian democracy today is pure FARCE, a charade. [Thanks Noel, you heard me in the dreaming!] Two political leaders serving the same interests are vying for the highest political office in the land! The appearance of democracy and the electoral process allow the people to believe they actually participate in government and determine the nation’s future – nothing could be further from the truth and it is the truth that must be suppressed at all costs.

The only lobby groups that have complained about the lack of solid policies are the seniors and retirees – our youth seem to have lost the plot! These same groups have also expressed their concerns for environmental issues! A new demographic seems to be forming on the Oz political landscape and more power to those who hold our politicians to account! “The kids are [not] alright!”

The incumbent laissez-faire, conservatives openly surrender decision making and economic management to Transnationals and big finance. The result has been huge (some say obscene) profits for the corporate sector but little (almost none) filtering down for essential social services, education, health, infrastructures and utilities.

Should we be surprised? Business pursues profit to the exclusion of everything that would interfere with its bottom line – business makes no secret of that fact. Our ancestors, in their wisdom, instituted REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT in order to ensure that the welfare of the people and the STATE is maintained; who else but OUR representatives would GOVERN self-interested concerns and responsibly oversee the fair distribution of wealth throughout the community?

Need I describe what occurs if representative government is forfeited? The Australian nation today is experiencing the widest disparity in wealth since convict days! We now live in the land of the ‘unfair go.’ A corporate CEO (Allan Moss) receives an annual salary of $35 million without bonuses and extras while average salaries hover around $60 thousand! The nation’s resource wealth, OUR WEALTH, is plundered by corporations at blistering pace; BHP Billiton turned a profit last financial year of $18 billion – figures for the entire mining sector stagger the imagination but the people remain blissfully unaware of the extent to which the nation is being exploited. I can’t understand why the corporate media would keep people uninformed of the most critical issues that affect their lives, can you?

The ‘fight’ between the two major parities reduces to, ‘don’t change the status quo or you’ll be sorry,’ from the conservatives to, ‘we offer fresh new leadership,’ from the opposition. Each party criticises the other for not adequately addressing important issues of global warming, water management, pollution control etc, but neither spells out their policies AND THE MANNER IN WHICH THEY WOULD ‘SAVE’ THE NATION! Crucial issues of wealth disparity, resource exploitation and failing governance (at every level) are ignored!

The tiny population of Australia should enjoy one of the highest living standards in the world but our wealth has been surrendered to Transnationals, and representative government has been forfeited to vested interests.

Oi, oi, O no!

Vote for anyone BUT the major parties. Send your message of disapproval by supporting minor parties and boycotting both major parties – teach the bastards and vested interests a lesson!

Have faith in yourself and your community; we can restore Australia!

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